CPL @1099 (93.5%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "complete solo piano music of _" "piano repertoire of _" "_ 's preludes" "_ 's piano concerti" "fusion hip-hop impressionist jazz popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "greats such as _" "_ 's second symphony" "baroque classic early-jazz fusion hip-hop impressionist jazz popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "arias by _" "_ 's symphonies" "musicians like _" "_ dedicated the piece" "complete solo works of _" "_ 's second concerto" "_ 's famous version" "opera by _" "younger contemporary of _" "masters such as _" "Sonata by _" "_ dedicated the score" "_ was a Russian composer" "_ 's Ave Maria" "_ 's operas" "_ 's Second Piano Sonata" "_ 's Op" "composer like _" "_ composed the work" "Russian composers , including _" "_ 's final opera" "_ 's First Symphony" "musical setting by _" "_ 's compositional career" "solo piano works by _" "_ was a master composer" "_ 's First Concerto" "_ 's Sonata No.D" "_ 's Third Piano Concerto" "_ 's symphonic works" "favorite composers are _" "_ wrote music" "pianists as _" "romantic composers such as _" "many composers , including _" "_ 's Sonata No." "_ 's piano works" "_ composed this music" "_ 's concerto" "classic early-jazz fusion hip-hop impressionist jazz popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "pupils included _" "ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "concertos of _" "virtuosos such as _" "piano concerti of _" "Classical composers such as _" "tone poem by _" "pianists , including _" "favorite composer was _" "_ 's Sonata" "_ 's Variations" "_ 's first piano concerto" "_ 's Piano Concerto" "classical composers like _" "_ 's first symphony" "_ 's Prelude" "_ 's Cello Sonata" "_ 's pianism" "other composers , including _" "_ 's solo piano works" "classical masters such as _" "piano concerto of _" "other piece by _" "well-known composers such as _" "_ 's orchestral music" "_ 's Symphony no" "_ 's symphony" "pianists like _" "popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "preludes by _" "showpieces by _" "_ 's cello sonata" "_ 's Piano" "_ 's Piano Sonata No." "_ 's Third Symphony" "cello sonatas by _" "classical pieces by _" "_ composed music" "_ 's Francesca da Rimini" "_ 's Piano Concerto No." "such great composers as _" "classical selections from _" "complete piano music of _" "classical works by _" "favorite composer is _" "russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "_ 's piano music" "_ 's sonata" "_ 's orchestral works" "_ 's Elegie" "legendary figures as _" "great composers as _" "composers as _" "choral works of _" "symphonies of _" "_ 's pianos" "_ 's complete works" "_ 's The Bells" "_ 's second piano concerto" "_ 's Concerto" "_ 's Concerto No." "_ 's Symphonic Variations" "_ 's first orchestral work" "_ 's Barcarolle" "_ 's musical idiom" "_ 's own transcription" "piano score by _" "early-jazz fusion hip-hop impressionist jazz popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "second movement from _" "_ 's Third" "Horowitz playing _" "piano work by _" "chamber works of _" "_ 's famous music" "Romantic composers such as _" "_ conducted the premiere" "_ 's trios" "Featured composers include _" "_ 's piano arrangement" "piano concerti by _" "_ 's late style" "_ 's Piano Concerto no" "gorgeous music by _" "complete solo piano works of _" "choral works by _" "Slatkin conducting _" "_ 's Concerto No.D" "_ 's choral music" "familiar works by _" "composers such as _" "_ 's Second Sonata" "_ 's Andante" "_ 's Cello" "hip-hop impressionist jazz popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "classical piece by _" "classical composition by _" "solo piano music of _" "choral piece by _" "_ 's Third Concerto" "_ 's Symphony No.D" "music luminaries as _" "solo piano works of _" "conductors such as _" "cello sonatas of _" "_ 's Paganini Variations" "_ 's Piano Concertos" "_ 's Fifth Piano Concerto" "_ 's Piano Concerto No.D" "piano trio by _" "such personalities as _" "_ 's third piano concerto" "_ 's piano concertos" "impressionist jazz popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "sonatas by _" "music piece by _" "piano pieces by _" "Russian composers such as _" "_ 's Symphony No." "_ 's Etudes" "Philharmonic Orchestra performing _" "_ 's Vespers" "_ 's Fourth Piano Concerto" "_ 's late works" "_ dedicated the work" "_ 's tone poem" "piano trios by _" "operas