SEAL @1 (75.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 12 ] using smithsonian
CPL @1103 (86.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "famous museums including _" "bird collections in _" "special exhibitions at _" "own work at _" "art galleries such as _" "_ 's Hirshhorn Museum" "famous attractions , such as _" "one-man exhibition at _" "many museums like _" "major exhibition at _" "retrospective exhibition at _" "_ 's Freer" "King Tut exhibit at _" "docent at _" "art institutions such as _" "herpetology at _" "taxonomist at _" "museums worldwide , including _" "photography department at _" "retrospective at _" "meteorite collection at _" "many museums , such as _" "museums , including _" "exhibition mounted by _" "_ 's natural history collection" "Dali exhibit at _" "history curator at _" "curators at _" "_ 's Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum" "numerous museum collections , including _" "national museums such as _" "new exhibit at _" "museums , like _" "ethnology at _" "exhibition opening at _" "online exhibitions from _" "original hangs in _" "collection housed at _" "Tut exhibit at _" "such prestigious collections as _" "such museums as _" "work exhibited at _" "_ 's Freer Gallery" "permanent collections including _" "painting hangs in _" "permanent collections , including _" "work has been shown at _" "latter is now in _" "exhibits held at _" "permanent collections such as _" "exibit at _" "cultural attractions , including _" "sculpture installed at _" "unpaid position at _" "curatorial staff of _" "Treasures from _" "_ 's George Gustav Heye Center" "_ 's Permanent Research Collection" "libraries around _" "art has been exhibited in _" "museums , such as _" "many cultural attractions , including _" "current exhibition at _" "collection have been exhibited at _" "_ 's bird collection" "_ 's Renwick Gallery" "art institutions , including _" "numerous public collections including _" "Selected collections include _" "temporary exhibitions at _" "private viewing at _" "today housed in _" "several museums including _" "few museums in _" "international museums , including _" "dioramas at _" "forensic anthropologist at _" "exhibition , organized by _" "exhibition at _" "class museums such as _" "major museums as _" "specimens held at _" "storage vaults of _" "special exhibition at _" "cultural institutions , from _" "museum professionals at _" "cultural institutions , including _" "permanent galleries at _" "numerous collections , including _" "work has been shown in _" "work hanging in _" "work has been displayed at _" "exhibitions at _" "exhibit opened at _" "work has been acquired by _" "major museum collections including _" "national collection at _" "Folklife at _" "_ 's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center" "work has been collected by _" "many museum collections including _" "virtual exhibition from _" "work is exhibited at _" "numerous museums such as _" "current exhibit at _" "wonderful exhibit at _" "photographic holdings of _" "private collections including _" "work has been exhibited in _" "works hang in _" "museum collections including _" "works are exhibited at _" "major collections such as _" "human origins at _" "such prestigious museums as _" "national museums , such as _" "paintings were acquired by _" "photographic collections at _" "ornithologist at _" "works have been featured at _" "major museums such as _" "several museum collections including _" "museums including _" "online exhibit from _" "venues including at _" "Museums such as _" "Museums , such as _" "collections throughout _" "permanent design collections of _" "permanent collections at _" "prestigious museums , including _" "work is exhibited in _" "major collections at _" "_ 's Woodrow Wilson International Center" "_ 's National Museum" "corporate collections including _" "_ 's National Design Award" "collections were transferred to _" "physical anthropology at _" "extraordinary exhibition at _" "gallery talks at _" "Chinese Art at _" "major retrospective at _" "many museums including _" "_ 's National Zoo" "museum shows including _" "permanent exhibition at _" "antiquities at _" "retrospective held at _" "such major institutions as _" "_ 's National Postal Museum" "work purchased by _" "works are housed in _" "one-man show at _" "young curator at _" "works have been exhibited at _" "such major museums as _" "work has hung in _" "world class museums such as _" "work has also been exhibited at _" "various museums including _" "photography curator at _" "Lincoln exhibit at _" "_ 's Udvar-Hazy Center" "items from around _" "several museums , including _" "work was recently exhibited at _" "other museums , such as _" "museum collections , including _" "works are displayed at _" "vertebrate paleontology at _" "work is housed in _" "many museums , like _" "work has exhibited in _" "_ 's Archives Center" "prominent collections including _" "upcoming exhibit at _" "Many museums , including _" "scientific illustrator at _" "mummies at _" "national museums including _" "travels around _" "work hang in _" "skull was sent to _" "zoologist at _" "many museums , including _" "work has been exhibited at _" "many prominent collections including _" "many prestigious institutions , including _" "quilt exhibit at _" "prominent institutions as _" "Star Wars exhibit at _" "photographs have been exhibited at _" "_ mounted a retrospective" "curator emeritus at _" "many permanent collections including _" "taxidermist at _" "solo exhibit at _" "private collections , including _" "art museums including _" "design collections of _" "other museums , including _" "museum collections , such as _" "one-person show at _" "paleontologists at _" "galleries such as _" "War exhibit at _" "Cultural attractions include _" "_ 's National Collection" "_ 's Biological Diversity" "exhibition premiered at _" "collection is now housed at _" "conservator at _" "It currently resides in _" "prestigious collections , including _" "permanent collections of _" "famous museums like _" "cultural centers such as _" "collections worldwide including _" "Gay exhibit at _" "Wars exhibit at _" "senior historian at _" "film collection at _" "collections went to _" "_ 's permanent exhibition" "work has also been shown at _" "major collections , including _" "numerous galleries including _" "cultural institutions such as _" "orchestra-in-residence at _" "ornithology at _" "exhibition designer at _" "_ 's extraordinary collections" "prestigious collections as _" "permanent collection at _" "paleobiology at _" "Asian Art at _" "Enola Gay exhibit at _" "group show at _" "_ 's Ocean Hall" "head curator at _" "numerous collections including _" "prestigious museums including _" "major museums , including _" "numerous galleries , including _" "inaugural exhibition at _" "former curator at _" "public collections , including _" "print show at _" "national collections , including _" "permanent exhibit at _" "portrait goes to _" "Asian collections at _" "_ 's Migratory Bird Center" "famous institutions such as _" "It is currently housed at _" "mammal collection at _" "decorative arts at _" "anthropology department of _" "curator at _" "conservation lab at _" "recent exhibition at _" "public collections including _" "museum collections at _" "paintings were exhibited at _" "many collections including _" "famous museums , such as _" "world-class museums such as _" "art has been exhibited at _" "_ 's permanent archives" "numerous museums , including _" "new exhibition at _" "paleontology at _" "other museums including _" "retrospective opened at _" "dinosaur expert at _" "many museum collections , including _" "major museums , such as _" "major new exhibition at _" "institutional collections including _" "ichthyologist at _" "exhibition debuted at _" "Japanese Art at _" "travelling exhibit from _" "solo show at _" "first exhibition at _" "Museum , now known as _" "Asian art at _" "specimens housed at _" "American museums , including _" "future exhibitions at _" "collections around _" "various museums , including _" "curatorial staff at _" "catalog published by _" "_ 's National Portrait Gallery" "online exhibition from _" "today hangs in _" "juried show at _" "exhibition opens at _" "art museums , including _" "art galleries , including _" "art collections at _" "exhibition opened at _" "senior conservator at _" "paleontologist from _" "museums such as _" "specimens were donated to _" "images have been exhibited in _" "such prominent institutions as _" "colleagues from around _" "paleontologists from _" "paleontologist at _" "assistant curator at _" "solo exhibition at _" "such galleries as _" "major exhibit at _" "_ 's design collection" "Meteorites at _" "World exhibition at _" "exhibition presented by _" "conservation department of _" "dinosaur exhibit at _" "new display at _" "major museums like _" "major exhibitions at _" "major retrospective exhibition at _" "museum exhibit at _" "design exhibit at _" "upcoming exhibition at _" "tourist sites such as _" "popular museums like _" "American archaeology at _" "important collections as _" "interactive exhibit from _" "major museums including _" "collections , including at _" "many collections , including _" "He has exhibited at _" "_ 's National Design Triennial" "famous paintings at _" "Eastern art at _" "important collections , including _" "instrument collection at _" "prestigious museums as _" "recent exhibit at _" "physical anthropologist at _" "Life exhibition at _" "ichthyology at _" "public programs at _" "_ is a large museum" "online exhibit at _" "museums worldwide including _" "photography show at _" "_ 's new National Museum" "many galleries , including _" "popular exhibit at _" "group exhibition at _" "numerous exhibitions at _" "great museums such as _" "scientific illustration at _" "photography collection at _" "offices throughout _" "many major collections , including _" "museums like _" "permanent installation at _" "diorama at _" "_ 's only museum" "exhibit last year at _" "_ 's great museums" "_ 's first cu" ] using smithsonian
MBL @673 (87.5%) on 23-dec-2012 [ Promotion of museum:smithsonian museumincity city:new_york_city ]
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 National Postal Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of African Art in arg2" "arg1 Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery of Art in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Postal Museum in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Center in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington_d_c_)
OE @899 (100.0%) on 04-feb-2015 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Natural History in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History of arg2" ] using (national, smithsonian)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Portrait Gallery of arg2" "arg1 Museum of Natural History in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History at arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History of arg2" "arg1 Museum of Natural History of arg2" ] using (national, smithsonian)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Museum of African Art in arg1" "arg2 Museum of American History in arg1" "arg2 Gallery of Art in arg1" "arg2 Air and Space Museum in arg1" "arg2 Portrait Gallery in arg1" ] using (washington, smithsonian)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Postal Museum in arg1" "arg2 Museum of American History in arg1" "arg2 Air and Space Museum in arg1" ] using (washington_d_c_, smithsonian)
CPL @1115 (87.5%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg2 Museum of History in arg1" "arg2 History Center in arg1" "arg2 Folklife Festival in arg1" ] using (washington, smithsonian)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House or arg2" "arg1 House and at arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" ] using (white, smithsonian)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House or arg2" "arg1 House and at arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" ] using (white, smithsonian)
OE @820 (97.7%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 International Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Archives in arg2" "arg1 Institute Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution was established in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Renwick Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space museum in arg2" "arg1 Conservation Biology Institute in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Institution Building in arg2" "arg1 Institution here in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" "arg1 American Art Museum in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1107 (99.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space museum in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 American Art Museum in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Institution Building in arg2" "arg1 International Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Conservation Biology Institute in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington_d_c_)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Natural History in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History of arg2" ] using (national, smithsonian)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Natural History in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History of arg2" ] using (national, smithsonian)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Portrait Gallery of arg2" "arg1 Museum of Natural History in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History at arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History of arg2" "arg1 Museum of Natural History of arg2" ] using (national, smithsonian)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Gallery in Washington arg1" "arg2 Air and Space Museum in arg1" "arg2 Museum of American History in arg1" ] using (dc, smithsonian)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, usa)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Postal Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, march)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 National Postal Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of African Art in arg2" "arg1 Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery of Art in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
OE @899 (100.0%) on 04-feb-2015 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 National Postal Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of African Art in arg2" "arg1 Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery of Art in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
OE @899 (100.0%) on 04-feb-2015 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 National Postal Museum in arg2" "arg1 Museum of African Art in arg2" "arg1 Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Gallery of Art in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space Museum in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
OE @899 (100.0%) on 04-feb-2015 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, usa)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 Institution Archives in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, march)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
OE @820 (97.7%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 International Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Archives in arg2" "arg1 Institute Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution was established in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Renwick Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space museum in arg2" "arg1 Conservation Biology Institute in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Institution Building in arg2" "arg1 Institution here in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" "arg1 American Art Museum in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Museum of Washington arg2" "arg1 Institution in Washington arg2" "arg1 Institute in Washington arg2" "arg1 Museum in Washington arg2" ] using (smithsonian, d_c)
OE @820 (97.7%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 International Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Archives in arg2" "arg1 Institute Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution was established in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Renwick Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space museum in arg2" "arg1 Conservation Biology Institute in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Institution Building in arg2" "arg1 Institution here in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" "arg1 American Art Museum in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
OE @820 (97.7%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 International Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Archives in arg2" "arg1 Institute Museum in arg2" "arg1 Institution was established in arg2" "arg1 Folkways Recordings in arg2" "arg1 Renwick Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Air and Space museum in arg2" "arg1 Conservation Biology Institute in arg2" "arg1 Festival of American Folklife in arg2" "arg1 Institution in arg2" "arg1 National Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 National Zoological Park in arg2" "arg1 Institution Building in arg2" "arg1 Institution here in arg2" "arg1 Portrait Gallery in arg2" "arg1 Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in arg2" "arg1 American Art Museum in arg2" ] using (smithsonian, washington)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House or arg2" "arg1 House and at arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" ] using (white, smithsonian)