CPL @1104 (96.1%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "international newspapers like _" "affairs column for _" "such media outlets as _" "sports editor of _" "science correspondent of _" "wine columnist for _" "wine correspondent for _" "newspapers , starting with _" "today’s edition of _" "_ ran a front page story" "affairs correspondent for _" "former Middle East correspondent for _" "wine correspondent of _" "recent article in _" "recent piece from _" "story in today’s _" "negotiations told _" "newspapers such as _" "literary editor of _" "Washington-based correspondent for _" "foreign correspondent of _" "editor-in-chief of _" "staff writer for _" "UK publications including _" "book has been featured in _" "literary editor at _" "’s issue of _" "crime fiction reviewer for _" "national newspapers , including _" "weekly columnist for _" "executive sports editor of _" "international newspapers such as _" "theatre critic of _" "football writer for _" "full-page advertisement in _" "_ 's political columnist" "_ reported April" "political editor of _" "memo obtained by _" "interview published by _" "affairs correspondent of _" "_ runs a story today" "senior correspondent with _" "recent column in _" "_ is reporting this morning" "Read article in _" "business columnist for _" "_ publishes an interview" "finance editor of _" "foreign correspondent for _" "former correspondent of _" "_ is the media sponsor" "former literary editor of _" "Documents obtained by _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "food column for _" "former art critic of _" "former business editor of _" "weekly sports column for _" "sports desk of _" "letter obtained by _" "literary critic for _" "editorial in _" "bridge correspondent of _" "medical columnist for _" "rock critic for _" "recent piece in _" "Middle East Correspondent for _" "foreign editor of _" "assistant city editor of _" "deputy editor of _" "reporter-researcher at _" "fashion columnist for _" "gardening columnist for _" "fiction reviewer for _" "former editor of _" "art critic for _" "business desk at _" "business editor of _" "journalist , writing for _" "former deputy editor of _" "_ 's Washington Bureau Chief" "chief music critic of _" "deal , writes _" "feature writer at _" "food writer for _" "week , reports _" "front page of _" "national newspapers such as _" "East correspondent for _" "wine column for _" "economics editor of _" "document obtained by _" "chief foreign correspondent for _" "East Correspondent for _" "Washington bureau chief of _" "freelance journalist , writing for _" "journalist writing for _" "Middle East correspondent for _" "newspapers including _" "political correspondent of _" "political columnist for _" "leader writer on _" "business writer for _" "writing has appeared in _" "column for _" "email obtained by _" "_ prints a letter" "article over at _" "article yesterday in _" "_ had just published an article" "_ reports today" "reviews editor at _" "Washington correspondent for _" "theater critic of _" "publications , including _" "columnist at _" "sources have confirmed to _" "op-ed article in _" "_ comics section" "newspaper such as _" "long-running column in _" "poker column for _" "weekly food column for _" "city editor of _" "recent story in _" "food columnist for _" "_ reports this morning" "publications ranging from _" "features editor at _" "picture editor at _" "defence correspondent of _" "occasional columnist for _" "_ 's music critic" "music critic of _" "Washington correspondent of _" "Correspondent for _" "TV critic of _" "City editor of _" "columnist for _" "editor of _" "cricket correspondent of _" "chief art critic of _" "defence correspondent for _" "city editor at _" "writing has also appeared in _" "_ also ran a piece" "art critic of _" "leader writer at _" "drama critic of _" "drama critic for _" "sub-editor at _" "sports writer for _" "weekend report in _" "writer for _" "diplomatic correspondent for _" "deputy editor at _" "publications such as _" ] using sunday_telegraph
CMC @1036 (99.9%) on 13-jan-2017 [ CHARS 1.05390 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.82133 LAST_WORD=magazine 0.75911 LASTSUFFIX=zine 0.71188 SUFFIX=zine 0.70371 SUFFIX=azine 0.66678 LASTSUFFIX=azine 0.66050 PREFIX=te -0.12817 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.46489 WORDS -1.76331 ] using telegraph_magazine
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "column for _" "publications , including _" "international publications , including _" "recent article in _" "editor of _" "features editor of _" ] using telegraph_magazine
CMC @1113 (100.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=teleg 2.37611 SUFFIX=day 2.31224 PREFIX=teleg 2.20795 LASTPREFIX=tele 2.08753 LASTPREFIX=tel 2.00419 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.28859 PREFIX=tel 1.20573 CHARS -1.04626 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.43550 WORDS -7.81841 ] using sunday_telegraph
CPL @1105 (75.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "food editor for _" "international publications , including _" "recent article in _" "many publications , including _" "_ 's food editor" "design editor of _" "features editor of _" "fashion editor for _" ] using telegraph_magazine
