CPL @1114 (55.7%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "they do not have first _" "luxury , first _" "group with first _" "features for first _" "great number of first _" "tickets , first _" "people with first _" "cost of first _" "luxury of first _" "high proportion of first _" "scheme for first _" "prices , first _" "proportion of first _" "upgrades to first _" ] using class_seats
CMC @1115 (86.9%) on 26-aug-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=class 1.17682 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.98440 PREFIX=clas 0.94257 PREFIX=cla 0.93588 SUFFIX=lass 0.92501 SUFFIX=ass 0.89827 SUFFIX=ss 0.71492 SUFFIX=ts -0.12791 CHARS -1.98118 WORDS -2.31008 ] using class_seats