CPL @1115 (96.9%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "market for over _" "_ ' notice" "page after _" "email within _" "_ work experience" "I spent about _" "I spent almost _" "it sit for about _" "_ went by before" "It only takes about _" "_ experience in" "development for over _" "it got to _" "place for about _" "_ passed before" "period of over _" "time is approximately _" "_ ' probation" "product out _" "he remained for _" "It 's been nearly _" "RVs for _" "coat after _" "first Test in _" "children under _" "maximum sentence of _" "It has been almost _" "we have not reached _" "_ lead time" "I have been married for _" "first time in about _" "company for over _" "_ experience working in" "oven for about _" "call within _" "It took nearly _" "It took about _" "It has been nearly _" "He then spent _" "period of up to _" "clients for over _" "term not exceeding _" "It takes about _" "It has now been _" "span of about _" "I get back _" "_ ' imprisonment" "It 's been over _" "We met for _" "progress has been made in _" "children as young as _" "course of about _" "children aged _" "I spent over _" "time in over _" "_ prior written notice" "It only took about _" "process took about _" "it took about _" "Children under _" "We spent about _" "_ have gone by since" "they have now been married for _" "it took almost _" "_ ' worth" "_ ' jail" "period not exceeding _" "we met for _" "it sit for _" "_ had elapsed since" "community for over _" "_ have elapsed since" "I stayed _" "infants under _" "I came _" "_ ' duration" "he served for _" "field for over _" "coma for _" "puppies for _" "existence for over _" "It has been over _" "_ teaching experience" "business for over _" "It took almost _" "room temperature for _" "music for over _" "_ gone by" "family for over _" "expenses up to _" "_ had passed since" "_ have passed since" "first time in over _" "It 's been about _" "x-ray of _" "war was about _" "_ ' rent" "time in about _" "daughter came _" "It has been about _" "it only takes about _" "products for over _" "experience of over _" "service for over _" "water for about _" "life up to _" "industry for over _" "head office in _" "week for about _" "area for over _" "maximum penalty of _" "It 's been almost _" "season up to _" "temperature for about _" "it 's been almost _" "children below _" "world for over _" ] using n18_months
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey