CPL @1099 (96.1%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "All-Metro selection by _" "group comparison for _" "editor-in-chief of _" "page editor of _" "sports writer for _" "sub-editor at _" "columnist at _" "_ reported March" "deputy managing editor of _" "YouGov poll for _" "Washington bureau of _" "article last week in _" "outdoors columnist for _" "Saturday edition of _" "religion column for _" "publications such as _" "longtime reporter for _" "Monday editions of _" "associate editor at _" "report last week in _" "opinion writer for _" "night editor of _" "former executive editor of _" "football writer for _" "reporter writing for _" "sports editor at _" "mainstream newspapers such as _" "tabloids like _" "today’s story in _" "such newspapers as _" "reporter/editor for _" "wine correspondent for _" "sports desk of _" "week’s issue of _" "political reporter at _" "such publications as _" "national newspapers such as _" "fashion reporter for _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "night editor at _" "sports columnist for _" "politics editor of _" "article today in _" "todays edition of _" "photo editor at _" "recent mention in _" "Middle East correspondent of _" "editorial page at _" "assistant city editor at _" "copy desk at _" "full-page ad in _" "Sunday editor of _" "associate publisher of _" "today’s issue of _" "picture editor of _" "music critics from _" "East correspondent of _" "Information Act request from _" "East correspondent for _" "web editor at _" "city editor for _" "column for _" "editorial page editor of _" "such periodicals as _" "recent story in _" "editorial pages of _" "police reporter for _" "TV critic of _" "page editor at _" "Middle East correspondent for _" "sports editor of _" "sportswriter at _" "religion reporter at _" "business editor at _" "senior editor at _" "deputy editor of _" "Peer group comparison for _" "former editor of _" "affairs columnist for _" "baseball writer for _" "County edition of _" "_ sports staff" "staff photographer at _" "financial editor at _" "design editor at _" "editorial writer for _" "page headline of _" "weekly sports column for _" "major newspapers like _" "front page of _" "former sports writer for _" "editorial assistant at _" "political correspondent for _" "newspaper such as _" "address is not serviced by _" "Sunday edition of _" "Newspapers such as _" "staff writer for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "foreign correspondent for _" "today’s edition of _" "travel editor of _" "education reporter at _" "editor of _" "assistant sports editor of _" "mainstream newspapers like _" "writer for _" "city editor of _" "beauty editor for _" "leader writer for _" "political editor of _" "recent article in _" "publications like _" "_ 's sister newspaper" "_ buy the paper" "art critic for _" "editorial in _" "senior writer at _" "features editor at _" "newspapers , such as _" "newspaper other than _" "national newspapers like _" "sister publication of _" "dead-tree edition of _" "city desk at _" "columnist for _" "foreign affairs columnist for _" "White House correspondent for _" "such magazines as _" "Friday issue of _" "editorial writer at _" "newspapers such as _" "crime reporter for _" "city editor at _" "current issue of _" "cricket correspondent of _" "weekday edition of _" "Saturday column in _" "national correspondent for _" "features editor of _" "literary magazines like _" "health editor of _" "national newspaper such as _" "front page story in _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "features reporter at _" "Thursday edition of _" "television critic for _" ] using the_sun
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of person:rajiv_chandrasekaran personwrittenaboutinpublication company:the_depository_trust___clearing_corporation__dtcc_ ] using concept:person:rajiv_chandrasekaran
CMC @845 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2014 [ FIRST_WORD=the 6.20859 FULL_POS=DT_NN 3.92716 CHARS 3.72567 SUFFIX=un 2.58105 PREFIX=th 2.26423 SUFFIX=he 2.08990 POS=DT 1.78813 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.27288 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.69593 WORDS -7.77143 ] using the_sun
CMC @920 (100.0%) on 17-apr-2015 [ FIRST_WORD=the 6.18483 FULL_POS=DT_NN 3.35743 SUFFIX=un 2.03102 LAST_WORD=sun 1.87086 LASTSUFFIX=un 1.73357 SUFFIX=he 1.72101 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.15094 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.01657 PREFIX=su -1.08084 WORDS -2.50382 ] using the_sun
MBL @1116 (99.9%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of company:the_daily competeswith company:the_depository_trust___clearing_corporation__dtcc_ ] using concept:company:the_daily
SEAL @137 (50.0%) on 26-jul-2010 [ 1 ] using the_sun
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of monument:daily competeswith company:the_depository_trust___clearing_corporation__dtcc_ ] using concept:monument:daily
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of company:the_depository_trust___clearing_corporation__dtcc_ companyalsoknownas bank:sun_microsystems ] using concept:company:the_depository_trust___clearing_corporation__dtcc_
MBL @1116 (98.4%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of radiostation:new_york competeswith company:the_depository_trust___clearing_corporation__dtcc_ ] using concept:radiostation:new_york
CPL @1100 (92.8%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "sports column for _" "group comparison for _" "newspapers , including _" "page editor of _" "sports writer for _" "columnist at _" "interesting article in _" "_ reported March" "sites like _" "YouGov poll for _" "Washington bureau of _" "article last week in _" "outdoors columnist for _" "magazines such as _" "_ reported Tuesday" "sports section of _" "critic for _" "large media companies such as _" "associate editor at _" "report last week in _" "morning edition of _" "media outlets such as _" "former executive editor of _" "sports editor at _" "investigative reporter for _" "weekly column for _" "mainstream newspapers such as _" "sites such as _" "sports reporter for _" "such newspapers as _" "newspapers like _" "such publications as _" "national newspapers such as _" "fashion reporter for _" "interview last year with _" "magazines like _" "weekly column in _" "managing editor at _" "politics editor of _" "article today in _" "staff photographer for _" "Middle East correspondent of _" "clients such as _" "full-page ad in _" "Sunday editor of _" "East correspondent of _" "city editor for _" "editorial page editor of _" "such periodicals as _" "recent story in _" "editorial pages of _" "page editor at _" "sports editor of _" "_ reported Thursday" "religion reporter at _" "news editor at _" "periodicals such as _" "business editor at _" "columnist with _" "senior editor at _" "deputy editor of _" "Peer group comparison for _" "House correspondent for _" "former editor of _" "_ 's rays" "feature writer for _" "affairs columnist for _" "baseball writer for _" "staff photographer at _" "_ 's iPad" "financial editor at _" "former editor at _" "editorial writer for _" "_ ran an article" "major newspapers like _" "directories such as _" "editorial assistant at _" "political correspondent for _" "Sunday edition of _" "staff writer for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "foreign correspondent for _" "former political editor of _" "education reporter at _" "city editor of _" "companies such as _" "companies , such as _" "leader writer for _" "political editor of _" "recent article in _" "senior writer at _" "features editor at _" "newspapers , such as _" "national newspapers like _" "columnist for _" "foreign affairs columnist for _" "former White House correspondent for _" "White House correspondent for _" "_ reported Monday" "such magazines as _" "editorial writer at _" "newspapers such as _" "nothing new under _" "crime reporter for _" "city editor at _" "Leo is ruled by _" "national correspondent for _" "copyright claim by _" "features editor of _" "reporter at _" "former publisher of _" "Thursday edition of _" "television critic for _" ] using the_sun
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of bank:sun_microsystems companyalsoknownas company:the_depository_trust___clearing_corporation__dtcc_ ] using concept:bank:sun_microsystems
CPL @1096 (92.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "All-Metro selection by _" "sports column for _" "front-page story in _" "group comparison for _" "garden writer for _" "front page headlines in _" "newspapers , including _" "page editor of _" "sports writer for _" "sub-editor at _" "columnist at _" "city room of _" "media column for _" "deputy managing editor of _" "business section of _" "award-winning journalist for _" "YouGov poll for _" "Washington bureau of _" "article last week in _" "outdoors columnist for _" "Sunday editions of _" "Saturday edition of _" "religion column for _" "news assistant for _" "tabloid newspapers such as _" "critic for _" "beat reporter for _" "longtime reporter for _" "Monday editions of _" "_ 's public editor" "report last week in _" "morning edition of _" "executive editor of _" "opinion writer for _" "night editor of _" "gossip section of _" "former executive editor of _" "_ 's beat writer" "sports editor at _" "investigative reporter for _" "mainstream newspapers such as _" "tabloids like _" "page headlines in _" "sports reporter for _" "today’s story in _" "former police reporter for _" "former picture editor of _" "sister paper of _" "such newspapers as _" "former sports editor of _" "female editor of _" "wine correspondent for _" "sports desk of _" "page story in _" "newspapers like _" "political reporter at _" "Monday’s edition of _" "such publications as _" "national newspapers such as _" "fashion reporter for _" "interview last year with _" "daily papers like _" "weekly columns for _" "Food section of _" "gossip column in _" "first editor at _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "night editor at _" "sports copy editor for _" "sports columnist for _" "politics editor of _" "bi-weekly column in _" "article today in _" "todays edition of _" "staff photographer for _" "recent report in _" "recent mention in _" "London correspondent of _" "Middle East correspondent of _" "editorial page at _" "assistant city editor at _" "copy desk at _" "full-page ad in _" "Sunday editor of _" "day’s edition of _" "staff writers for _" "enthusiastic review in _" "community editor at _" "picture editor of _" "music critics from _" "East correspondent of _" "page review in _" "business pages of _" "education column for _" "East correspondent for _" "weekday editions of _" "print journalism at _" "city editor for _" "editorial page editor of _" "senior reporter with _" "recent story in _" "editorial pages of _" "police reporter for _" "_ is the only paper" "daily newspaper after _" "TV critic of _" "comment piece in _" "leader writer of _" "newsroom of _" "page editor at _" "former sports editor at _" "guest column in _" "Monday edition of _" "Middle East correspondent for _" "sports editor of _" "state editor at _" "sportswriter at _" "religion reporter at _" "business editor at _" "columnist with _" "four-month investigation by _" "_ 's editorial page" "Sunday story in _" "Sunday issue of _" "full page ad in _" "page ad in _" "deputy editor of _" "Peer group comparison for _" "House correspondent for _" "news desk at _" "affairs columnist