orange_hair (personalcareitem)
literal strings: orange hair
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visualizableobject (98.6%)CPL @1116 (75.8%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "_ tied back in" "_ cropped short" "man with long _" "_ was pulled back in" "girl with long _" "woman with long _" "_ straightening iron" "mop of curly _" "girl with short _" ] using orange_hair
personalcareitem (97.3%)CPL @1095 (76.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "girl with curly _" "_ tied back in" "girl with bright _" "shock of bright _" "_ dye from" "man with bright _" "mane of curly _" "_ dye at" "woman with bright _" "boy with bright _" "girl with spiky _" "woman with curly _" "woman with wild _" "_ straightening iron" "_ dye for" "_ dye after" "mop of curly _" ] using orange_hair CMC @1108 (88.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=hai 1.62658 SUFFIX=air 1.62429 PREFIX=ha 1.41104 SUFFIX=ir 1.37944 POS=JJ 0.69759 LAST_WORD=hair 0.62136 LASTPREFIX=hai 0.57854 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa -0.16826 CHARS -1.63874 WORDS -2.53457 ] using orange_hair