CPL @1107 (74.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "statues are now in _" "famous museums such as _" "favorite painting at _" "glass pyramid at _" "own exhibition at _" "it currently resides in _" "musiciens du _" "Old Master paintings in _" "_ is a state museum" "curatorial department at _" "Other works at _" "Egyptian antiquities from _" "Egyptian Antiquities at _" "paintings were exhibited at _" "amazing art at _" "international museums such as _" "chief curator at _" "design exhibit at _" "collection housed at _" "art galleries , such as _" "major exhibition at _" "top attractions such as _" "today kept in _" "curator at _" "cultural highlights including _" "former curator at _" "temporary exhibitions at _" "world-class art at _" "_ became a national museum" "textile collection at _" "today housed in _" "permanent exhibit at _" "national collections , including _" "art museums such as _" "It currently resides in _" "Lisa was stolen from _" "paintings displayed at _" "Flemish paintings in _" "Mona Lisa was stolen from _" "collections du _" "little culture at _" "museums , including _" "many treasures , such as _" "Nouvel designed _" "_ has been murdered inside" "_ 's entire perimeter" "important museums are _" "great museums , including _" "special exhibition at _" "European museums , including _" "retrospective at _" "painting currently hangs in _" "popular museums are _" "cultural treasures like _" "famous museums like _" "major exhibitions at _" "many museums , such as _" "museums such _" "permanent collections of _" "many museums including _" "other museums , including _" "museum collections , such as _" "work exhibited at _" "walk away including _" "such museums as _" "Antiquities in _" "Japanese art at _" "Other must-see attractions include _" "favorite thing in _" "galleries such as _" "popular attractions , such as _" "restoration department of _" "original is now in _" "paintings stolen from _" "such famous sites as _" "thing I did was visit _" "_ was originally a fortress" "exhibition opened at _" "tourist destinations , such as _" "painting entered _" "retrospective exhibit at _" "glass pyramid of _" "famous museums , such as _" "Antiquities from _" "pyramid outside _" "popular tourist attractions such as _" "recent solo exhibition at _" "famous museums is _" "several exhibitions at _" "art collected in _" "many collections , including _" "Vinci exhibit at _" "major museums as _" "_ has been a museum" "exhibition opening at _" "original hanging in _" "art institutions such as _" "art collections such as _" "Roman art at _" "Greek vases in _" "Egyptian collections of _" "art museums in _" "important museums such as _" "conservator at _" "famous museums , including _" "collection is now housed at _" "satellite gallery of _" "permanent collection at _" "major tourist attractions , including _" "classical sculptures in _" "_ gather works" "one-man exhibition at _" "many museums like _" "work has been exhibited in _" "works featured at _" "work has been exhibited at _" "work acquired by _" "various museums including _" "work has been shown in _" "works hang in _" "work is well represented in _" "work is represented at _" "first exhibition at _" "international show at _" "fine museums including _" "Roman mosaics in _" "It is currently displayed in _" "main galleries of _" "illuminated manuscripts at _" "_ was also very near" "art museums like _" "painting now hangs in _" "exhibitions at _" "exhibit opened at _" "elderly curator of _" "chief treasures of _" "excellent museums such as _" "famous attractions , such as _" "works hung in _" "world-class museums , such as _" "famous locations such as _" "new galleries at _" "exhibitions have been held at _" "permanent exhibition at _" "work is housed in _" "musee du _" "Egyptian collection in _" "works are displayed at _" "international collections such as _" "several museums , including _" "antiquities at _" "cultural interest such as _" "Egyptian section of _" "Langdon is called to _" "portrait is now in _" "painting was stolen from _" "great museums , such as _" "favorite painting in _" "world class museums like _" "work was shown at _" "numerous museums such as _" "Roman galleries at _" "public collections , such as _" "palais du _" "one-man exhibit at _" "restorer at _" "assistant conservator at _" "retrospective exhibition at _" "original painting hangs in _" "art experts at _" "back courtyard of _" "painting hanging in _" "work has been shown at _" "world famous museums like _" "art experience at _" "art galleries including _" "Paintings at _" "Egyptian Antiquities in _" "Egyptian collection of _" "wonderful collection at _" "retrospective show at _" "Roman artifacts in _" "Egyptian art from _" "European painting in _" "cultural landmarks like _" "art collections in _" "museums worldwide , including _" "various museums such as _" "famous museums including _" "Roman art from _" "Paris attractions such as _" "permanent collections at _" "prestigious museums , including _" "valuable paintings from _" "museums like _" "wonderful sights such as _" "sites around _" "work purchased by _" "solo exhibit at _" "works have been featured at _" "important exhibition at _" "national museums , including _" "major tourist attractions like _" "retrospective held at _" "such wonderful places as _" "he later donated to _" "Today it hangs in _" "current exhibition at _" "period rooms at _" "It is now kept in _" "Mona Lisa is in _" "pieces were acquired by _" "art was exhibited at _" "such major museums as _" "original hangs in _" "hotels around _" "museums , such as _" "other museums such as _" "museums other than _" "Monet exhibit at _" "art lovers is _" "paintings