CPL @1109 (51.1%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "rock riffs with _" "mix of classic _" "blend of psychedelic _" "hybrid of classic _" "_ acts today" "_ influenced albums" "_ influences rather than" "jazzy side of _" "_ sounding band" "fans of modern _" "sound of British _" "rock , melodic _" "rock , symphonic _" "genres such as _" "rock tinged with _" "blend of heavy _" "_ meets metal" "subgenre of _" "power pop to _" "riff heavy _" "lovers of melodic _" "kind of symphonic _" "fans of melodic _" "straddles between _" "experimental edge of _" "brand of contemporary _" "genres including _" "_ acts such" "blues rock to _" "slice of melodic _" "rock , soft _" "influential albums in _" "folk , heavy _" "genres ranging from _" "fans of symphonic _" "rock , heavy _" "accessible brand of _" "fans of true _" "elements of contemporary _" "more hard rock than _" "techno meets _" "riff driven _" "mix of melodic _" "pop rock to _" "school form of _" "combination of melodic _" "hard rock than _" "much jazz as _" "styles ranging from _" "fans of heavy _" "Incorporating elements of _" "fan of symphonic _" "_ influences within" "mix of symphonic _" "roots in classic _" "legacy of classic _" "organ driven _" "funky blend of _" "rock , jazzy _" "brand of lo-fi _" "brand of psychedelic _" "pioneers of psychedelic _" "_ influenced songs" "_ meets pop" "world of Swedish _" "brand of heavy _" "classic of early _" "_ infused songs" "brand of symphonic _" "fans of dark _" "conventions of classic _" "genres like _" "genres , such as _" "diverse mix of classic _" "musical genres , from _" "_ influenced rock band" "piece of instrumental _" "other genres such as _" "quirky brand of _" "_ influenced rock" "mixture of melodic _" "sub-genres of _" "melodic brand of _" "influences from classic _" "genres , from _" "sort of ambient _" "musical styles from _" "elements of classic _" "punk goes _" "piece of symphonic _" "other sub-genres of _" "_ influenced than" "fans of traditional _" "piece of melodic _" "elements of symphonic _" "form of symphonic _" "style of symphonic _" "style is hard _" "_ influenced album" "_ influenced tracks" "_ influences into" "amalgamation of classic _" "classic rock to _" "you love heavy _" "form of instrumental _" "_ influenced melodies" "musical styles , from _" "listeners accustomed to _" "spirit of classic _" "hard rock to _" "music to classic _" "jazz to _" "techno than _" "Fans of melodic _" "brand of instrumental _" "thrash than _" "elements of heavy _" "you like melodic _" "touch of hard _" "rock to heavy _" "you are into heavy _" "_ influenced stuff" ] using prog
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (canadian_rock, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (progressive_metal, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" ] using (progressive_rock, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (prog_metal, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (prog_rock, prog)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rock legends arg1" "arg2 rock heroes arg1" "arg2 rock acts such as arg1" "arg2 rock acts like arg1" "arg2 acts such as arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 bands like Yes and arg1" "arg2 like Genesis and arg1" "arg2 rock band arg1" "arg2 bands besides arg1" "arg2 artists such as arg1" "arg2 bands like Pink Floyd and arg1" "arg2 pioneers arg1" "arg2 rock bands such as arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock bands like arg1" "arg2 bands including arg1" "arg2 rockers arg1" ] using (king_crimson, prog)
OE @803 (91.6%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (rush, prog)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 fusion band arg1" "arg2 rock bands such as arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" "arg2 godfathers arg1" "arg2 band like arg1" "arg2 rock trio arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock legends arg1" "arg2 rock bands like arg1" "arg2 rock like arg1" "arg2 rockers arg1" "arg2 bands like Yes and arg1" "arg2 rock band arg1" ] using (rush, prog)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rock acts like arg1" "arg2 rock heroes arg1" "arg2 rock group arg1" "arg2 bands like Yes and arg1" "arg2 rock veterans arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock band arg1" "arg2 rock band called arg1" "arg2 rock bands such as arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 rock bands like arg1" "arg2 artists like arg1" ] using (genesis, prog)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rock heroes arg1" "arg2 metal bands like arg1" "arg2 with bands such as arg1" "arg2 metal bands such as arg1" "arg2 rock like arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock bands like arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" "arg2 rockers arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 rock band arg1" ] using (dream_theater, prog)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rock a la arg1" "arg2 rock in the vein of arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" "arg2 by bands like arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock bands like arg1" "arg2 rock like arg1" "arg2 band like arg1" ] using (yes, prog)
OE @808 (85.1%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (yes, prog)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock bands like arg1" "arg2 bands arg1" "arg2 like Genesis and arg1" "arg2 rockers arg1" "arg2 bands as arg1" "arg2 bands like Yes and arg1" ] using (pink_floyd, prog)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 acts such as arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock band arg1" "arg2 bands is arg1" "arg2 rock sounds of arg1" "arg2 rockers arg1" ] using (porcupine_tree, prog)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rockers arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 rock ala arg1" "arg2 bands like arg1" "arg2 rock legends arg1" ] using (marillion, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (prog, progressive_rock)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (prog, rock)
CPL @1104 (50.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and Melodic arg2" ] using (prog, rock)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" ] using (prog, prog)
CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rock to heavy arg2" ] using (prog, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (prog, rock)
CPL @1104 (50.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and Melodic arg2" ] using (prog, rock)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" ] using (prog, prog)
CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rock to heavy arg2" ] using (prog, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" ] using (prog, prog)
CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rock to heavy arg2" ] using (prog, prog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" ] using (prog, prog)
CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rock to heavy arg2" ] using (prog, prog)