CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ CHARS 1.38196 PREFIX=af 1.00557 PREFIX=commi 0.78929 SUFFIX=tee 0.64405 LASTPREFIX=comm 0.63174 SUFFIX=ittee 0.59662 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.59622 POS=NN -0.18047 SUFFIX=te -0.21414 WORDS -1.13793 ] using senate_indian_affairs_committee
CPL @1104 (91.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "testimony before _" "_ hears testimony" "testimony submitted to _" "new chair of _" "field hearing of _" "bipartisan leadership of _" "chair of _" "bill was referred to _" "staff director for _" "vice chair of _" "minority chair of _" "_ is holding a hearing" "deputy staff director for _" "she testified before _" "co-chair of _" "Full Committee Hearing _" "next chairman of _" "testifying before _" "false statement to _" "_ approved Senate Bill" "He testified before _" "minority member of _" "ranking minority member of _" "chairman of _" "chief counsel to _" "false statements to _" "confirmation hearing before _" "_ holds a hearing" "Republican chairman of _" ] using senate_indian_affairs_committee
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1099 (89.2%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "testimony before _" "testimony submitted to _" "new chair of _" "new chairman of _" "field hearing of _" "bill was referred to _" "staff director for _" "minority chair of _" "deputy staff director for _" "she testified before _" "Full Committee Hearing _" "next chairman of _" "testifying before _" "former chairman of _" "He testified before _" "minority member of _" "ranking minority member of _" "vice chairman of _" "chairman of _" "chief counsel to _" "confirmation hearing before _" "Republican chairman of _" ] using senate_indian_affairs_committee