CMC @994 (95.7%) on 12-may-2016 [ PREFIX=coali 0.61157 PREFIX=coal 0.60956 SUFFIX=ition 0.57690 SUFFIX=ion 0.46295 PREFIX=le 0.45015 LASTPREFIX=coali 0.43943 LAST_WORD=coalition 0.43943 POS=NNP -0.21982 POS=VBD -0.46817 WORDS -0.75948 ] using u_s__led_coalition
CPL @1116 (79.1%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "_ drove the Taliban" "_ toppled the Taliban" "_ invaded Iraq" "_ ousted the Taliban regime" "key ally of _" "_ invaded Afghanistan" "_ attacked Iraq" "next leader of _" "armed opposition to _" "disarray within _" "cease-fire agreement between _" "_ occupied Iraq" "_ leaves Iraq" "military action by _" "_ toppled Saddam Hussein" "overwhelming victory of _" "_ ousted the Taliban" "peace talks between _" "air strike by _" "military offensive against _" "member states of _" "staunch member of _" "offensives by _" "insurgency against _" "deputy commander of _" "commander-in-chief of _" ] using u_s__led_coalition
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and NATO troops in arg1" "arg2 forces in Iraq and arg1" "arg2 and NATO forces in arg1" ] using (u_s__led_coalition, afghanistan)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and NATO troops in arg1" "arg2 forces in Iraq and arg1" "arg2 and NATO forces in arg1" ] using (afghanistan, u_s__led_coalition)