SEAL @721 (54.7%) on 02-apr-2013 [ 12 ] using calgary_herald
CMC @806 (100.0%) on 22-jan-2014 [ CHARS 2.32020 PREFIX=heral 1.07079 PREFIX=hera 1.07079 SUFFIX=erald 1.05869 SUFFIX=rald 1.05869 SUFFIX=ald 0.99237 SUFFIX=ld 0.96771 PREFIX=ca -0.54394 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.24654 WORDS -2.51590 ] using calgary_herald
CPL @1100 (97.2%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "weekly columnist for _" "editor-in-chief of _" "sports columnist for _" "op-ed piece in _" "staff writer at _" "editorial in _" "publications , including _" "Saturday issue of _" "food writer for _" "_ reports today" "op-ed pages of _" "editorial page columnist for _" "literary editor of _" "writing has appeared in _" "writer for _" "editorial writer for _" "sportswriter for _" "book column for _" "religion editor for _" "local newspapers such as _" "today’s issue of _" "page editor at _" "religion editor at _" "Publication credits include _" "such major newspapers as _" "music critic for _" "business columnist with _" "page editor of _" "arts writer for _" "_ ’s editorial board" "_ ran an editorial" "opinion pieces have appeared in _" "business columnist for _" "art critic for _" "food column for _" "CT According to _" "editorial page writer for _" "_ ran a front-page story" "senior writer at _" "publications such as _" "senior editor at _" "literary editor at _" "_ is reporting this morning" "major newspapers such as _" "assistant city editor for _" "columnist at _" "former columnist for _" "gardening columnist for _" "copy editor at _" "opinion column for _" "theatre critic for _" "books editor at _" "business writer for _" "Full Article at _" "publications like _" "recent article in _" "_ is a daily newspaper" "columns written for _" "sports editor at _" "_ 's Green Guide" "editorial writers at _" "crime reporter for _" "He was also interviewed by _" "sources confirmed to _" "Sunday columnist for _" "editorial page at _" "editorial page of _" "former associate editor of _" "front page of _" "photo staff at _" "sports writer for _" "former managing editor of _" "Saturday edition of _" "editorial page editor at _" "business reporter at _" "_ 's editorial writers" "editorial page editor for _" "front page story in _" "books editor of _" "editor of _" "columnist for _" "daily newspapers , including _" "pieces have appeared in _" "major newspapers like _" "former editor of _" "affairs columnist for _" "major newspapers as _" "columns she wrote for _" "column for _" "city editor for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "art critic at _" "book editor of _" "religion writer for _" "page columnist for _" "newspapers including _" "page writer for _" "editorial pages of _" "entertainment writer for _" "opinion piece in _" "assistant sports editor at _" "business writer at _" "opinion columnist for _" "political correspondent for _" "newspapers such as _" "bi-weekly column for _" "such publications as _" "Average daily circulation for _" "editorial page editor of _" "health reporter at _" "religion editor of _" "editorial board member at _" "column today in _" "staff photographer with _" "sports editor of _" "former reporter at _" ] using calgary_herald
CPL @1097 (96.7%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "weekly column for _" "op-ed piece in _" "staff writer at _" "food writer for _" "_ reports today" "staff writer with _" "energy reporter for _" "magazines including _" "critic for _" "literary editor of _" "staff photographer for _" "writing has appeared in _" "editorial writer for _" "documents obtained by _" "reporter at _" "religion editor for _" "recent article from _" "page editor at _" "religion editor at _" "such major newspapers as _" "page editor of _" "_ ’s editorial board" "opinion pieces have appeared in _" "business columnist for _" "media outlets , including _" "_ reported Tuesday" "newspapers , including _" "_ reported this morning" "editorial page writer for _" "newspapers like _" "media outlets , such as _" "recent strike at _" "senior writer at _" "senior editor at _" "major newspapers such as _" "columnist at _" "managing editor at _" "general assignment reporter for _" "copy editor at _" "books editor at _" "recent article in _" "sports editor at _" "editorial writers at _" "crime reporter for _" "_ reported today" "editorial page of _" "travel columnist for _" "sports writer for _" "several publications , including _" "Friday edition of _" "former managing editor of _" "business reporter at _" "columnist with _" "feature writer for _" "former publisher of _" "columnist for _" "companies like _" "major newspapers like _" "former editor of _" "sports column for _" "affairs columnist for _" "major newspapers as _" "city editor for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "art critic at _" "religion writer for _" "newspapers including _" "page writer for _" "editorial pages of _" "opinion piece in _" "_ ran a story" "business writer at _" "opinion columnist for _" "political correspondent for _" "newspapers such as _" "features writer for _" "companies , including _" "such publications as _" "editorial page editor of _" "religion editor of _" "column today in _" "companies such as _" "sports editor of _" "morning edition of _" "weekly column in _" "work has also appeared in _" ] using calgary_herald
SEAL @143 (50.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using calgary_herald
CMC @866 (99.9%) on 25-aug-2014 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.41199 SUFFIX=erald 1.08233 SUFFIX=rald 1.08233 PREFIX=heral 1.07630 PREFIX=hera 1.07630 SUFFIX=ald 1.03233 PREFIX=her 0.92311 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.44902 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa -0.46497 WORDS -4.76144 ] using calgary_herald
SEAL @168 (93.8%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 1234 ] using calgary_herald
