CPL @1116 (82.7%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "approval stats Average advert is approved in _" "support team is available _" "internet for over _" "air dry for _" "lag of about _" "program runs for _" "reply within _" "parents for over _" "house for over _" "I have spent about _" "_ ' sail" "ship within _" "town about _" "span of over _" "it rest for _" "tour is approximately _" "pdf format within _" "observation period of _" "support is available _" "battle lasted for _" "applications are processed within _" "crisp , about _" "cycle lasts about _" "We were gone for _" "them cool for _" "it had been almost _" "mine for over _" "it lasted for about _" "it soak for _" "receipt within _" "response is received within _" "picture was taken about _" "_ have passed since" "_ ago found this awesome" "average American spends _" "periods (up to _" "it took nearly _" "it stand for _" "operation lasted _" "line in about _" "period not exceeding _" "It takes only about _" "cancellations up to _" "It take about _" "It 's now been _" "It took exactly _" "_ ago Add Friend Send message" "cycle takes about _" "bulk , about _" "business for over _" "event runs for _" "skin for up to _" "initial response within _" "it cook for _" "us know within _" "time is about _" "time of under _" "time is within _" "team is available _" "I spend maybe _" "I 've been up for _" "_ had elapsed from" "_ drive east of" "_ have passed after" "registration closes _" "savings of over _" "course duration is _" "entire process takes about _" "class meets for _" "course of about _" "time in over _" "Service is available _" "I only spent about _" "It normally takes about _" "It took almost _" "It runs for _" "event lasts for _" "he was held for _" "positions for over _" "CareerBuilder Posted about _" "Payment is due within _" "It has been just over _" "They spent about _" "period is about _" "hike takes about _" "office is open _" "it ’s been over _" "license suspended for _" "nose for about _" "new words AppleInsider found _" "_ drive north from" "stats Average advert is approved in _" "town for about _" "travel time is approximately _" "incommunicado for _" "tender , about _" "We spent about _" "I spent only _" "Hot Jobs Posted about _" "I 've been here almost _" "process took about _" "project in about _" "duration is about _" "firefighters about _" "jury deliberated _" "site is approximately _" "_ drive from" "_ have elapsed after" "DDD?F oven for _" "e-mails within _" "email , within _" "simmer for _" "les than _" "pressure for about _" "photo was taken about _" "period exceeding _" "_ notice so" "Suburbs < _" "Moderator Posted _" "Tour is approximately _" "It went on for _" "It only took about _" "non stop for _" "music for over _" "staff is available _" "deposit equal to _" "drive is about _" "emails are answered within _" "time is normally _" "time limit of _" "it only took about _" "medium for about _" "marinate for _" "life of about _" "set for about _" "fan for about _" "flight was delayed by _" "she spends about _" "position for over _" "registration code within _" "quote within _" "offices are open _" "results are available within _" "It 's only been about _" "It has been nearly _" "We 're open _" "R • _" "She passed away _" "_ travelling time" "shop is open _" "infuse for _" "flight is approximately _" "inbox within _" "entire process takes approximately _" "festival lasts _" "_ drive away from" "We waited for about _" "process for about _" "patient died _" "flight time is approximately _" "full payment within _" "e-mail confirmation within _" "flight was delayed for _" "I stayed for about _" "Meat @fakejambands about _" "It typically takes about _" "We sat there for _" "He was detained for _" "It lasts for _" "department is open _" "boat for about _" "dough rest for _" "cancellations made within _" "It has now been over _" "Advert approval stats Average advert is approved in _" "It had been about _" "I fasted for _" "it only lasts _" "it sit for _" "periods exceeding _" "process takes about _" "race in under _" "board for about _" "battery life is about _" "it took close to _" "it dry for _" "_ ago. Posted in" "_ Training Presented in" "course is run over _" "time is approx _" "invoice within _" "he slept for _" "inquiries within _" "seller within _" "request , within _" "_ ago Sponsored by" "period lasts about _" "room temperature up to _" "reservation is cancelled _" "period is normally _" "period of about _" "she spent about _" "It takes approximately _" "Obsessable News Feed found _" "They take about _" "game lasted _" "flight was delayed _" "it set for about _" "it rise for _" "flight is about _" "He spent over _" "It takes on average _" "I work about _" "request within _" "time is just over _" "_ sleep a day" "_ sleep per" "distance of around _" "dough rise for _" "_ drive west of" "it took just over _" "samples were taken _" "town for over _" "they live about _" "life is approximately _" "greenlight given _" "doorstep within _" "box for about _" "_ drive time" "_ had elapsed since" "confirmation email within _" "confirmation within _" "Yahoo! User • _" "It took roughly _" "He spent nearly _" "I only lasted _" "maximum time limit of _" "response time is within _" "profile Made current _" "_ reading time" "lot for about _" "mixture sit for _" "it 's been almost _" "I slept about _" "It only takes about _" "center is open _" "blog for over _" "Lake is only _" "Police within _" "_ ' advance notice" "flight was about _" "DDD-degree oven for _" "Eurosport are covering _" "I spent approximately _" "time period of about _" "touch within _" "turnaround time is about _" "he was detained for _" "orders are processed within _" "me know within _" "fish for about _" "it normally takes about _" "_ has elapsed from" "battle lasted _" "time is usually within _" "trial lasted _" "site Added _" "session lasted _" "record time of _" "mixture was stirred for _" "journey time is _" "It 's been nearly _" "author Advert approval stats Average advert is approved in _" "authorization within _" "air for about _" "I 've spent about _" "I drove about _" "I slept for _" ":D Posted _" "return call within _" "shipment within _" "tour lasted _" "one in about _" "_ ' notice" "solutions for over _" "staff are available _" "timeout is _" "she slept for _" "battery lasts about _" "_ ago Add a comment" "I sat there for _" "We are located _" "It took just over _" "_ sleeping last night" "It has now been about _" "Company within _" "Jobs Posted about _" "tour lasts _" "freezer about _" "he spent about _" "questions are answered within _" "orders shipped within _" "matter of about _" "it cool for _" "GMT + _" "journey time is around _" "hold for over _" "force for over _" "Payment is required within _" "battery lasts up to _" "payment is not made within _" "physician within _" "queries within _" "rural town about _" "pain for over _" "We spent almost _" "It takes around _" "tracking number within _" "delivery time is about _" "control for over _" "ships within _" "_ have elapsed from" "_ ' prior notice" "I have only been here _" "I sleep for _" "E-mail within _" "Blog found _" "_ driving time" "operation took about _" "time of over _" "support requests within _" "It has been exactly _" "She spent about _" "London is approximately _" "I spent maybe _" "process takes around _" "range of up to _" "return authorization within _" "topic Started _" "it has been over _" "User • _" "I slept for about _" "I spent almost _" "I usually ship within _" "cook for about _" "It has been almost _" "It runs for about _" "Finished consuming _" "book I wrote _" "time commitment is _" "trip took about _" "stage for about _" "_ notice before" "battery life of about _" "cancellation is received _" "fight lasted _" "stores are open _" "cancellations made _" "flight takes approximately _" "fire burned for _" "You have approximately _" "It does take about _" "Succulents require v... _" "Tour lasts approximately _" "it only lasted _" "inquiry within _" "He died just _" "We spent nearly _" "Average advert is approved in _" "last logged on _" "orders are delivered within _" "defective product within _" "driving time of _" "confirmation e-mail within _" "trip is about _" "orders are shipped within _" "return email within _" "police custody for _" "accounts for about _" "area in about _" "air for over _" "it has been almost _" "lines are open _" "cancellation is within _" "class is approximately _" "order confirmation within _" "hands for about _" "enquiries within _" "booking up to _" "_ recording time" "duration is approximately _" "account within _" "Flight time is approximately _" "Fans found _" "period is approximately _" "periods as short as _" "period of up to _" "_ ' rest" "Nah Right found _" "trip lasts _" "bank account within _" "course takes about _" "cycle for about _" "project took about _" "greeeeek yogurt about _" "bake for _" "booking within _" "course in under _" "refund within _" "farm about _" "_ ' duration" "I arrived about _" "hearing within _" "facility is open _" "time