CPL @1098 (96.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is a subsidiary of arg1" "arg2 from parent company arg1" "arg2 or its parent company arg1" "arg2 parent company arg1" "arg2 and parent company arg1" ] using (wal_mart, club)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 ball and arg2" "arg1 green corvette arg2" "arg1 club and a golf arg2" "arg1 club and golf arg2" "arg1 ball or golf arg2" "arg1 ball with arg2" ] using (bowling, club)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 racquet arg2" "arg1 and Racquet arg2" "arg1 center and a tennis arg2" "arg1 center or sports arg2" "arg1 and raquet arg2" "arg1 center or health arg2" "arg1 equipment for health arg2" "arg1 centre and health arg2" "arg1 room and health arg2" "arg1 program at a health arg2" "arg1 center and health arg2" "arg1 and social facilities of arg2" "arg1 center with health arg2" "arg1 club and golf arg2" "arg1 professional at your local arg2" "arg1 centre or fitness arg2" ] using (fitness, club)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 swing training arg2" "arg1 gloves and golf arg2" "arg1 course and yacht arg2" "arg1 course and a country arg2" "arg1 carts and arg2" "arg1 club What arg2" "arg1 player swinging arg2" "arg1 ball and a golf arg2" "arg1 gift and golf arg2" "arg1 courses and a tennis arg2" "arg1 ball with your arg2" "arg1 course and beach arg2" "arg1 course and golf arg2" "arg1 accessories and golf arg2" "arg1 club and a golf arg2" "arg1 course or country arg2" "arg1 tees and golf arg2" "arg1 at Rio Secco Golf arg2" "arg1 balls and a golf arg2" "arg1 at the nearby country arg2" "arg1 ball golf arg2" "arg1 courses than you can shake arg2" "arg1 bag golf arg2" "arg1 ball and golf arg2" "arg1 course and the tennis arg2" "arg1 ball leaves arg2" "arg1 instruction and custom arg2" "arg1 swing speed and arg2" "arg1 equipment is a golf arg2" "arg1 carts golf arg2" "arg1 racquet arg2" "arg1 or yacht arg2" "arg1 course and bowling arg2" "arg1 ball and the golf arg2" "arg1 ball or golf arg2" "arg1 ball or arg2" "arg1 pro at your arg2" "arg1 club and golf arg2" "arg1 including cart and arg2" "arg1 balls or arg2" "arg1 clubs golf arg2" "arg1 equipment like golf arg2" "arg1 course and country arg2" "arg1 ball using arg2" "arg1 course with golf arg2" "arg1 courses and country arg2" "arg1 and raquet arg2" "arg1 swing so arg2" "arg1 courses and golf arg2" "arg1 courses and one private arg2" "arg1 ball and your arg2" "arg1 balls and golf arg2" "arg1 bag and golf arg2" "arg1 ball on arg2" "arg1 ball and arg2" "arg1 clubs in your golf arg2" "arg1 bags golf arg2" "arg1 course country arg2" "arg1 courses or golf arg2" "arg1 swing trainer arg2" "arg1 community and country arg2" "arg1 putters and golf arg2" "arg1 ball with a golf arg2" "arg1 components and golf arg2" "arg1 clubs and golf arg2" "arg1 club or country arg2" "arg1 bag with three arg2" "arg1 course with a golf arg2" "arg1 course and equestrian arg2" "arg1 club Golf arg2" "arg1 course and health arg2" "arg1 ball after arg2" "arg1 courty arg2" "arg1 ball than arg2" "arg1 augusta national golf arg2" "arg1 ball with his arg2" "arg1 at an exclusive country arg2" "arg1 swing using arg2" "arg1 swing practice arg2" "arg1 communities and country arg2" "arg1 shop and golf arg2" "arg1 dust training arg2" "arg1 clubs Golf arg2" "arg1 ball with arg2" "arg1 course and a tennis arg2" "arg1 courses and a health arg2" "arg1 gifts and golf arg2" "arg1 clubs or golf arg2" "arg1 clubs and a golf arg2" "arg1 equipment and golf arg2" "arg1 bag or golf arg2" ] using (golf, club)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 course and equestrian arg2" "arg1 course and yacht arg2" "arg1 course and a country arg2" "arg1 course and bowling arg2" "arg1 course and beach arg2" "arg1 course and country arg2" "arg1 course and a tennis arg2" "arg1 course and golf arg2" ] using (n18_hole_golf, club)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 courts and a health arg2" "arg1 center or health arg2" "arg1 court and health arg2" "arg1 pro at your arg2" ] using (racquetball, club)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 racket arg2" "arg1 and snowboard arg2" "arg1 and snow board arg2" "arg1 or snowboard arg2" "arg1 club and a golf arg2" ] using (ski, club)
