CPL @1094 (91.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "Cash flows from _" "_ is the real estate" "_ stars Tom Cruise" "priority security interest in _" "_ reduces the risk factor" "first priority security interest in _" "such films like _" "bonds as _" "movies like _" "_ pledged under" "security interest on _" "securities pledged as _" "movies such as _" "Internet Movie Database WorldCat Related works _" "movies divx subtitle _" "property as _" "real property as _" "other security interest in _" "_ is pledged for" "recent films like _" "favourite movie is _" "credit require _" "_ are those personal" "_ securing the loan" "assets used as _" "_ also became less" "_ is not usually synonymous" "asset known as _" "Debtor owns _" "Note is secured by _" "Database WorldCat Related works _" "Pledging of _" "more movies divx subtitle _" "_ is usually offered in" "debt backed by _" "_ is a prevalent feature" "_ pledged for" "role in DDDD’s _" "_ is assets" "Receivables as _" "Needs Without _" "_ based loans" "_ is any asset" "movie akin to _" "_ starring Jamie Foxx" "movie website for _" "property offered as _" "home as _" "Personal Loans Using _" "financing statement covering _" "security interest in such _" "box-office hit _" "Room meets _" "_ held varies" "better film than _" "Statement covering _" "_ ensures the lender" "_ posting obligations" "deposit additional _" "securities as _" "assets were used as _" "_ was an excellent movie" "_ enables the lenders" "other proceeds of _" "asset is used as _" "_ includes accounts receivable" "security interest in _" "_ provides lenders" "first security interest in _" "supporting actor in _" "_ is usually cash" "_ includes motor vehicles" "_ is usually a second mortgage" "deficiency remaining after _" "_ already pledged for" "Movie Database WorldCat Related works _" "financial instrument as _" "_ is usually a house" "Loans without _" "Credit require _" "sleeper hit _" "_ assures lenders" "_ assures the lender" "_ includes any assets" "Treasury bonds as _" "other security interests in _" "Property as _" "_ makes the lender" "Noble Internet Movie Database WorldCat Related works _" "securities constituting _" "Loan without _" "Securities as _" "popular films such as _" "such property as _" "_ required payday" "_ is not being asked in" "_ secures a debt" "statement covering _" "car as _" "_ was a decent movie" "WorldCat Related works _" "_ is a first lien" "intended disposition of _" "pledges as _" "Agreement are secured by _" "_ pledged by" "shooting script for _" "security interest in certain _" "Related works _" "Loans require _" "pledge additional _" "property is pledged as _" "such pledged _" "official movie website for _" "little film called _" ] using collateral
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:actor:michael_mann concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:collateral Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using collateral
SEAL @12 (96.4%) on 14-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using collateral
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:actor:michael_mann concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:collateral Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using (michael_mann, collateral)
SEAL @180 (96.9%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using (michael_mann, collateral)
CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 director arg1" "arg2 is one of director arg1" ] using (michael_mann, collateral)
OE @830 (92.1%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (michael_mann, collateral)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey