CMC @809 (100.0%) on 31-jan-2014 [ SUFFIX=un 1.69481 SUFFIX=erald 1.63623 SUFFIX=rald 1.63623 PREFIX=heral 1.63593 PREFIX=hera 1.63593 SUFFIX=ald 1.50705 SUFFIX=ld 1.40301 POS=PRP -1.13955 WORDS -1.29006 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.33891 ] using herald_sun
CPL @1108 (89.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ has obtained photos" "business editor at _" "journalism career at _" "features editor at _" "business desk of _" "article today in _" "column for _" "columnist for _" "science reporter for _" "children , reports _" "social media editor of _" "deputy editor of _" "feature writer at _" "investigative reporter at _" "_ 's Sunday Magazine" "tabloids like _" "above story from _" "crime reporter for _" "sports writer for _" "sub-editor at _" "_ ran an interesting article" "picture editor of _" "metro editor of _" "editorial assistant at _" "former sports writer for _" "writer for _" "Documents obtained by _" "local newspapers such as _" "football writer for _" "op-ed piece in _" "award-winning editorial cartoonist for _" "former editor of _" "_ reports this morning" "front page story in _" "features writer at _" "expert contacted by _" "recent article in _" "_ published an opinion article" "opinion column for _" "newspapers such as _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "finance writer for _" "assistant features editor at _" "editor of _" "senior writer at _" "_ ran a feature article" "newspapers including _" "Sunday edition of _" "publications such as _" "editorial writer at _" "books editor at _" "editorial in _" "columnist at _" "media sites such as _" "control , reports _" "Full article text is available via _" "senior writer with _" "article text is available via _" "national publications including _" "article over at _" "article yesterday in _" "_ reports today" "senior writer for _" "document obtained by _" "_ is reporting this morning" "editor-in-chief of _" "front page of _" "Read article in _" "newspaper such as _" "weekly opinion column for _" "text is available via _" "opinion piece in _" "sports editor of _" "_ recently ran an article" "_ ran a front page story" "fashion editor at _" ] using herald_sun
SEAL @721 (52.8%) on 02-apr-2013 [ 12 ] using herald_sun
CMC @1063 (100.0%) on 05-jun-2017 [ SUFFIX=un 2.24023 PREFIX=hera 2.06282 PREFIX=heral 2.05918 SUFFIX=erald 1.89144 SUFFIX=rald 1.89144 LAST_WORD=sun 1.85944 LASTSUFFIX=un 1.83738 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.96888 POS=PRP -1.33705 WORDS -3.93703 ] using herald_sun
CPL @1099 (84.4%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "multimedia editor for _" "critic for _" "sports reporter for _" "today’s edition of _" "article last month in _" "newspaper story for _" "copy editor at _" "art critic for _" "_ recently ran an article" "editorial pages at _" "newspaper like _" "newspapers such as _" "Murdoch also owns _" "recent article in _" "business correspondent for _" "print edition of _" "newspapers , including _" "columnist with _" "_ 's daily circulation" "sports editor at _" "reporter at _" "_ is a daily newspaper" "_ ran this piece" "_ had a long article" "tabloids like _" "executive editor of _" "newspapers like _" "columnist for _" "copy desk at _" "full-page ads in _" "_ reported this week" "full-page advertisement in _" "op-ed in _" "features designer at _" "recent editorial in _" "sportswriter for _" "major daily newspapers such as _" "Saturday’s edition of _" "_ 's editorial page editor" "daily newspapers such as _" "op-eds for _" "_ reports today" "newspapers including _" "daily edition of _" ] using herald_sun
SEAL @179 (75.0%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 12 ] using herald_sun
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Daily arg1" "arg2 or the Daily arg1" "arg2 and the Daily arg1" "arg2 and The Daily arg1" "arg2 and Daily arg1" ] using (telegraph, herald_sun)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Daily arg1" "arg2 or the Daily arg1" "arg2 and the Daily arg1" "arg2 and The Daily arg1" "arg2 and Daily arg1" ] using (herald_sun, telegraph)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Daily arg1" "arg2 or the Daily arg1" "arg2 and the Daily arg1" "arg2 and The Daily arg1" "arg2 and Daily arg1" ] using (telegraph, herald_sun)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Daily arg1" "arg2 or the Daily arg1" "arg2 and the Daily arg1" "arg2 and The Daily arg1" "arg2 and Daily arg1" ] using (herald_sun, telegraph)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Daily arg1" "arg2 or the Daily arg1" "arg2 and the Daily arg1" "arg2 and The Daily arg1" "arg2 and Daily arg1" ] using (telegraph, herald_sun)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Daily arg1" "arg2 or the Daily arg1" "arg2 and the Daily arg1" "arg2 and The Daily arg1" "arg2 and Daily arg1" ] using (herald_sun, telegraph)