CMC @1104 (90.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=aid 1.71848 PREFIX=ai 1.60245 SUFFIX=id 1.49843 LASTSUFFIX=ps 0.51541 FULL_POS=NN_NNS 0.50879 SUFFIX=ps 0.47318 LASTSUFFIX=ips 0.44820 WORDS -1.33808 CHARS -3.12504 ] using aid__scholarships
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "sources of financial _" "form of financial _" "students receiving financial _" "total financial _" "information on financial _" "Applications for financial _" "student financial _" "type of financial _" "you get financial _" "types of financial _" "you are receiving financial _" "specific information on financial _" "amount of financial _" "other sources of financial _" "award financial _" "questions regarding financial _" "limited amount of financial _" "avenues of financial _" "merit based _" "other types of financial _" "dollars of financial _" "other avenues of financial _" "other forms of financial _" "major sources of financial _" "different types of financial _" "forms of financial _" "additional student financial _" ] using aid__scholarships