CPL @1094 (88.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "provider of first _" "They provide first _" "commitment to first _" "it provides first _" "staff has first _" "provision of first _" "clients receive first _" "environment with first _" "It offers first _" "professionals with first _" "services with first _" "introduction to first _" "students with first _" "We provide first _" "benefit from first _" "I offer first _" "courses with first _" "I have had first _" "clients with first _" "offering first _" "we provide first _" "customers with first _" "we offer first _" "skills , first _" "offer first _" "you receive first _" "atmosphere , first _" ] using class_training
CMC @1096 (99.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.62722 PREFIX=clas 1.82881 FIRST_WORD=class 1.79751 PREFIX=cla 1.68776 SUFFIX=ass 1.65252 SUFFIX=lass 1.63831 SUFFIX=ss 1.58623 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaaaa -0.39302 WORDS -4.27074 CHARS -5.95483 ] using class_training