CPL @1116 (54.0%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "accounts for around _" "rate was only _" "growth has averaged _" "gross domestic product rose _" "index is up _" "efficiency by about _" "credit equal to _" "rate is under _" "quarter earnings rose _" "rate declined _" "figure is up _" "share increased _" "Statistical significance was defined as _" "sales decreased by _" "Purchase Index decreased _" "revenue was down _" "sales were down _" "retail sales were up _" "goods declined _" "growth averaged _" "annual gain of _" "shares closed down _" "sales were up _" "sales declined _" "rate dropped from _" "Index decreased _" "Index increased _" "rates by about _" "output grew by _" "rate is only about _" "revenues dropped _" "unemployment rate below _" "starts fell _" "_ working interest" "payment charge of _" "index increased _" "levels of about _" "_ had h .s" "margin was down _" "rate is about _" "rate of under _" "rate stayed at _" "origination fee of _" "output by about _" "previous forecast of _" "prices were up by _" "average reduction of _" "growth of around _" "it accounts for about _" "domestic product growth of _" "finance charge of _" "sales increased by _" "sales grew _" "transaction fee of _" "sales dropped by _" "account for over _" "annual rate of _" "inflation rate was _" "sales were up by _" "GDP growth by _" "minimum grade of _" "growth forecast of _" "rate stands at _" "quarter increased _" "rate of around _" "prices rose by _" "Index declined _" "CPI was _" "They constitute about _" "accounts for about _" "inflation target of _" "growth of over _" "growth rate has averaged _" "gains of over _" "figure was down _" "return of about _" "point is equal to _" "ratio of around _" "price is down _" "rates of about _" "Sales tax of _" "world , with over _" "tax increase of _" "comprise about _" "GDP fell _" "It accounts for about _" "output fell by _" "sales grew by _" "dollar fell _" "index declined _" "contribution equal to _" "percentage , say _" "orders dropped _" "rate increase of _" "conversion fee of _" "prices were down by _" "store sales grew _" "dollar was down _" "all-time low of _" "growth slowed to _" "negative growth of _" "shares dropped _" "growth rate was _" "consumption grew by _" "deficit of about _" "GDP growth of _" "rate is approximately _" "annual rate of about _" "national rate of _" "reduction of about _" "sales decline of _" "average annual rate of _" "arrivals increased _" "profit rose _" "rate is around _" "probability of about _" "retail sales rose _" "rate reduction of _" "production increased by _" "Comparable store sales increased _" "production was up _" "late fee of _" "shares were down _" "sector grew _" "late penalty of _" "decrease of about _" "interest charge of _" "late charge of _" "growth rate is about _" "interest rate is currently _" "prices were up _" "retail sales fell _" "gross domestic product growth of _" "index climbed by _" "rates of around _" "tax rate is _" "interest rates unchanged at _" "growth rates of over _" "consumption by about _" "_ annualized over" "shares fell _" "industry average of _" "error of about _" "service charge of _" "sales increased _" "sales decreased _" "store sales fell _" "Seng rose _" "home sales fell _" "increase of around _" "revenues grew _" "prices by about _" "growth rate of about _" "exports increased by _" "enrollment increased _" "_ win rate" "revenues increased _" "rate jumped _" "rate is fixed at _" "ratio is only _" "sales declined by _" "Sales increased by _" "sales rose by _" "rate rose by _" "volumes were up _" "fee equal to _" "range from about _" "rate was up _" "fuel consumption by about _" "growth rate of around _" "volume increased _" "production rose _" "increase of about _" "default interest of _" "pay raises of _" "tax equal to _" "commission equal to _" "revenues declined _" "year fell by _" "fee is approximately _" "growth rate by _" "return of around _" "year increased by _" "stock rose _" "prices , rose _" "net sales increased _" "wage increase of _" "factory orders fell _" "transfer tax of _" "administration fee of _" "rates are as low as _" "interest rate of about _" "house edge to _" "prices decreased by _" "rate about _" "income was up _" "market grew by _" "volume was up _" "earnings rose _" "increase was only _" "amounts to about _" "additional discount of _" "store sales were down _" "tax rate was _" "rate is set at _" "revenues were down _" "real GDP growth of _" "revenues were up _" "annual expense ratio of _" "accounts for over _" "prices have increased by _" "industry grew by _" "fee of around _" "spending fell _" "late payment charge of _" "efficiency of around _" "GDP fell by _" "Nikkei average rose _" "shipments were down _" "unemployment down to _" "GDP increased by _" "index rose _" "rate is currently _" "referral fee of _" "late payment fee of _" "same-store sales decreased _" "sales fell by _" "ratio below _" "Sales were up _" "crime fell _" "expenses decreased _" "Hang Seng rose _" "wage increases of _" "shipments fell _" "prices rose _" "economy grew by _" "economy shrank by _" "shares rose _" "profit fell _" "payment fee of _" "significance was defined as _" "profit increased by _" "revenue increased _" "revenue decreased _" "index dropped by _" "monthly finance charge of _" "rate decreased by _" "retail sales increased _" "product growth of _" "sales fell _" "revenue fell _" "domestic product rose _" "index shed _" "retail sales grew _" "budget surplus of _" "amount to about _" "point equals _" "rate dropped by _" "same store sales increased _" "same store sales decreased _" "rate has averaged _" "revenue increased by _" "quarter increased by _" "increases of about _" "quarter , up _" "expense ratio of _" "stock has fallen _" "income increased by _" "_ annualized rate" "rate by about _" "date was down _" "Food prices rose _" "rate of below _" "spending increased by _" "share of about _" "tax credit equal to _" "additional tax of _" "sales rose _" "store sales increased _" "store sales decreased _" "rate has risen by _" "population increased by _" "management fee of _" "efficiency up to _" "excise tax of _" "growth of about _" "record low of _" "revenue was up _" ] using one_percent
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of the global handset arg1" "arg2 of the residential broadband arg1" "arg2 of the global browser arg1" "arg2 of the total browser arg1" "arg2 of the overall book arg1" "arg2 of the domestic beer arg1" "arg2 share of the local arg1" "arg2 share of the worldwide arg1" ] using (market, one_percent)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of the current replacement arg1" "arg2 of the total fair market arg1" "arg2 of the total project arg1" "arg2 of the true cash arg1" "arg2 of the equalized assessed arg1" ] using (value, one_percent)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of what it would have arg1" "arg2 of the total lifetime arg1" "arg2 of the estimated construction arg1" "arg2 of the total construction arg1" "arg2 of the total project arg1" "arg2 of the estimated project arg1" ] using (cost, one_percent)