CPL @1115 (99.6%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 or yacht arg2" "arg1 equipment such as golf arg2" "arg1 center and health arg2" "arg1 centre or fitness arg2" "arg1 equipment and golf arg2" "arg1 club and the golf arg2" "arg1 centre and health arg2" "arg1 equipment Golf arg2" ] using (sports, club)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 racquets and arg2" "arg1 pro at your arg2" "arg1 racquet arg2" "arg1 courts and a health arg2" "arg1 court and health arg2" "arg1 at the nearby country arg2" ] using (squash, club)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at the local tennis arg2" "arg1 courts and a health arg2" "arg1 or badminton arg2" "arg1 racket and golf arg2" "arg1 racquet arg2" "arg1 ball golf arg2" "arg1 courts and exercise arg2" "arg1 club or country arg2" "arg1 racket or arg2" "arg1 club and a golf arg2" "arg1 and rackets arg2" "arg1 ball with a golf arg2" "arg1 at an exclusive country arg2" "arg1 club and golf arg2" "arg1 racquets and golf arg2" "arg1 racket or golf arg2" "arg1 courts and health arg2" "arg1 or yacht arg2" "arg1 balls and a golf arg2" "arg1 club and the golf arg2" "arg1 and Squash arg2" "arg1 courts and a pool arg2" "arg1 club or golf arg2" "arg1 court and health arg2" ] using (tennis, club)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and fill out the membership arg1" "arg2 at the address listed on arg1" "arg2 a Registration arg1" ] using (form, club)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and fill out the membership arg1" "arg2 at the address listed on arg1" "arg2 a Registration arg1" ] using (form, club)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 courses and a health arg2" "arg1 course and beach arg2" "arg1 course and a tennis arg2" "arg1 courses and country arg2" "arg1 course and equestrian arg2" "arg1 course and health arg2" "arg1 course and country arg2" ] using (championship_golf, club)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Orleans Saints football arg2" "arg1 Zealand rugby arg2" "arg1 Year Eve at arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 England Revolution soccer arg2" "arg1 York Rangers hockey arg2" "arg1 York Jets football arg2" "arg1 England Patriots football arg2" "arg1 Jersey Devils hockey arg2" "arg1 Bedford is arg2" "arg1 Orleans Hornets basketball arg2" "arg1 York City dance arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 York Islanders hockey arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York Knicks basketball arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 Questions Description This is arg2" "arg1 York City Marathon is arg2" "arg1 York Giants football arg2" "arg1 England region of arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 York Mets baseball arg2" "arg1 York Yankees baseball arg2" ] using (new, club)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Orleans Saints football arg2" "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Zealand rugby arg2" "arg1 York City night arg2" "arg1 Hampshire at arg2" "arg1 Zealand and arg2" "arg1 Year Eve at arg2" "arg1 York Times announced arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 England Revolution soccer arg2" "arg1 York Rangers hockey arg2" "arg1 York dance arg2" "arg1 York toward arg2" "arg1 York college arg2" "arg1 Years Eve party at arg2" "arg1 York Jets football arg2" "arg1 England Patriots football arg2" "arg1 Jersey Devils hockey arg2" "arg1 York regional arg2" "arg1 Orleans Hornets basketball arg2" "arg1 York City dance arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 York Islanders hockey arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York Knicks basketball arg2" "arg1 Hampshire country arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 Questions Description This is arg2" "arg1 Jersey at arg2" "arg1 York City Marathon is arg2" "arg1 York Mets farm arg2" "arg1 York Giants football arg2" "arg1 Orleans at arg2" "arg1 England region of arg2" "arg1 York night arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 York Mets baseball arg2" "arg1 York Giants baseball arg2" "arg1 York Yankees baseball arg2" ] using (new, club)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (club, new)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (new, club)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (club, new)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (new, club)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (club, new)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (new, club)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (club, new)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (new, club)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (club, new)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (new, club)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (club, new)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Questions Description The purpose of arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 Years Eve at arg2" "arg1 York their arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 York is the first arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" ] using (new, club)