CPL @1107 (85.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ published a column" "international newspapers like _" "affairs column for _" "such media outlets as _" "sports editor of _" "science correspondent of _" "wine columnist for _" "wine correspondent for _" "_ 's city desk" "_ 's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard" "sports column for _" "football correspondent of _" "first female editor of _" "today’s edition of _" "_ ran a front page story" "affairs correspondent for _" "prestigious publications such as _" "former Middle East correspondent for _" "wine correspondent of _" "recent article in _" "recent piece from _" "story in today’s _" "newspapers such as _" "foreign correspondent of _" "business section of _" "business editor for _" "staff writer for _" "business pages of _" "UK publications including _" "weekly columns in _" "weekly column to _" "recent report in _" "crime fiction reviewer for _" "national newspapers , including _" "weekly columnist for _" "executive sports editor of _" "international newspapers such as _" "theatre critic of _" "full-page advertisement in _" "report leaked to _" "British newspapers such as _" "_ 's political columnist" "_ reported April" "_ reported this week" "political editor of _" "cricket correspondent for _" "_ 's food critic" "interview published by _" "former foreign editor of _" "affairs correspondent of _" "_ runs a story today" "recent column in _" "_ is reporting this morning" "Read article in _" "business columnist for _" "finance editor of _" "_ is the media sponsor" "excellent column in _" "former literary editor of _" "special series by _" "editor position at _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "report in today’s _" "food column for _" "_ carried a front-page story" "personal finance editor of _" "print edition of _" "former business editor of _" "weekly sports column for _" "sports desk of _" "literary critic for _" "bridge correspondent of _" "medical columnist for _" "rock critic for _" "recent piece in _" "opinion columns in _" "Middle East Correspondent for _" "feature writer with _" "foreign editor of _" "assistant city editor of _" "deputy editor of _" "national titles such as _" "fashion columnist for _" "_ takes letters" "many publications including _" "gardening columnist for _" "gardening column for _" "fiction reviewer for _" "newspapers , including _" "art critic for _" "business desk at _" "business editor of _" "journalist , writing for _" "reporter at _" "political columns for _" "newspapers like _" "chief music critic of _" "deal , writes _" "feature writer at _" "food writer for _" "front-page story in _" "travel section of _" "critic for _" "restaurant column in _" "national newspapers such as _" "East correspondent for _" "Correspondent of _" "many publications , including _" "wine column for _" "economics editor of _" "chief foreign correspondent for _" "East Correspondent for _" "Washington bureau chief of _" "industry insider told _" "_ 's city editor" "regular columnist for _" "mainstream publications including _" "Middle East correspondent for _" "newspapers including _" "political correspondent of _" "political columnist for _" "leader writer on _" "business writer for _" "_ prints a letter" "article yesterday in _" "Sheffield told _" "_ There are currently no readers reviews" "_ reports today" "Travel section of _" "environment editor at _" "Washington correspondent for _" "theater critic of _" "comment piece in _" "female editor of _" "columnist at _" "former journalist at _" "_ wrote Sunday" "op-ed article in _" "_ comics section" "reviews appear regularly in _" "newspaper such as _" "long-running column in _" "poker columnist for _" "poker column for _" "weekly food column for _" "city editor of _" "_ devoted an article" "sports pages of _" "recent story in _" "food columnist for _" "_ reports this morning" "publications ranging from _" "correspondent of _" "_ 's restaurant critic" "features editor at _" "defence correspondent of _" "weekly columns for _" "occasional columnist for _" "_ 's music critic" "Scotland , reports _" "film critic for _" "music critic of _" "Washington correspondent of _" "TV critic of _" "City editor of _" "columnist for _" "chief foreign correspondent of _" "cricket correspondent of _" "film critic of _" "_ broke the story" "chief art critic of _" "defence correspondent for _" "city editor at _" "well-known publications such as _" "art critic of _" "leader writer at _" "executive editor of _" "drama critic of _" "drama critic for _" "religious affairs correspondent of _" "sub-editor at _" "sports writer for _" "weekend report in _" "diplomatic correspondent for _" "Sunday ’s issue of _" "newspaper like _" "columnist with _" "_ ran an article" ] using sunday_telegraph
CPL @1098 (95.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "food editor for _" "recent article in _" "interesting article in _" "many publications , including _" "clients such as _" "features editor of _" ] using telegraph_magazine