is estimated at _" "speed for about _" "salted water for _" "He was held for _" "Travel time is approximately _" "hearing lasted _" "he died just _" "period of around _" "it marinate for _" "mixture rest for _" "enquiry within _" "anything for about _" "attention for about _" "We spent over _" "procedure took about _" "course lasting _" "local police within _" "items are shipped within _" "Delivery within _" "Travel time is _" "It usually takes about _" "jury took just _" "I spent about _" "We are open _" "Orders are processed within _" "travel time is _" "we waited about _" "times are about _" "_ have gone by since" "email within _" "cook on low for _" "cancellation within _" "trail takes about _" "course in about _" "it lasted about _" "it lasted for _" "cells were incubated for _" "entire process took about _" "draft-free place for _" "it 's only been about _" ] using n12_hours
CPL @1104 (84.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "approval stats Average advert is approved in _" "application form within _" "support team is available _" "internet for over _" "air dry for _" "lag of about _" "program runs for _" "reply within _" "project takes about _" "house for over _" "fever within _" "I have spent about _" "_ ' sail" "I spend approximately _" "It took just _" "ship within _" "town about _" "span of over _" "it rest for _" "time commitment is approximately _" "tour is approximately _" "pdf format within _" "observation period of _" "questions answered within _" "battle lasted for _" "attack lasted about _" "applications are processed within _" "crisp , about _" "arrest came _" "We respond within _" "Journey time is around _" "I probably spent _" "periods up to _" "orders within _" "campsite about _" "cycle lasts about _" "We were gone for _" "them cool for _" "it had been almost _" "mine for over _" "it lasted for about _" "it soak for _" "gift certificate within _" "receipt within _" "response is received within _" "picture was taken about _" "_ have passed since" "payment method within _" "_ ago found this awesome" "average American spends _" "maximum time of _" "it took nearly _" "operation lasted _" "line in about _" "period not exceeding _" "Time limit is _" "It takes only about _" "cancellations up to _" "It take about _" "It 's now been _" "It took exactly _" "I 'm only about _" "Battery life is about _" "SMARTENUPNAS.COM found _" "Assembly took about _" "_ ' sleep." "_ ago Add Friend Send message" "cycle takes about _" "bulk , about _" "business for over _" "event runs for _" "crew spent _" "skin for up to _" "initial response within _" "it cook for _" "us know within _" "time is about _" "time of under _" "team is available _" "I spend maybe _" "I 've been up for _" "Total time was about _" "_ had elapsed from" "aspirin within _" "_ drive east of" "_ have passed after" "registration closes _" "requests are answered within _" "course duration is _" "entire process takes about _" "class meets for _" "course of about _" "time in over _" "I only spent about _" "Goo Doo Boom found _" "It normally takes about _" "It took almost _" "It runs for _" "event lasts for _" "he was held for _" "positions for over _" "We stayed there for _" "CareerBuilder Posted about _" "Payment is due within _" "It has been just over _" "They spent about _" "period is about _" "hike takes about _" "mail within _" "it ’s been over _" "license suspended for _" "nose for about _" "new words AppleInsider found _" "_ drive north from" "stats Average advert is approved in _" "town for about _" "travel time is approximately _" "incommunicado for _" "tender , about _" "We spent about _" "I spent only _" "It took like _" "Hot Jobs Posted about _" "Agent Wish List Posted _" "I 've been here almost _" "process took about _" "project in about _" "duration is about _" "email requests within _" "firefighters about _" "jury deliberated _" "haha Posted _" "site is approximately _" "_ drive from" "_ have elapsed after" "DDD?F oven for _" "e-mails within _" "email , within _" "custom quote within _" "case for about _" "simmer for _" "les than _" "pressure for about _" "photo was taken about _" "period exceeding _" "plane leaves in _" "meeting lasts about _" "_ notice so" "review within _" "Suburbs < _" "Moderator Posted _" "I spend around _" "Tour is approximately _" "It went on for _" "I was only there for _" "It only took about _" "music for over _" "e-mail address within _" "reason up to _" "staff is available _" "team spent _" "deposit equal to _" "drive is about _" "emails