aid_programs (mlconference)
literal strings: Aid Programs, aid programs
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- mlconference(95.5%)
- CMC @1112 (87.5%) on 19-jul-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=aid 3.65878 PREFIX=ai 3.25117 SUFFIX=id 3.04345 FULL_POS=NN_NNS 1.45923 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.07997 POS=NNS 0.51734 PREFIX=pr 0.26650 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.45384 CHARS -3.17981 WORDS -4.89081 ] using aid_programs
- CPL @1094 (95.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "administration of legal _" "acceptance rate , financial _" "retention , financial _" "need based _" "application for financial _" "information pertaining to financial _" "student financial _" "status for financial _" "recent changes in financial _" "student loan financial _" "savings , financial _" "type of financial _" "decisions about financial _" "accreditation , financial _" "students are not eligible for federal financial _" "thanks to financial _" "options , financial _" "you find financial _" "Types of financial _" "eligibility for financial _" "funding for financial _" "Additional information regarding financial _" "types of federal financial _" "deadlines , financial _" "students financial _" "information about federal financial _" "delivery of financial _" "fees , financial _" "further information about financial _" "tuition , financial _" "Many types of financial _" "Information regarding financial _" "schools offer financial _" "majors , financial _" "funding for humanitarian _" "funds to legal _" "complete information on financial _" "funding of legal _" "programs offer financial _" "schools with financial _" "_ including the Federal Pell Grant" "_ including Stafford Loans" "types of need-based _" "increases in financial _" "states offer financial _" "students with financial _" "referral services , legal _" "programs have financial _" "Students on financial _" "scholarships , military _" "sources of financial _" "pertaining to financial _" "information regarding financial _" "information on financial _" "parents with financial _" "need based financial _" "many different types of financial _" "various student financial _" "eligibility for federal financial _" "information concerning financial _" "Recipients of federal _" "Students applying for financial _" "loss of financial _" "Federal student financial _" "IV student financial _" "common types of financial _" "universities , financial _" "students qualify for federal _" "eligibility for need-based _" "help with financial _" "information about financial _" "different forms of financial _" "regulations governing financial _" "many forms of financial _" "international student financial _" "cost , financial _" "applications for financial _" "state funded financial _" "form of financial _" "institution for financial _" "graduate financial _" "many students receive financial _" "amounts of financial _" "state financial _" "questions about financial _" "admissions , financial _" "emergency first _" "process , financial _" "schools , financial _" "college costs , financial _" "education , including financial _" "pet first _" "details about financial _" "academic programs , financial _" "additional information about financial _" "effectiveness of mutual _" "Grants are financial _" "degree programs , financial _" "eligibility for federal _" "entrance exams , financial _" "several types of financial _" "general information about financial _" "catalog , financial _" "student loans , financial _" "information regarding first _" "policies , financial _" "programs are eligible for financial _" "dollars of foreign _" "grants financial _" "federal student financial _" "commitment to financial _" "course offerings , financial _" "scholarships , federal _" "application deadlines , financial _" "need-based student financial _" "other college financial _" "loans from financial _" "details on financial _" "courses , financial _" "billions in federal _" "objectives of foreign _" "Various types of financial _" "eligibility for other financial _" "education financial _" "requirements for federal financial _" "status of financial _" "recipients of federal _" "_ including Federal Pell Grant" "admission procedures , financial _" "form of federal financial _" "eligible for financial _" "eligibility for institutional _" "level for financial _" "billions in foreign _" "universities have financial _" "careers , financial _" "student accounts , financial _" "state need-based _" "more information on financial _" "other forms of financial _" "life , financial _" "merit based financial _" "admissions policies , financial _" "commitment to legal _" "Many schools offer financial _" "College offers financial _" "changes in financial _" "cost for financial _" "Additional information about financial _" "comprehensive information on financial _" "recipients of international _" "questions concerning financial _" "scholarships , financial _" "policy regarding financial _" "registration , financial _" "many types of financial _" "other form of financial _" "certain types of financial _" "ineligibility for financial _" "colleges offer financial _" "awareness of financial _" "State student financial _" "need for financial _" "involvement in humanitarian _" "Student financial _" "same types of financial _" "testing , financial _" "Questions regarding financial _" "application process , financial _" "more details about financial _" "justice through legal _" "specific information about financial _" "College provides financial _" "info on financial _" "forms of financial _" "enrollment status for financial _" "fairs , financial _" "awards financial _" "coordination of financial _" "request for financial _" "offer financial _" "more information regarding financial _" "tuition fees , financial _" "different types of financial _" "detailed information about financial _" "eligibility , financial _" "educational programs , financial _" "dollars for financial _" "benefits , financial _" "primary purpose of financial _" "Information about financial _" "grants , financial _" "University offers financial _" "changes to legal _" "attendance for financial _" "scholarships financial _" "higher education financial _" "federal funding for legal _" "information on various financial _" "Applicants for financial _" "guide to financial _" "admissions process , financial _" "application for federal _" "assistance to humanitarian _" "aid , federal _" "admissions requirements , financial _" "questions related to financial _" "descriptions of financial _" "costs , financial _" "rules regarding financial _" "students receive financial _" "status for federal _" "offer first _" "maze of financial _" "access to federal financial _" "students are not eligible for financial _" "schools have financial _" "students in financial _" "Information on financial _" "access to humanitarian _" "loans through financial _" "scholarship opportunities , financial _" "effectiveness of foreign _" "_ including Pell grants" "offers financial _" "useful information about financial _" "mental health first _" "college planning , financial _" "cuts to financial _" "eligibility for need-based financial _" "consideration for financial _" "human rights , foreign _" "financial support for legal _" "government financial _" "Other types of financial _" "students about financial _" "comprehensive guide to financial _" "brochures , financial _" "opportunities , financial _" "college , financial _" "tuition rates , financial _" "support of financial _" "overview of financial _" "other types of financial _" "organizations providing financial _" "credits , financial _" "_ including Pell" "information on federal financial _" "We offer financial _" "non-need based financial _" "services provided by legal _" "funding of financial _" "general overview of financial _" "parents regarding financial _" "educational policies , financial _" "more information about financial _" "topics including financial _" "school , financial _" "payment plans , financial _" "addition to financial _" "training , financial _" "disbursement of financial _" "implementation of humanitarian _" "recipients of financial _" "education , financial _" "changes to financial _" "parents about financial _" "students , financial _" "Title IV student financial _" "questions regarding financial _" "government student financial _" "application process for financial _" "we offer financial _" "defenders , legal _" "exams , financial _" "government sponsored financial _" "addition to federal financial _" "coordinator of humanitarian _" "search for financial _" "requirements , financial _" "students applying for need-based _" "process for financial _" "admission policies , financial _" "addition to other financial _" "programs , financial _" "colleges , financial _" "charge of humanitarian _" "requirements for financial _" "extension of financial _" "assistance with financial _" "emergency financial _" "merit financial _" "scholarship , financial _" "funding to legal _" "priority consideration for financial _" "offerings , financial _" "types of financial _" "overhaul of financial _" "detailed information on financial _" "cutbacks in legal _" "funds for financial _" "you qualify for financial _" "eligible for federal _" "federal government financial _" "_ including fee waivers" "guidelines for first _" "information on humanitarian _" "priority for international _" "infertility financial _" "graduation rates , financial _" "factor in financial _" "resources for legal _" "state categorical _" "cuts to legal _" "application forms for financial _" "available student financial _" "dollars in financial _" "procedures , financial _" "additional information regarding financial _" "purpose of financial _" "money for financial _" "public defenders , legal _" "scholarship financial _" "oxygen first _" "policies governing financial _" "forms for financial _" "other state financial _" "funding for legal _" "institutional student financial _" "information about available financial _" "awards , financial _" "availability of financial _" "students qualify for financial _" "you are not eligible for financial _" "further information regarding financial _" "foreign tied _" "administration of financial _" "Office provides financial _" "campus life , financial _" "_ using the FAFSA" "loans , financial _" "other sources of financial _" ] using aid_programs