of _" "_ 's last masterpiece" "_ 's famous piece" "trios by _" "_ played the solo part" "piano concerto by _" "encores by _" "_ composed this work" "such legendary figures as _" "solo works of _" "solo works by _" "such pianists as _" "third movement from _" "solo piano by _" "sonatas of _" "romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "such composers as _" "complete piano works by _" "favourite composers are _" "_ 's early compositions" "Trios by _" "_ 's Symphony No" "Notes Listen _" "_ 's Preludes" "composers including _" "composers , including _" "composers as varied as _" "concerto by _" "concerti of _" "famous piece by _" "_ was a great composer" "_ 's Piano concerto" "_ 's concertos" "_ 's orchestrations" "_ 's First Piano Sonata" "_ 's Piano Sonata" "_ 's Suite No." "Competition , performing _" "piano works of _" "piano concertos by _" "composers , such as _" "piano works by _" "_ 's Symphony" "_ 's Second Concerto" "concerti by _" "_ 's one-act opera" "melodic genius of _" "_ 's opera" "Russian composers like _" "_ 's Second Symphony" "_ 's All-Night Vigil" "_ 's brilliant score" "_ was a composer" "_ 's Second Suite" "complete piano works of _" "musicians such as _" "modern composers such as _" "composers include _" "_ composed the piece" "sonata by _" "_ 's art songs" "jazz popular ragtime romantic russian-romanticism technique traditional _" "_ 's compositional style" "_ also composed works" "_ 's compositional output" "luminaries as _" "piano music of _" "Music is by _" "cappella works by _" "_ 's third symphony" "_ conducted the first performance" "favorite composers were _" "piano solo by _" "chamber music by _" "composers like _" "_ 's Trio" "romantics such as _" "romantics like _" "well-known composers like _" "_ was the first composer" "piano concertos of _" "_ 's third concerto" "concertos by _" "great composers such as _" "favorite composers is _" "great musicians like _" "_ 's last composition" "_ 's piano concerto" "_ 's First Piano Concerto" ] using rachmaninoff
MBL @881 (96.9%) on 24-oct-2014 [ Promotion of musician:rachmaninoff musicianplaysinstrument musicinstrument:cello ]
SEAL @599 (53.0%) on 21-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using rachmaninoff
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 concerti by arg1" "arg2 concerto of arg1" "arg2 and orchestra by arg1" "arg2 virtuoso arg1" "arg2 concerto by arg1" "arg2 solo by arg1" "arg2 concertos of arg1" "arg2 concertos by arg1" "arg2 concerti of arg1" "arg2 trio by arg1" "arg2 trios by arg1" ] using (rachmaninoff, piano)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and piano by arg1" "arg2 and piano of arg1" "arg2 sonatas by arg1" "arg2 sonatas of arg1" ] using (rachmaninoff, cello)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 solo works of arg1" "arg2 concerti by arg1" "arg2 and strings by arg1" "arg2 concerto of arg1" "arg2 and orchestra by arg1" "arg2 virtuoso arg1" "arg2 and chamber works of arg1" "arg2 pieces by arg1" "arg2 concerto by arg1" "arg2 solo by arg1" "arg2 concertos of arg1" "arg2 and cello by arg1" "arg2 solo from arg1" "arg2 of Sergei arg1" "arg2 lessons to play arg1" "arg2 concertos by arg1" "arg2 Trios by arg1" "arg2 concerti of arg1" "arg2 trio by arg1" "arg2 recital of arg1" "arg2 trios by arg1" ] using (rachmaninoff, piano)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and piano by arg1" "arg2 and piano of arg1" "arg2 and piano works of arg1" "arg2 sonatas by arg1" "arg2 sonatas of arg1" ] using (rachmaninoff, cello)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 concerti by arg1" "arg2 concerto of arg1" "arg2 and orchestra by arg1" "arg2 virtuoso arg1" "arg2 concerto by arg1" "arg2 solo by arg1" "arg2 concertos of arg1" "arg2 concertos by arg1" "arg2 concerti of arg1" "arg2 trio by arg1" "arg2 trios by arg1" ] using (rachmaninoff, piano)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 solo works of arg1" "arg2 concerti by arg1" "arg2 and strings by arg1" "arg2 concerto of arg1" "arg2 and orchestra by arg1" "arg2 virtuoso arg1" "arg2 and chamber works of arg1" "arg2 pieces by arg1" "arg2 concerto by arg1" "arg2 solo by arg1" "arg2 concertos of arg1" "arg2 and cello by arg1" "arg2 solo from arg1" "arg2 of Sergei arg1" "arg2 lessons to play arg1" "arg2 concertos by arg1" "arg2 Trios by arg1" "arg2 concerti of arg1" "arg2 trio by arg1" "arg2 recital of arg1" "arg2 trios by arg1" ] using (rachmaninoff, piano)