CPL @1112 (82.8%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "free trade agreement between _" "parliamentary group of _" "regional groupings such as _" "We also call on _" "agreement brokered by _" "international organizations , including _" "member states of _" "statement calling on _" "Bush urged _" "Treaty establishing _" "member-states of _" "member state of _" "international community , including _" "regional organisations such as _" "other member countries of _" "chair of _" "countries belonging to _" "member countries of _" "Foreign ministers of _" "international organizations such as _" "emergency summit of _" "current Chair of _" "international organisations such as _" "Member countries of _" "international bodies such as _" "Watch calls on _" "organizations , in particular _" "Watch called on _" "Representative to _" "other member states of _" "summit meeting of _" "legal arm of _" "alliance known as _" "States members of _" "member States of _" "members states of _" "blocs such as _" "regional organizations like _" "chairman of _" "regional organizations such as _" "Member states of _" "member nations of _" "regional bodies such as _" "Annan urged _" ] using southern_african_development_community