CPL @1096 (95.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "weekly columnist for _" "arts reporter for _" "_ has a similar article" "sports columnist for _" "op-ed piece in _" "staff writer at _" "guest column in _" "Saturday issue of _" "food writer for _" "_ was the only paper" "_ reports today" "staff writer with _" "energy reporter for _" "entertainment reporter at _" "op-ed pages of _" "critic at _" "design column for _" "critic for _" "editorial page columnist for _" "correspondent of _" "staff photographer for _" "editorial writer for _" "excellent column in _" "reporter at _" "sportswriter for _" "book column for _" "religion editor for _" "work has been reviewed in _" "_ printed an editorial" "_ printed an article" "newspaper , such as _" "pages editor of _" "local newspapers such as _" "page story in _" "op-eds in _" "page editor at _" "newsroom of _" "religion editor at _" "such major newspapers as _" "music critic for _" "business columnist with _" "page editor of _" "golf column for _" "arts writer for _" "_ ’s editorial board" "_ ran an editorial" "opinion pieces have appeared in _" "business columnist for _" "art critic for _" "food column for _" "female reporter from _" "newspapers , including _" "various newspapers including _" "_ is a local newspaper" "editorial page writer for _" "newspapers like _" "_ ran a front-page story" "_ is reporting this morning" "major newspapers such as _" "assistant city editor for _" "crime reporter with _" "columnist at _" "health column for _" "_ reported this week" "former columnist for _" "gardening columnist for _" "feature columnist for _" "copy editor at _" "opinion column for _" "theatre critic for _" "January article in _" "editorial today in _" "books editor at _" "business writer for _" "recent article in _" "work has been written about in _" "_ is a daily newspaper" "columns written for _" "sports editor at _" "editorial writers at _" "crime reporter for _" "_ also ran an article" "dailies , including _" "_ takes letters" "art writer for _" "_ there was an article" "Sunday columnist for _" "editorial page at _" "dailies include _" "editorial page of _" "_ printed a recipe" "former associate editor of _" "photo staff at _" "column appears regularly in _" "_ broke the story" "feature column for _" "sports writer for _" "weekly columns for _" "Friday edition of _" "full-page ads in _" "former managing editor of _" "Saturday edition of _" "daily headline news from _" "editorial page editor at _" "business reporter at _" "business section of _" "columnist with _" "former religion editor of _" "_ 's editorial writers" "former publisher of _" "editorial page editor for _" "front page story in _" "books editor of _" "daily circulation for _" "columnist for _" "daily newspapers , including _" "pieces have appeared in _" "major newspapers like _" "sports column for _" "Canadian newspapers , including _" "affairs columnist for _" "major newspapers as _" "regional newspapers such as _" "columns she wrote for _" "city editor for _" "regular columnist for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "art critic at _" "former staff writer with _" "columnists at _" "book editor of _" "religion writer for _" "page columnist for _" "newspapers including _" "page writer for _" "editorial pages of _" "entertainment writer for _" "opinion piece in _" "assistant sports editor at _" "articles have appeared in _" "business writer at _" "_ had an excellent article" "op-ed pieces for _" "opinion columnist for _" "front-page story in _" "political correspondent for _" "newspapers such as _" "technology reporter with _" "’s article in _" "bi-weekly column for _" "page editor for _" "such publications as _" "Average daily circulation for _" "editorial page editor of _" "health reporter at _" "recent report in _" "religion editor of _" "editorial board member at _" "column today in _" "staff photographer with _" "sports editor of _" "morning edition of _" "former reporter at _" ] using calgary_herald
CMC @1064 (99.9%) on 23-jun-2017 [ PREFIX=cal 2.23144 PREFIX=heral 2.03918 SUFFIX=erald 1.65923 SUFFIX=rald 1.65377 PREFIX=hera 1.60685 SUFFIX=ald 1.28905 LASTPREFIX=heral 1.23093 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.03219 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.18618 WORDS -2.93879 ] using calgary_herald
CPL @1105 (89.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "weekly columnist for _" "article is from _" "arts reporter for _" "sports columnist for _" "staff writer at _" "food writer for _" "_ reports today" "op-ed pages of _" "literary editor of _" "editorial writer for _" "sportswriter for _" "_ printed an editorial" "page editor at _" "religion editor at _" "such major newspapers as _" "arts writer for _" "opinion pieces have appeared in _" "business columnist for _" "DD/DD/DD , via _" "art critic for _" "_ ran a front-page story" "_ is reporting this morning" "major newspapers such as _" "former columnist for _" "copy editor at _" "theatre critic for _" "sports editor at _" "editorial writers at _" "crime reporter for _" "editorial page of _" "travel columnist for _" "sports writer for _" "editorial page editor at _" "business reporter at _" "editorial page editor for _" "books editor of _" "daily newspapers , including _" "major newspapers like _" "affairs columnist for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "art critic at _" "book editor of _" "religion writer for _" "page columnist for _" "editorial pages of _" "entertainment writer for _" "assistant sports editor at _" "opinion columnist for _" "More Information by _" "editorial page editor of _" "health reporter at _" "religion editor of _" "column today in _" "staff photographer with _" ] using calgary_herald
SEAL @167 (87.5%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 123 ] using calgary_herald