CPL @1107 (93.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "affairs column for _" "such media outlets as _" "sports editor of _" "magazines , including _" "sports column for _" "_ ran a front page story" "affairs correspondent for _" "former Middle East correspondent for _" "weekly column for _" "wine correspondent of _" "analyst , told _" "recent article in _" "newspapers such as _" "literary editor of _" "Washington-based correspondent for _" "staff writer for _" "_ 's Jerusalem correspondent" "freelance reporter for _" "interesting article in _" "national newspapers , including _" "international newspapers such as _" "theatre critic of _" "football correspondent for _" "feature writer for _" "magazines including _" "spokeswoman told _" "political editor of _" "former foreign editor of _" "affairs correspondent of _" "recent column in _" "business columnist for _" "finance editor of _" "foreign correspondent for _" "former literary editor of _" "Documents obtained by _" "intelligence official told _" "She has also written for _" "former business editor of _" "Middle East Correspondent for _" "government official told _" "deputy editor of _" "reporter-researcher at _" "many publications including _" "newspapers , including _" "former editor of _" "business editor of _" "journalist , writing for _" "reporter at _" "_ 's Washington Bureau Chief" "newspapers like _" "chief music critic of _" "food writer for _" "sources told _" "bureau chief of _" "critic for _" "officials contacted by _" "national newspapers such as _" "many publications , including _" "economics editor of _" "chief foreign correspondent for _" "East Correspondent for _" "Washington bureau chief of _" "_ ran a story" "anonymity , told _" "newspapers including _" "political correspondent of _" "_ reported Sunday" "writing has appeared in _" "_ reported today" "article yesterday in _" "diplomat told _" "good article in _" "_ reports today" "Washington correspondent for _" "report , seen by _" "theater critic of _" "_ reported this morning" "columnist at _" "science correspondent for _" "analysts told _" "city editor of _" "news editor at _" "recent story in _" "_ reports this morning" "features editor at _" "weekly column in _" "music critic of _" "Washington correspondent of _" "columnist for _" "chief art critic of _" "clients such as _" "city editor at _" "art critic of _" "leader writer at _" "drama critic of _" "documents obtained by _" "sports writer for _" "columnist with _" "_ ran an article" ] using sunday_telegraph
CPL @1112 (82.6%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "such media outlets as _" "wine columnist for _" "foreign correspondent with _" "_ ran a front page story" "affairs correspondent for _" "article is from _" "analyst , told _" "negotiations told _" "literary editor of _" "foreign correspondent of _" "national newspapers , including _" "weekly columnist for _" "international newspapers such as _" "theatre critic of _" "political editor of _" "senior correspondent with _" "recent column in _" "_ is reporting this morning" "Read article in _" "business columnist for _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "former business editor of _" "literary critic for _" "rock critic for _" "recent piece in _" "foreign editor of _" "art critic for _" "business editor of _" "chief music critic of _" "feature writer at _" "food writer for _" "national newspapers such as _" "wine column for _" "Washington bureau chief of _" "Middle East correspondent for _" "political correspondent of _" "political columnist for _" "article yesterday in _" "_ reports today" "Washington correspondent for _" "theater critic of _" "Israel correspondent for _" "op-ed article in _" "newspaper such as _" "city editor of _" "recent story in _" "_ reports this morning" "features editor at _" "picture editor at _" "occasional columnist for _" "film critic for _" "music critic of _" "Washington correspondent of _" "chief art critic of _" "city editor at _" "art critic of _" "leader writer at _" "drama critic of _" "drama critic for _" "sports writer for _" "diplomatic correspondent for _" ] using sunday_telegraph
SEAL @614 (75.0%) on 20-jul-2012 [ 12 ] using telegraph_magazine
SEAL @274 (50.0%) on 29-may-2011 [ 1 ] using sunday_telegraph
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times nor arg2" ] using (sunday_telegraph, sunday)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and the Sunday arg2" "arg1 Times and Sunday arg2" ] using (sunday, telegraph_magazine)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times nor arg2" ] using (sunday, sunday_telegraph)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and the Sunday arg2" "arg1 Times and Sunday arg2" ] using (telegraph_magazine, sunday)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times nor arg2" ] using (sunday_telegraph, sunday)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and the Sunday arg2" "arg1 Times and Sunday arg2" ] using (sunday, telegraph_magazine)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times nor arg2" ] using (sunday, sunday_telegraph)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and the Sunday arg2" "arg1 Times and Sunday arg2" ] using (telegraph_magazine, sunday)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times nor arg2" ] using (sunday_telegraph, sunday)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and the Sunday arg2" "arg1 Times and Sunday arg2" ] using (sunday, telegraph_magazine)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times nor arg2" ] using (sunday, sunday_telegraph)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and the Sunday arg2" "arg1 Times and Sunday arg2" ] using (telegraph_magazine, sunday)