SEAL @245 (87.5%) on 27-apr-2011 [ 123 ] using oakland_tribune
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "front page of _" "copy boy for _" "front-page coverage in _" "projects reporter for _" "general assignment reporter at _" "_ was the only newspaper" "Washington correspondent for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "sports writer for _" "religion reporter at _" "editorial page editor of _" "editor-at-large of _" "national editor of _" "sports writer at _" "science writer for _" "theater critic for _" "black reporter for _" "editor-in-chief of _" "daily newspapers including _" "dance critic at _" "business editor of _" "movie critic for _" "features editor at _" "staff reporter at _" "dance critic for _" "sports editor of _" "staff editor at _" "_ have always been great vehicles" "newspapers including _" "publications , including _" "staff writer for _" "former executive editor of _" "lifestyle editor of _" "memos obtained by _" "staff writer at _" "entertainment writer for _" "assignment reporter at _" "daily newspapers , including _" "publications such as _" "several newspapers , including _" "deputy managing editor at _" "editorial page editor at _" "former investigative reporter for _" "such publications as _" "page editor at _" "state , reports _" "front-page photo in _" "sportswriter for _" "op-ed piece in _" "music critic at _" "news sources , including _" "news organizations , including _" "recent article in _" "publications like _" "column for _" "city editor for _" "religion reporter for _" "food writer for _" "staff photographer at _" "city editor at _" "newspaper career at _" "chief political writer for _" "editorial page editor for _" "front page story in _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "art critic for _" "music columnist for _" "newspapers such as _" "editor of _" "numerous publications including _" "major publications , including _" "investigative reporter from _" "former music critic for _" "former staff writer at _" "articles have also appeared in _" "occasional columnist for _" "op-ed columnist for _" "former city editor of _" "columnist at _" "chess column in _" "feature reporter for _" "city editor of _" "former editorial page editor for _" "columnist for _" "_ is reporting today" "assistant city editor at _" "former editor of _" "writer for _" "major newspapers including _" "_ is a daily newspaper" "longtime reporter for _" "April article in _" "award-winning journalist at _" "investigative reporter at _" "former managing editor of _" "Sunday edition of _" "features editor of _" "poems have appeared in _" "former reporter for _" "music critic for _" "address is not serviced by _" "page editor of _" "film critic at _" "depressing article in _" "editorial writer for _" "former staff reporter at _" "sports columnist for _" "political writer for _" "editorial in _" "print work has appeared in _" "award-winning investigative reporter for _" "dailies including _" ] using oakland_tribune
CMC @1051 (100.0%) on 20-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=une 1.73469 CHARS 1.67418 SUFFIX=ibune 1.62936 SUFFIX=bune 1.62936 LASTSUFFIX=une 1.46464 PREFIX=tribu 1.34466 LASTSUFFIX=ibune 1.34436 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.50509 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -2.74525 WORDS -2.90340 ] using oakland_tribune
CMC @1057 (100.0%) on 13-may-2017 [ LASTSUFFIX=une 2.72303 SUFFIX=une 2.45924 SUFFIX=ibune 1.76471 SUFFIX=bune 1.76471 PREFIX=trib 1.34765 PREFIX=tribu 1.27169 LASTSUFFIX=ibune 1.25940 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.45256 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.78375 WORDS -2.43809 ] using oakland_tribune
CPL @1095 (97.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ reported Tuesday" "media outlets such as _" "newspapers like _" "copy boy for _" "several news organizations , including _" "_ ran a story" "sports column for _" "_ reported Thursday" "Washington correspondent for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "sports writer for _" "religion reporter at _" "editorial page editor of _" "editor-at-large of _" "national editor of _" "sports writer at _" "managing editor at _" "media outlets , including _" "report obtained by _" "feature writer for _" "business editor of _" "features editor for _" "features editor at _" "dance critic for _" "sports editor of _" "staff editor at _" "newspapers including _" "staff writer for _" "former executive editor of _" "investigative reporter for _" "staff writer at _" "deputy managing editor at _" "weekly column in _" "food editor for _" "former investigative reporter for _" "such publications as _" "page editor at _" "op-ed piece in _" "recent article in _" "city editor for _" "critic for _" "religion reporter for _" "sports reporter for _" "food writer for _" "staff photographer at _" "weekly column for _" "city editor at _" "former publisher of _" "way affiliated with _" "reporter at _" "newspapers such as _" "_ has this article" "numerous publications including _" "staff photographer for _" "sources told _" "_ reported today" "former staff writer at _" "columnist with _" "_ reported Sunday" "op-ed columnist for _" "columnist at _" "newspapers , including _" "city editor of _" "stringer for _" "_ reported Monday" "columnist for _" "_ is reporting today" "former editor of _" "April article in _" "award-winning journalist at _" "former managing editor of _" "Sunday edition of _" "_ reported Saturday" "documents obtained by _" "_ reported Friday" "features editor of _" "poems have appeared in _" "_ ran an article" "former reporter for _" "page editor of _" "editorial writer for _" "investigative reporter with _" "award-winning investigative reporter for _" "dailies including _" ] using oakland_tribune
SEAL @137 (50.0%) on 26-jul-2010 [ 1 ] using oakland_tribune
SEAL @174 (93.8%) on 08-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using oakland_tribune
CMC @631 (100.0%) on 07-sep-2012 [ PREFIX=tri 1.94528 SUFFIX=ibune 1.90418 SUFFIX=bune 1.90418 PREFIX=trib 1.88301 PREFIX=tribu 1.80208 SUFFIX=une 1.74703 LASTPREFIX=tri 1.54035 FULL_POS=NN_NN -2.10114 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -2.62880 WORDS -4.55606 ] using oakland_tribune
CPL @1107 (89.2%) on 24-may-2018 [ "copy boy for _" "projects reporter for _" "Washington correspondent for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "sports writer for _" "editorial page editor of _" "national editor of _" "sports writer at _" "theater critic for _" "daily newspapers including _" "business editor of _" "movie critic for _" "features editor at _" "staff reporter at _" "dance critic for _" "staff editor at _" "_ have always been great vehicles" "staff writer at _" "entertainment writer for _" "daily newspapers , including _" "several newspapers , including _" "deputy managing editor at _" "editorial page editor at _" "page editor at _" "sportswriter for _" "music critic at _" "news organizations , including _" "religion reporter for _" "food writer for _" "staff photographer at _" "city editor at _" "chief political writer for _" "editorial page editor for _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "art critic for _" "music columnist for _" "former staff writer at _" "occasional columnist for _" "op-ed columnist for _" "city editor of _" "assistant city editor at _" "major newspapers including _" "investigative reporter at _" "Sunday edition of _" "former reporter for _" "address is not serviced by _" "editorial writer for _" "sports columnist for _" "political writer for _" ] using oakland_tribune
MBL @701 (96.9%) on 23-feb-2013 [ Promotion of company:oakland_tribune newspaperincity city:san_francisco ]
CPL @1095 (58.3%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "beat writer at _" "multimedia journalist for _" "lengthy profile in _" "newspapers like _" "copy boy for _" "front-page coverage in _" "projects reporter for _" "general assignment reporter at _" "front-page story in _" "_ was the only newspaper" "sports column for _" "features reporter for _" "Washington correspondent for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "_ ran a nice article" "ace reporter for _" "sports writer for _" "newspaper story for _" "op-ed pieces in _" "religion reporter at _" "editorial page editor of _" "front page coverage in _" "national editor of _" "sports writer at _" "science writer for _" "theater critic for _" "black reporter for _" "business editor for _" "daily newspapers including _" "dance critic at _" "business editor of _" "Nice article from _" "movie critic for _" "features editor at _" "staff reporter at _" "he once wrote in _" "dance critic for _" "_ used public records" "sports editor of _" "staff editor at _" "_ have always been great vehicles" "newspapers including _" "news outlets including _" "sister paper of _" "staff writer for _" "articles have appeared in _" "former executive editor of _" "front-page stories in _" "investigative reporter for _" "local papers like _" "memos obtained by _" "staff writer at _" "entertainment writer for _" "assignment reporter at _" "decade , reports _" "daily newspapers , including _" "news media such as _" "several newspapers , including _" "deputy managing editor at _" "food editor for _" "editorial page editor at _" "business section of _" "former investigative reporter for _" "page editor for _" "such publications as _" "page editor at _" "front-page photo in _" "sportswriter for _" "op-ed piece in _" "music critic at _" "page coverage in _" "news organizations , including _" "recent article in _" "correspondent of _" "city editor for _" "transportation reporter for _" "critic at _" "_ ran a four-part series" "recent report in _" "critic for _" "special projects reporter for _" "religion reporter for _" "sports reporter for _" "food writer for _" "staff photographer at _" "city editor at _" "newspaper career at _" "former publisher of _" "editorial page editor for _" "front page story in _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "art critic for _" "Sunday story in _" "daily reporter for _" "other papers , including _" "reporter at _" "newspapers such as _" "story today in _" "numerous publications including _" "major publications , including _" "staff photographer for _" "_ also ran an article" "female reporter at _" "former music critic for _" "former staff writer at _" "articles have also appeared in _" "beer columnist for _" "columnist with _" "occasional columnist for _" "op-ed columnist for _" "_ 's editorial board" "former city editor of _" "columnist at _" "chess column in _" "newspapers , including _" "feature reporter for _" "story also ran in _" "various newspapers including _" "full-page ads in _" "front-page piece in _" "February article in _" "city editor of _" "_ reported Monday" "former editorial page editor for _" "page story in _" "columnist for _" "_ is reporting today" "assistant city editor at _" "full story , go to _" "major newspapers including _" "_ is a daily newspaper" "issues reporter for _" "longtime reporter for _" "regional newspapers such as _" "sports columnist with _" "April article in _" "award-winning journalist at _" "_ published a piece" "investigative reporter at _" "_ ran a photograph" "former managing editor of _" "Sunday edition of _" "_ has an obituary" "Sunday editions of _" "features editor of _" "_ printed an article" "_ 's beat writer" "_ ran front-page stories" "_ ran an article" "former reporter for _" "music critic for _" "address is not serviced by _" "page editor of _" "executive editor of _" "_ ran a short article" "film critic at _" "depressing article in _" "television writer for _" "editorial writer for _" "former staff reporter at _" "sports columnist for _" "political writer for _" "Sunday issue of _" "investigative reporter with _" "page designer at _" "print work has appeared in _" "beat reporter for _" "award-winning investigative reporter for _" "dailies including _" ] using oakland_tribune
SEAL @179 (87.5%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using oakland_tribune
CMC @1069 (100.0%) on 01-aug-2017 [ CHARS 1.75195 SUFFIX=ibune 1.69044 SUFFIX=bune 1.69044 SUFFIX=une 1.57993 LASTSUFFIX=une 1.57262 LASTSUFFIX=ibune 1.47570 LASTSUFFIX=bune 1.47570 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.04473 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -2.78850 WORDS -4.25783 ] using oakland_tribune
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~_X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:agenthierarchicallybelowagent,concept:agentcontrols" ] using (oakland_tribune, monte_poole)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~_X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:agenthierarchicallybelowagent,concept:agentcontrols" ] using (monte_poole, oakland_tribune)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~_X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:agenthierarchicallybelowagent,concept:agentcontrols" ] using (oakland_tribune, monte_poole)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols" "Y~X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~_X0~concept:superpartof" "Y~X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:agenthierarchicallybelowagent,concept:agentcontrols" ] using (monte_poole, oakland_tribune)