housed in _" "national museums including _" "Egyptian collections in _" "art restorer at _" "manuscripts outside _" "other museums including _" "other museums like _" "galleries , such as _" "old masters at _" "Egyptian collection at _" "Jean Nouvel designed _" "mall attached to _" "Exhibition held at _" "Antiquities at _" "famous institutions such as _" "spring exhibition at _" "guest curator at _" "hotel is centrally located close to _" "eastern facade of _" "galleries worldwide , including _" "museums include _" "_ is the leading museum" "popular paintings in _" "recent concerts at _" "_ is a huge museum" "art collections at _" "great corner of _" "art museums , including _" "Optional excursions are available to _" "museum collections , including _" "other museums , such as _" "paintings outside _" "major museums including _" "museum shows at _" "museums worldwide including _" "many major museums including _" "interesting museums like _" "must-see list is _" "prestigious museums as _" "art held at _" "pieces are now in _" "special exhibitions at _" "famous sites as _" "painting hangs in _" "tourist sites such as _" "curators at _" "many museums , including _" "painting is now in _" "major museums such as _" "Antiquities of _" "Egyptologist at _" "great museums such as _" "Museums like _" "_ 's Egyptian collection" "exhibits featured at _" "great collections in _" "prestigious setting of _" "major exhibition from _" "art galleries such as _" "Egyptian wing of _" "upcoming exhibition at _" "exhibition moved to _" "_ 's unparalleled collection" "solo exhibition at _" "art housed within _" "famous museums are _" "such prestigious museums as _" "popular painting in _" "portrait are in _" "museums including _" "art museums , such as _" "art stolen from _" "Museums such as _" "copy is housed in _" "Egyptian antiquities at _" "museums , in particular _" "one-man show at _" "major collections such as _" "permanent exhibits at _" "European art at _" "temporary exhibition at _" "amazing exhibits at _" "exhibition mounted at _" "murder inside _" "major museums like _" "main tourist sites such as _" "major museums , such as _" "documents donated to _" "It is now preserved in _" "several museums such as _" "several museum collections , including _" "international exhibition at _" "famous museums as _" "class museums like _" "art treasures at _" "art galleries like _" "Roman antiquities in _" "Treasures from _" "masterworks at _" "new exhibit at _" "national museums such as _" "museums , like _" "art collection at _" "art galleries , including _" "famous paintings at _" "great courtyard of _" "cultural sights , including _" "Egyptian art in _" "_ is a large museum" "Captives at _" "painting was moved to _" "several paintings from _" "international museums , including _" "branch museum of _" "prominent museums such as _" "Asian Art at _" "art treasures in _" "docent at _" "Egyptian mummies in _" "forthcoming exhibition at _" "_ motorized cabinet" "adjunct curator at _" "Impressionism at _" "_ reveals a sinister plot" "international collections including _" "mus du _" "paintings exhibited at _" "solo recital debut at _" "Islamic art at _" "chief conservator at _" "international exhibitions at _" "excursions are available to _" "Roman antiquities at _" "world-class museums such as _" "world-class museums like _" "exhibition at _" "class museums such as _" "cultural institutions such as _" "examples are preserved in _" "art museums including _" "art institutions including _" "Major attractions such as _" "Master paintings in _" "prestigious museums including _" "Egyptian artifacts at _" "solo show at _" "national collections such as _" "original painting is in _" "Paris hotels near _" "art lovers there is _" "famous tourist attractions such as _" "cultural institutions , including _" "exhibition held at _" "cultural sites such as _" "international museums including _" "top sights such as _" "Paris , visited _" "American Friends of _" "Renaissance sculpture in _" "permanent installation at _" "travelling exhibition from _" "art museum called _" "_ also has a permanent collection" "recital debut at _" "popular museums like _" "pyramid entrance to _" "paintings held at _" "new exhibition at _" "Cultural attractions in" ] using louvre
SEAL @139 (81.9%) on 27-jul-2010 [ 123456 ] using louvre
CPL @1115 (93.8%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and the National Gallery in arg2" "arg1 and the British Museum in arg2" "arg1 and the Tower of arg2" "arg1 or the Tower of arg2" ] using (louvre, london)
SEAL @667 (64.5%) on 08-dec-2012 [ 1234567 ] using (louvre, paris)
Sempasre @995 (75.0%) on 17-may-2016 [ "The coffin remains in Egypt , with the dagger in Brussels and the pectoral and mirror residing the Louvre , Paris ." ] using (louvre, paris)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1115 (93.8%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and the National Gallery in arg2" "arg1 and the British Museum in arg2" "arg1 and the Tower of arg2" "arg1 or the Tower of arg2" ] using (louvre, london)
CPL @1115 (93.8%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and the National Gallery in arg2" "arg1 and the British Museum in arg2" "arg1 and the Tower of arg2" "arg1 or the Tower of arg2" ] using (louvre, london)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 landmarks as arg1" "arg2 tourist attractions such as arg1" "arg2 landmarks like arg1" ] using (louvre, parisian)
SEAL @667 (64.5%) on 08-dec-2012 [ 1234567 ] using (louvre, paris)
Sempasre @995 (75.0%) on 17-may-2016 [ "The coffin remains in Egypt , with the dagger in Brussels and the pectoral and mirror residing the Louvre , Paris ." ] using (louvre, paris)