SEAL @677 (74.3%) on 31-dec-2012 [ 12345678910 ] using franz_ferdinand
CPL @1105 (75.7%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "well-known artists like _" "Perfect People feature on _" "modern acts like _" "rock acts like _" "_ 's second studio album" "guitar bands such as _" "modern bands such as _" "_ is an amazing band" "Music video by _" "que desees de _" "Past acts include _" "Related videos D:DD _" "next Convention with _" "Clash to _" "Chairs » _" "various artists like _" "favorite hit by _" "bands such as _" "videos D:DD _" "stars such as _" "such bands as _" "performance opening for _" "headline performances from _" "classic albums by _" "revivalists such as _" "support slot for _" "_ has always been a band" "Scout Buy tickets for _" "_ 's recent gig" "stars like _" "stint supporting _" "such contemporaries as _" "such unlikely sources as _" "rock acts such as _" "_ are good bands" "bands like _" "current acts like _" "diverse acts such as _" "celebrities such as _" "headliners like _" "musical acts like _" "Away Lyrics by _" "_ 's frontman" "_ 's new album" "mobile web fan site for _" "artist such as _" "support slots for _" "band has opened for _" "alternative acts such as _" "modern artists like _" "song title by _" "singers such as _" "favorite group is _" "favorite band is _" "such artistes as _" "_ were a pop band" "Featured artists include _" "_ 's album tracks" "new wave bands like _" "rock bands such as _" "Musical Chairs » _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "informacion que desees de _" "wave bands like _" "various artists including _" "unofficial mobile web fan site for _" "musicians like _" "rockers such as _" "rock groups like _" "Scout tickets for _" "British bands such as _" "dates opening for _" "Other songs available from _" "confirmed acts include _" "British bands like _" "artists such as _" "current bands like _" "international acts such as _" "artists like _" "former tour manager for _" "web fan site for _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "stars including _" "headline acts such as _" "Dreams Lyrics by _" "UK bands such as _" "modern bands like _" "drum tech for _" "words sung by _" "Buy tickets for _" "People feature on _" "grooves reminiscent of _" "popular artists like _" "lead guitarist of _" "other artists such as _" "opening slot for _" "major bands such as _" "prominent artists such as _" "British acts such as _" "current stars such as _" "They were opening for _" "they 've toured with _" "musicians such as _" ",aslo include _" "el album de _" "killer hit from _" "_ are an indie rock band" "bands , such as _" "favorite bands is _" "famous acts such as _" "famous musicians like _" "rock artists like _" "_ 's new single" "famous artists such as _" ] using franz_ferdinand
MBL @677 (93.8%) on 02-jan-2013 [ Promotion of musicartist:franz_ferdinand musicartistgenre musicgenre:pop ]
OE @823 (94.3%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (franz_ferdinand, rock)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 band like arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 artists like arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" "arg2 faves arg1" "arg2 with bands like arg1" ] using (franz_ferdinand, rock)
SEAL @172 (50.0%) on 05-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using (franz_ferdinand, rock)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 scene with bands like arg1" "arg2 rockers arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" ] using (franz_ferdinand, pop)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~_X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:agenthierarchicallybelowagent,concept:agentcontrols" ] using (franz_ferdinand, alex_kapranos)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~_X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:agenthierarchicallybelowagent,concept:agentcontrols" ] using (alex_kapranos, franz_ferdinand)
OE @823 (94.3%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (franz_ferdinand, rock)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 band like arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 artists like arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" "arg2 faves arg1" "arg2 with bands like arg1" ] using (franz_ferdinand, rock)
SEAL @172 (50.0%) on 05-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using (franz_ferdinand, rock)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 scene with bands like arg1" "arg2 rockers arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" ] using (franz_ferdinand, pop)