SEAL @172 (50.0%) on 05-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using liszt
CPL @1100 (87.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ 's Prelude" "_ 's oratorio" "_ 's compositional technique" "_ 's musical genius" "musical innovations of _" "certain works by _" "piano music of _" "_ composed a great deal" "opera written by _" "_ 's Prelude No." "_ gave the first performances" "choral works of _" "well-known composers , including _" "_ 's orchestral music" "_ 's musical setting" "lieder by _" "orchestras conducted by _" "_ 's incidental music" "_ 's piano concerti" "famous musicians including _" "pupils included _" "Romantics , including _" "tradition pioneered by _" "piano solo by _" "_ 's musical works" "showpieces by _" "admirers such as _" "_ never wrote an opera" "_ was the first musician" "_ composed many works" "_ composed this piece" "_ 's piano sonatas" "well-known composers such as _" "_ 's orchestral works" "piano repertoire of _" "_ 's complete works" "_ 's The Bells" "_ 's late music" "_ 's Oratorio" "_ 's second concerto" "_ 's piano sonata" "_ was not the only composer" "_ was a Romantic" "Romantic composers like _" "_ 's compositional style" "_ 's First Concerto" "minor sonata of _" "composer like _" "classical pieces such as _" "_ was giving a concert" "organ works of _" "virtuosi like _" "waltzes by _" "young composer named _" "composers as _" "contemporary composers , including _" "complete organ works of _" "great musicians like _" "_ 's Romanticism" "_ was not a composer" "_ 's Concerto" "virtuosos such as _" "virtuosi such as _" "_ 's symphony" "tenor solo in _" "_ dedicated the score" "_ composed an overture" "_ 's performance practice" "_ 's orchestrations" "romantic composers such as _" "_ 's Requiem" "musicians like _" "musiche di _" "last pupil of _" "_ 's Fantasia" "piano trios by _" "notable composers such as _" "great pianists such as _" "pianists such as _" "main teachers were _" "many composers such as _" "late works of _" "Competition , performing _" "piano concerti by _" "greats such as _" "_ composed music" "lieder from _" "_ 's symphonic poem" "_ 's symphonies" "famous men like _" "classical compositions by _" "classical composers such as _" "contemporary composers including _" "other composers , including _" "_ 's complete piano works" "_ 's later compositions" "_ 's Paganini Variations" "_ 's piano compositions" "_ 's Tarantula" "_ 's pianos" "CD Universe including _" "_ 's best-known pieces" "greater composer than _" "great composers like _" "_ 's complete music" "favorite composers are _" "piano piece by _" "favorite composer is _" "_ was a composer" "masters such as _" "_ 's piano score" "_ 's De Profundis" "_ 's concerto" "_ 's first concerto" "_ 's Missa Solemnis" "Sonata by _" "_ studied the piano" "masterworks by _" "_ 's Serenade" "_ was an outstanding pianist" "_ 's piano concerto" "_ 's piano-playing" "_ 's First Piano Concerto" "_ 's choral work" "virtuosos as _" "_ 's Christus" "_ 's orchestral" "composers such as _" "Brendel playing _" "_ 's concertos" "_ 's Piano concerto" "_ 's sacred music" "solo piano works by _" "symphonic works of _" "classical pieces by _" "composers ranging from _" "Composers such as _" "classical favorites by _" "orchestral works of _" "_ 's tone poems" "_ 's piano transcription" "choral piece by _" "_ 's piano concertos" "_ 's pianism" "_ 's Fantasie" "such outstanding musicians as _" "virtuosos like _" "Romantic composers such as _" "nice young man named _" "piano concertos of _" "_ 's complete piano music" "orchestral music by _" "composer other than _" "classical composers including _" "composer named _" "composers other than _" "composers , such as _" "pianists like _" "_ composed an opera" "_ dedicated the piece" "_ conducting a rehearsal" "great composer like _" "fantasia by _" "symphonic poem by _" "outstanding musicians as _" "numerous composers including _" "concerto by _" "_ 's daughter Cosima" "_ 's death mask" "_ 's Ave Maria" "_ 's beautiful compositions" "classical piece by _" "famous composers such as _" "piano pupil of _" "_ 's Piano Concertos" "_ 's Piano Concerto No.D" "_ 's organ works" "eminent musicians such as _" "_ was a prolific composer" "composers , like _" "concerti by _" "_ 's organ music" "concerto appearances include _" "_ was not only a composer" "great artists such as _" "complete piano music of _" "_ is a great composer" "_ 's Sonata" "_ 's Variations" "_ 's first piano concerto" "_ 's Piano Concerto" "_ 's immortal music" "_ 's symphonic music" "_ composed the piece" "other composers , such as _" "_ conducted the premiere" "_ 's compositional method" "_ 's piano pieces" "piano pieces by _" "romantics such as _" "Other composers such as _" "favourite composer is _" "symphonic works by _" "_ 's vocal music" "masters like _" "_ 's Liebestraum" "concertos of _" "music composers such as _" "_ 's copyist" "_ wrote variations" "several composers including _" "concertos by _" "eminent composers as _" "_ 's sacred works" "_ is not the only composer" "_ 's Concerto No." "_ wrote some pieces" "prominent composers such as _" "piano works by _" "complete solo piano works of _" "_ 's second piano concerto" "symphony by _" "opera by _" "other composers such as _" "composers including _" "composers , including _" "_ 's Liebestod" "_ 's late style" "classical musicians like _" "tone poems of _" "piano works of _" "tone poem by _" "great composers including _" "_ 's own transcription" "_ 's symphonic poems" "_ 's vocal works" "legendary composers as _" "_ was also a prolific composer" "_ was a virtuoso pianist" "complete songs of _" "trios by _" "_ was a great composer" "_ 's choral works" "_ 's keyboard works" "_ 's superb score" "complete piano works of _" "_ 's piano piece" "choral work by _" "such composers as _" "sonatas of _" "virtuoso like _" "distinguished composers such as _" "_ 's sonatas" "solo piano by _" "_ 's piano works" "_ composed this music" "piano compositions of _" "other composers including _" "late music of _" "_ 's Canticle" "_ 's Piano Sonata" "solo works by _" "_ 's Preludes" "_ 's Symphonic" "_ 's piano solo" "_ 's original orchestration" "orchestral works by _" "last pupils of _" "Symphonies by _" "Philharmonic playing _" "Horowitz playing _" "composer , such as _" "_ 's Second Piano Concerto" "_ 's symphonic works" "Polonaise by _" "musicians such as _" "_ was the first composer" "such eminent composers as _" "solo works of _" "symphonies by _" "piano concertos by _" "_ was a Hungarian composer" "encores by _" "solo piano works of _" "_ 's haunting story" "_ 's Piano Concerto No." "piano sonatas of _" "piano written by _" "sonata by _" "many composers , including _" "_ dedicated the work" "_ 's tone poem" "_ attends the premiere" "composers like _" "_ 's piano music" "_ 's Rhapsodies" "_ 's sonata" "orchestral songs by _" "_ 's great oratorio" "_ 's compositional process" "_ 's Orpheus" "_ 's late works" "Philharmonic Orchestra performing _" "_ 's Etudes" "_ 's piano writing" "_ 's choral music" "_ 's keyboard music" "_ 's Concerto No.D" "composers such _" "great composers such as _" "such masters as _" "piano version by _" "_ 's piano arrangement" "cantata by _" "_ 's Totentanz" "_ 's Hungarian Rhapsody" "_ 's Symphony" "_ 's Opus" "_ 's Second Concerto" "organ works by _" "piano sheet music by _" "_ composed the music" "piano concerto by _" "sonatas by _" "classical masters like _" ] using liszt
MBL @216 (96.9%) on 05-mar-2011 [ Promotion of musician:liszt musicianplaysinstrument musicinstrument:organ ]
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 transcribed for arg2" "arg1 playing his arg2" "arg1 Sonata for arg2" "arg1 and Chopin on arg2" "arg1 himself played arg2" ] using (liszt, piano)
SEAL @334 (96.9%) on 04-jul-2011 [ 12345 ] using (liszt, piano)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Mozart and arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works by Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" ] using (liszt, solo_piano)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 transcribed for arg2" "arg1 playing his arg2" "arg1 Sonata for arg2" "arg1 and Chopin on arg2" "arg1 himself played arg2" ] using (liszt, piano)
SEAL @334 (96.9%) on 04-jul-2011 [ 12345 ] using (liszt, piano)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Mozart and arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works by Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" ] using (liszt, solo_piano)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 music of Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Franz arg1" "arg2 by Franz arg1" "arg2 works of Bach and arg1" ] using (liszt, organ)