CPL @1111 (61.8%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "blood during _" "estrogen levels after _" "consequences of unintended _" "abuse , unwanted _" "effects of premature _" "moms during _" "rise in teen _" "problems during _" "numbers of teen _" "level of unintended _" "high order multiple _" "experts in normal _" "disease , premature _" "interventions during _" "issue of teen _" "intendedness of _" "neural tube defect-affected _" "life transitions such as _" "high rates of teen _" "women with premature _" "increase in teen _" "midwives during _" "antenatal care for _" "infection during _" "levels of unplanned _" "lower rates of teen _" "blood pressure , multiple _" "complications like premature _" "school dropouts , teen _" "mothers dying in _" "rise in unwanted _" "result of premature _" "high risk of multiple _" "_ are normal events" "risk of early _" "incidence of unplanned _" "chances of multiple _" "consequences of unwanted _" "cancer , premature _" "rates of unwanted _" "rates of teen _" "prevention of unplanned _" "mothers after _" "costs of unplanned _" "incidence of adolescent _" "high blood pressure , multiple _" "incidence of out-of-wedlock _" "hazards of multiple _" "stretch marks from _" "hypertension , multiple _" "declines in teen _" "fact , teen _" "women with twin _" "risks of early _" "women before _" "rate of multiple _" "result of unplanned _" "rate of unwanted _" "life changes like _" "birth , multiple _" "weight after _" "women with difficult _" "women during _" "women with singleton _" "women with early _" "women are postponing _" "complications associated with multiple _" "negligence during _" "medical interventions during _" "rate , teen _" "likelihood of multiple _" "costs of unintended _" "failure , premature _" "oil during _" "tube defect-affected _" "risks of twin _" "women achieve _" "rates of adolescent _" "rates of out-of-wedlock _" "medical care during _" "care for normal _" "women with low-risk _" "women planning _" "women after _" "women have successful _" "increase in unintended _" "women with late _" "women with complicated _" "women avoid unwanted _" "_ was twins" "rate of unplanned _" "sex , unwanted _" "history of premature _" "higher rate of multiple _" "life changes , such as _" "consequences of teen _" "cases occur during _" "increased chance of multiple _" "management of premature _" "infertility , premature _" "problem of unplanned _" "percentage of teen _" "rates , teen _" "rate of unintended _" "pain relief during _" "problem of unintended _" "crime , unwanted _" "_ following IVF." "risks of multiple _" "risk during _" "reduction in multiple _" "reduction in unintended _" "rate of out-of-wedlock _" "family history of multiple _" "drop in teen _" "complications during _" "_ produced twins" "pain during _" "incidence of multiple _" "pain killers during _" "lower risk of multiple _" "consequences of premature _" "dropouts , teen _" "dangers of early _" "rates of premarital _" "problems , premature _" "procedure is performed during _" "rates of unplanned _" "bitch during _" "chance of multiple _" "oils during _" "higher risk of multiple _" "incidence of unintended _" "frequency of unwanted _" "incidence of unwanted _" "poverty , teen _" "high rate of multiple _" "postponement of first _" "history of difficult _" "fewer complications during _" "uterus resulting in _" "wantedness of _" "births , multiple _" "mother died during _" "relaxation during _" "rise in early _" "intervention free _" "obesity , premature _" "rate of teen _" "delivery , multiple _" "higher rates of teen _" "care during _" "specialists in high-risk _" "_ following ICSI" "pregnancy , multiple _" "risks associated with multiple _" "skilled care during _" "babies during _" "other women during _" "levels of unintended _" "_ following IVF" "_ was a VBAC" "term singleton _" "rates of unintended _" "rates of twin _" "pregnancy , premature _" "costs of teen _" "complication of multiple _" "decline in adolescent _" "rate of premarital _" "incidence of premature _" "risk of teen _" "prevention of unwanted _" "rate of twin _" "risk of multiple _" "higher order multiple _" "diabetes , multiple _" "risks for multiple _" "medication during _" "incidence of twin _" "high rate of teen _" "occurrences of multiple _" "chances for multiple _" ] using births
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey