glossy_black_hair (personalcareitem)
literal strings: glossy black hair
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- visualizableobject(98.8%)
- CPL @1115 (77.9%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ tied back with" "_ tied back in" "woman with long _" ] using glossy_black_hair
- personalcareitem(97.5%)
- LE @1051 (80.9%) on 20-apr-2017
- CPL @1095 (87.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ tied back with" "_ tied back in" "_ dressed high" "_ flowing loose" "_ streamed out behind" "_ plaited with" "_ is tied back with" "_ lay damp" ] using glossy_black_hair
- CMC @1112 (91.1%) on 19-jul-2018 [ PREFIX=ha 1.54972 SUFFIX=air 1.54240 PREFIX=hai 1.46664 SUFFIX=ir 1.32117 POS=JJ 0.93747 LAST_WORD=hair 0.69797 LASTSUFFIX=air 0.65545 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.42681 CHARS -2.59151 WORDS -2.66362 ] using glossy_black_hair