MBL @216 (93.8%) on 05-mar-2011 [ Promotion of musicartist:gogol_bordello musicartistgenre musicgenre:gypsy_punk ]
CPL @1108 (70.1%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "artists like _" "bands such as _" "stars like _" "_ 's new album" "_ 's frontman" "favourite bands are _" "They have toured with _" "opening slot for _" "year touring with _" "better band than _" "touring member of _" "amazing bands like _" "shows opening for _" "_ 's bassist" "bands , such as _" "headliners including _" "artists such as _" "bands like _" "acts have included _" "performers such as _" "dates opening for _" ] using gogol_bordello
SEAL @172 (75.0%) on 05-dec-2010 [ 12 ] using gogol_bordello
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rockers arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 rock band arg1" "arg2 band called arg1" ] using (gogol_bordello, gypsy_punk)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey