SEAL @180 (99.8%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 123456789 ] using paul_robinson
CPL @1113 (79.0%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "kick taken by _" "_ 's fine strike" "_ gives away a free kick" "persons named _" "_ gets a block" "unfair challenge on _" "kick , save made by _" "clearance made by _" "free kick , save made by _" "Spurs keeper _" "Robinson , see _" "_ 's long clearance" "Bengals running back _" "one-handed save from _" "_ crosses the ball" "post , save by _" "kick taken short by _" "_ concedes a free kick" "fine partnership with _" "rash challenge on _" "kick , save by _" "_ scored a last minute equaliser" "_ fouled by" "_ has a headed effort" "cross is delivered by _" "_ was sent-off" "white paper by _" "kick taken long by _" "_ restarts play" "superb saves by _" "_ 's right wing corner" "_ takes the free kick" "free kick taken by _" "first-half dismissal of _" "Direct free kick taken by _" "_ 's long punt" "_ scored the goals" "other persons named _" "_ takes the emancipated kick" "outstanding saves from _" "Rovers keeper _" "near post , save by _" "season , running back _" "right wing , save by _" "wing , save by _" "Save made by _" "_ was the left-back" "Indirect free kick taken by _" "_ produces a cross" "_ headed a corner" "_ 's knock-down" "cross , save by _" "_ takes a shot" "_ was left unmarked" "red card shown to _" "_ makes a clearance" "_ takes the direct free kick" "_ headed wide from" "kick taken right-footed by _" "_ takes the preside" "other people named _" "penalty save from _" "cross , save made by _" "Goal kick taken long by _" "Indirect free kick taken right-footed by _" "good goalkeeping from _" "_ skippered the side" "_ takes the indirect free kick" "free kick , save by _" "free kick taken right-footed by _" ] using paul_robinson
CMC @736 (100.0%) on 30-may-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=son 3.67826 LASTSUFFIX=on 2.98278 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 2.45781 PREFIX=pau 2.40961 PREFIX=ro 2.39715 PREFIX=rob 2.38602 FULL_POS=NN_NN 2.24159 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.67750 WORDS -2.62564 CHARS -7.80862 ] using paul_robinson