CPL @1107 (98.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "box made of _" "sheet lined with _" "house is made of _" "inch by _" "houses are made of _" "It was made of _" "they were made of _" "flat piece of _" "chocolate cake with _" "_ topped with" "recipe called for _" "recipe calls for _" "baking pan with _" "baking dish with _" "recipe made with _" "large bowl with _" "baking sheet with _" "_ are licensed from" "wok with _" "pan with _" "pudding with _" "skillet with _" "_ ' worth" "natural materials like _" ] using two_layers
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of dense chocolate arg1" "arg2 of rich chocolate arg1" "arg2 of angel food arg1" "arg2 of key lime arg1" "arg2 of carrot arg1" "arg2 of red velvet arg1" "arg2 of devils food arg1" "arg2 of decadent chocolate arg1" "arg2 of soft sponge arg1" "arg2 of sponge arg1" "arg2 of flourless chocolate arg1" "arg2 of moist chocolate arg1" ] using (cake, two_layers)