CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 yolk and arg2" "arg1 yolks and sugar and arg2" "arg1 whites and arg2" "arg1 yolks and arg2" "arg1 yolks and vanilla and arg2" "arg1 whites and vanilla and arg2" "arg1 yolks with the sugar and arg2" "arg1 yolk and water and arg2" "arg1 yolk and vanilla and arg2" ] using (egg, stir)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in remaining olive arg1" "arg2 in D tablespoons of olive arg1" "arg2 in plenty of olive arg1" "arg2 in some olive arg1" "arg2 in olive arg1" "arg2 in a little olive arg1" "arg2 in a teaspoon of olive arg1" "arg2 in D tablespoon of olive arg1" "arg2 in D tablespoon olive arg1" "arg2 in a bit of olive arg1" "arg2 in D tbsp olive arg1" "arg2 frying in olive arg1" ] using (oil, stir)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with salt and arg1" "arg2 and season with salt and arg1" "arg2 then add salt and arg1" "arg2 and add some salt and arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and taste for salt and arg1" "arg2 and season with black arg1" ] using (pepper, stir)
OE @823 (99.4%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (pepper, stir)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to form stiff arg1" "arg2 until you have a soft arg1" "arg2 together to form a soft arg1" "arg2 together to make a soft arg1" "arg2 and then knead arg1" "arg2 until you have a stiff arg1" "arg2 to form a firm arg1" "arg2 until a sticky arg1" ] using (dough, stir)