for _" "baseball writer for _" "County edition of _" "YouGov survey for _" "_ sports staff" "British newspapers such as _" "staff photographer at _" "financial editor at _" "former editor at _" "design editor at _" "editorial writer for _" "newspaper like _" "page headline of _" "weekly sports column for _" "_ ran an article" "major newspapers like _" "political correspondent for _" "newspaper such as _" "address is not serviced by _" "Sunday edition of _" "Newspapers such as _" "tabloids , such as _" "staff writer for _" "former editorial page editor of _" "food column in _" "today’s edition of _" "travel editor of _" "education reporter at _" "correspondent of _" "assistant sports editor of _" "mainstream newspapers like _" "assistant news editor at _" "city editor of _" "leader writer for _" "political editor of _" "recent article in _" "June report in _" "_ 's sister newspaper" "art critic for _" "society editor for _" "print edition of _" "_ 's editorial board" "features editor at _" "newspapers , such as _" "page headline in _" "newspaper other than _" "national newspapers like _" "outdoors writer for _" "opinion article in _" "sister publication of _" "dead-tree edition of _" "city desk at _" "columnist for _" "foreign affairs columnist for _" "former White House correspondent for _" "Associated Press article in _" "White House correspondent for _" "_ reported Monday" "editorial writer at _" "Affairs correspondent for _" "newspapers such as _" "crime reporter for _" "city editor at _" "business page of _" "recent series in _" "cricket correspondent of _" "affairs reporter for _" "_ 's opinion pages" "weekday edition of _" "Saturday column in _" "features editor of _" "senior journalist at _" "reporter at _" "first female editor of _" "health editor of _" "football correspondent of _" "national newspaper such as _" "gardening column in _" "front page story in _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "former publisher of _" "features reporter at _" "Thursday edition of _" "sports pages of _" "television critic for _" ] using the_sun
SEAL @179 (96.9%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using the_sun
CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ FIRST_WORD=the 7.34170 SUFFIX=un 3.65620 FULL_POS=DT_NN 3.34412 LASTSUFFIX=un 3.15464 SUFFIX=he 3.13233 LAST_WORD=sun 2.56435 POS=DT 2.47211 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.17676 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.54510 WORDS -9.16851 ] using the_sun
SEAL @177 (99.2%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234567 ] using the_sun
CMC @1048 (99.8%) on 10-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=un 4.82577 SUFFIX=he 4.43406 LAST_WORD=sun 4.22613 PREFIX=th 3.26315 FIRST_WORD=the 3.24799 WORDSHAPE=aaa 2.04952 POS=DT 2.03004 FULL_POS=DT_NN -1.70142 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -2.97878 WORDS -10.16266 ] using the_sun
CPL @1108 (86.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "group comparison for _" "sports writer for _" "_ reported March" "deputy managing editor of _" "sites like _" "Washington bureau of _" "article last week in _" "outdoors columnist for _" "sports editor at _" "such newspapers as _" "political reporter at _" "national newspapers such as _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "sports columnist for _" "politics editor of _" "article today in _" "assistant city editor at _" "copy desk at _" "editorial page editor of _" "recent story in _" "editorial pages of _" "police reporter for _" "page editor at _" "Middle East correspondent for _" "sportswriter at _" "websites such as _" "business editor at _" "destination sites like _" "news outlets such as _" "Peer group comparison for _" "affairs columnist for _" "baseball writer for _" "_ sports staff" "staff photographer at _" "editorial writer for _" "major newspapers like _" "directories such as _" "newspaper such as _" "address is not serviced by _" "Sunday edition of _" "former editorial page editor of _" "travel editor of _" "education reporter at _" "mainstream newspapers like _" "city editor of _" "leader writer for _" "political editor of _" "art critic for _" "features editor at _" "newspapers , such as _" "national newspapers like _" "city desk at _" "foreign affairs columnist for _" "former journalist for _" "White House correspondent for _" "editorial writer at _" "crime reporter for _" "city editor at _" "affairs reporter for _" "national correspondent for _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "television critic for _" ] using the_sun
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (the_sun, daily)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (the_sun, daily)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" ] using (the_daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" ] using (the_sun, the_daily)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" ] using (the_daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" ] using (the_sun, the_daily)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" ] using (the_daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" ] using (the_sun, the_daily)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (the_sun, daily)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (the_sun, daily)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (daily, the_sun)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (the_sun, daily)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (the_sun, daily)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Telegraph or arg2" "arg1 Mirror and arg2" "arg1 Mirror or arg2" "arg1 Mail or arg2" "arg1 Post and arg2" "arg1 Mail and arg2" "arg1 Telegraph and arg2" ] using (daily, the_sun)