are answered within _" "connecting aircraft within _" "case lasted _" "time is normally _" "time limit of _" "setup took about _" "it only took about _" "medium for about _" "patients died within _" "marinate for _" "life of about _" "set for about _" "hospital within _" "fan for about _" "flight was delayed by _" "position for over _" "registration code within _" "quote within _" "results are available within _" "It 's only been about _" "It has been nearly _" "We 're open _" "Eastern Suburbs < _" "R • _" "She passed away _" "_ travelling time" "infuse for _" "flight is approximately _" "inbox within _" "entire process takes approximately _" "festival lasts _" "first connecting aircraft within _" "_ drive away from" "We waited for about _" "process for about _" "patient died _" "flight time is approximately _" "full payment within _" "e-mail confirmation within _" "flight was delayed for _" "I stayed for about _" "Meat @fakejambands about _" "It typically takes about _" "I also spent about _" "We sat there for _" "He was detained for _" "It lasts for _" "department is open _" "boat for about _" "dough rest for _" "cancellations made within _" "It has now been over _" "Advert approval stats Average advert is approved in _" "It had been about _" "I fasted for _" "decision is made within _" "it only lasts _" "it sit for _" "periods exceeding _" "process takes about _" "race in under _" "board for about _" "battery life is about _" "it took close to _" "it dry for _" "_ ago. Posted in" "_ Training Presented in" "course is run over _" "time is approx _" "invoice within _" "inquiries within _" "seller within _" "request , within _" "_ ago Sponsored by" "period lasts about _" "room temperature up to _" "reservation is cancelled _" "period is normally _" "period of about _" "she spent about _" "It takes approximately _" "Obsessable News Feed found _" "They take about _" "game lasted _" "flight was delayed _" "it set for about _" "it rise for _" "flight is about _" "He spent over _" "It takes on average _" "request within _" "time is just over _" "_ sleep a day" "_ sleep per" "dough rise for _" "_ drive west of" "longer (up to _" "it took just over _" "town for over _" "training is approximately _" "greenlight given _" "doorstep within _" "box for about _" "_ drive time" "_ had elapsed since" "confirmation email within _" "delay exceeds _" "confirmation within _" "simmer , stirring occasionally for _" "Yahoo! User • _" "It took roughly _" "bus ride is about _" "Response within _" "He spent nearly _" "I only lasted _" "maximum time limit of _" "unused product within _" "response time is within _" "profile Made current _" "_ reading time" "meeting lasted approximately _" "mixture sit for _" "it 's been almost _" "I slept about _" "It only takes about _" "Island is about _" "bowel movement within _" "center is open _" "blog for over _" "festival runs for _" "Lake is only _" "Police within _" "_ ' advance notice" "flight was about _" "fleas within _" "DDD-degree oven for _" "Eurosport are covering _" "I spent approximately _" "stay exceeds _" "time period of about _" "touch within _" "tour lasts around _" "turnaround time is about _" "he was detained for _" "orders are processed within _" "me know within _" "lukewarm water for _" "fish for about _" "it normally takes about _" "_ has elapsed from" "battle lasted _" "time is usually within _" "trial lasted _" "site Added _" "session lasted _" "record time of _" "mixture was stirred for _" "journey time is _" "Journey time is about _" "It 's been nearly _" "author Advert approval stats Average advert is approved in _" "authorization within _" "air for about _" "I 've spent about _" "I drove about _" "I slept for _" ":D Posted _" "_ ' driving distance" "return call within _" "shipment within _" "tour lasted _" "_ lead time" "_ ' notice" "staff are available _" "show in about _" "timeout is _" "she slept for _" "battery lasts about _" "_ ago Add a comment" "I sat there for _" "It took just over _" "time was just over _" "morning I spent _" "airport for over _" "GigaOM Network found _" "Plates were incubated for _" "It has now been about _" "Company within _" "Theme Posted _" "Jobs Posted about _" "tour lasts _" "freezer about _" "he spent about _" "questions are answered within _" "orders shipped within _" "matter of about _" "it cool for _" "notice within _" "_ ago Sounds like" "GMT + _" "journey time is around _" "hold for over _" "force for over _" "Payment is required within _" "battery lasts up to _" "payment is not made within _" "queries within _" "rural town about _" "pain for over _" "It only lasts _" "She spends about _" "We spent almost _" "Standard Time is _" "It takes around _" "Orders are normally processed within _" "tracking number within _" "delivery time is about _" "control for over _" "employees up to _" "ships within _" "_ have elapsed from" "it does take about _" "orders are filled within _" "_ ' prior notice" "Flagged Deal posted by bluewave _" "We usually respond within _" "I have only been here _" "I sleep for _" "E-mail within _" "Blog found _" "_ driving time" "operation took about _" "time of over _" "support requests within _" "It has been exactly _" "Students spend approximately _" "She spent about _" "London is approximately _" "I spent maybe _" "process takes around _" "range of up to _" "return authorization within _" "topic Started _" "it has been over _" "User • _" "Puck Daddy found _" "It lasted for _" "I slept for about _" "I spent almost _" "I usually ship within _" "cook for about _" "It has been almost _" "It runs for about _" "Finished consuming _" "book I wrote _" "time commitment is _" "trip took about _" "stage for about _" "_ notice before" "battery life of about _" "cancellation is received _" "fight lasted _" "timeout is set to _" "cancellations made _" "flight takes approximately _" "forecasts out to _" "fire burned for _" "body was found about _" "It does take about _" "RSS Feed found _" "Succulents require v... _" "Tour lasts approximately _" "experiment lasted _" "response within _" "it only lasted _" "inquiry within _" "He died just _" "I got in about _" "Doo Boom found _" "It takes roughly _" "We spent nearly _" "Average advert is approved in _" "I bled for _" "First shared _" "orders are delivered within _" "job takes about" ] using n12_hours
CPL @1113 (97.4%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "reply within _" "it rest for _" "life up to _" "_ have passed since" "period not exceeding _" "business for over _" "course of about _" "time in over _" "It took almost _" "I stayed _" "mail within _" "tender , about _" "We spent about _" "process took about _" "_ drive from" "simmer for _" "It only took about _" "music for over _" "it only took about _" "_ went by before" "It has been nearly _" "boil for _" "_ drive away from" "it sit for _" "_ ago. Posted in" "Coupon Code Details First shared _" "series up to _" "greenlight given _" "_ had elapsed since" "_ reading time" "it 's been almost _" "It only takes about _" "kimeeb shared _" "Eurosport are covering _" "It 's been nearly _" "_ lead time" "_ ' notice" "expense receipts published _" "puppies for _" "many sc... _" "ships within _" "_ driving time" "I spent almost _" "cook for about _" "It has been almost _" "Finished consuming _" "today #fb _" "same today #fb _" "_ ' worth" "orders are shipped within _" "emails within _" "Code Details First shared _" "period of up to _" "_ ' rest" "bake for _" "_ ' duration" "salted water for _" "I spent about _" "_ have gone by since" "email within _" "It has been over _" "call within _" "walk in _" "He then spent _" "_ drive south of" "time is approximately _" "it took almost _" "_ gone by" "_ passed before" "he remained for _" "coat after _" "_ have elapsed since" "_ drive north of" "it only takes about _" "coma for _" "it took about _" "low heat for _" "e-mail within _" "Permalink Posted _" "It takes about _" "cream after _" "company for over _" "I spent over _" "_ ' drive" "page after _" "room temperature for _" "period of over _" "It has now been _" "Member Posted _" "Late Night Meat @fakejambands about _" "vomiting after _" "trip takes about _" "Details First shared _" "? Permalink Posted _" "world for over _" "It 's been almost _" "We met for _" "bird gets _" "warm place for _" "It 's been over _" "_ had passed since" "It 's been about _" "first time in over _" "medium heat for _" "walk after _" "It has been about _" "It took nearly _" "It took about _" ] using n12_hours
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Zealand took arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 Zealand is also arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" ] using (n12_hours, new)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Zealand took arg2" "arg1 Zealand is also arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" ] using (new, n12_hours)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Zealand took arg2" "arg1 Zealand is also arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" ] using (new, n12_hours)