CPL @1114 (67.3%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "full refund up to _" "reply was modified _" "site on average _" "refund up to _" "amendment within _" "_ ' sleep" "period for up to _" "term not exceeding _" "Cancellations made within _" "English Last updated _" "reservations cancelled within _" "gestation period is approximately _" "Gestation period is _" "cancellations received within _" "Flagged Deal posted by bluewave _" "reservation is cancelled _" "period of about _" "book I wrote _" "balance is payable _" "It takes about _" "response duration was _" "_ elapsed between" "authorization within _" "test takes about _" "program was blacklisted over _" "writing within _" "period beginning _" "it 's only been _" "wait time is _" "View profile Made current _" "payment is due _" "market for over _" "one was just alright Added _" "booking is cancelled _" "Cancellations received _" "Deal posted by bluewave _" "items returned after _" "license suspended for _" "profile Made current _" "strike lasted for _" "coma for _" "game in under _" "show runs for _" "loan period is _" "balance is due _" "minimum stay of _" "certification is valid for _" "Flag Flagged Deal posted by bluewave _" "pattern formed over _" "marc published _" "_ have elapsed since" "period of up to _" "period is approximately _" "season lasts _" "gestation period of about _" "notice is received _" "Job expires in _" "process takes about _" "median response duration was _" ] using n91_days
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey