SEAL @779 (59.0%) on 15-oct-2013 [ 1 ] using nightmare_before_christmas
CPL @1104 (72.7%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "other movies , such as _" "movie I watched was _" "flicks such as _" "film soundtracks including _" "Burton directed _" "previous DVD release of _" "animated movies like _" "_ was the first animated film" "favorite movie was _" "recent films such as _" "D-D re-release of _" "favorite movies are _" "favorite movie is _" "them try here _" "favorite film is _" "favourite scene from _" "more recent films such as _" "such movies as _" "feature films such as _" "DVD editions of _" "_ is a cult phenomenon" "better movie than _" "_ was only a movie" "movies , such as _" "midnight showing of _" "favourite film is _" "favorite movies is _" "Movies , such as _" "DVD movies like _" "favourite movie is _" "movies such as _" "little film called _" "movies like _" "Tim Burton directed _" "original props from _" "famous films such as _" "opening scene from _" "_ was the first film" ] using nightmare_before_christmas