CPL @1109 (72.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "fictional story by _" "_ 's fantasy book" "_ 's fantasy universe" "great writers such as _" "_ 's charming tale" "_ 's beloved story" ":Works by _" "_ 's classic novel" "_ 's classic trilogy" "fantasy writers like _" "_ 's classic tale" "_ 's classic masterpiece" "classic tale by _" "famous books by _" "Favorite authors include _" "_ was a philologist" "Rings trilogy by _" "well-known novel by _" "poets , such as _" "_ stayed several times" "_ 's beloved novel" "original novels by _" "_ 's epic saga" "_ 's classic children" "famous novel by _" "_ 's The Silmarillion" "_ 's Middle Earth" "_ 's Silmarillion" "novel series by _" "_ 's beloved characters" "beloved book by _" "_ quotes -ThinkExist QUOTATIONS" "_ 's beloved classic" "_ 's literary masterpiece" "_ wrote The Lord" "science fiction writers such as _" "Category :Works by _" "fantasy book series written by _" "Hobbit , by _" "landmark novel by _" "_ 's Middle-earth" "fantasy writers such as _" "Jones , see _" "fantasy authors such as _" "_ 's legendarium" "_ 's epic trilogy" "_ 's The Lord" "classic book by _" "_ 's Middle-earth legendarium" "Book Details Written by _" "Descendants of _" "_ 's epic masterpiece" "_ 's classic story" "_ 's fantasy classic" "beloved story by _" "fiction writers such as _" "_ was a devout Catholic" "book series written by _" "_ 's original novel" "book series by _" "_ 's The Hobbit" "fantasy series by _" "_ 's The Fellowship" "fantasy authors like _" "_ 's classic fantasy novel" "_ 's popular children" ] using j_r_r__tolkien
SEAL @229 (100.0%) on 06-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using j_r_r__tolkien
CMC @1080 (99.7%) on 30-nov-2017 [ POS=NNP 1.99393 PREFIX=j. 1.66483 SUFFIX=en 1.52264 SUFFIX=r. 0.79627 SUFFIX=ien 0.61569 LASTSUFFIX=en 0.55966 PREFIX=tol 0.54554 LASTPREFIX=to -0.38687 CHARS -2.64005 WORDS -3.21653 ] using j_r_r__tolkien
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of book:lord_of_the_rings bookwriter female:j_r_r__tolkien ] using concept:book:lord_of_the_rings
SEAL @177 (99.6%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 12345678 ] using j_r_r__tolkien
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of book:the_lord_of_the_rings bookwriter female:j_r_r__tolkien ] using concept:book:the_lord_of_the_rings
MBL @1116 (99.2%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of book:the_hobbit bookwriter female:j_r_r__tolkien ] using concept:book:the_hobbit
CPL @1109 (91.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ 's epic adventure" "_ 's classic novels" "_ 's beloved series" "fictional story by _" "fiction author is _" "_ 's fantasy book" "_ 's fantasy universe" "great writers such as _" "fiction writers include _" "_ 's classic essay" "original story by _" "_ 's charming tale" "writers including _" "fictional writings of _" "_ 's beloved story" "such writers as _" "storytellers such as _" ":Works by _" "_ 's classic work" "_ 's classic novel" "_ 's classic trilogy" "authors such as _" "_ 's best-selling novels" "fantasy writers like _" "_ 's classic tale" "_ 's classic masterpiece" "series , written by _" "_ 's original novels" "_ 's imaginative writing" "classic tale by _" "literary figures , including _" "Christian writers such as _" "Other Writings by _" "favorite authors is _" "_ wrote about in" "famous books by _" "favorite author was _" "authors like _" "_ 's timeless classic" "authors , like _" "_ wrote Lord" "Favorite authors include _" "talented writers such as _" "literary prowess of _" "contemporary authors such as _" "novels by _" "_ was a philologist" "_ quote Similar Quotes" "_ 's novels" "Authors such as _" "_ 's fantastic tale" "favourite author is _" "favorite writers include _" "_ 's original books" "novelists such as _" "original books by _" "Rings trilogy by _" "_ 's epic tale" "writers such as _" "well-known novel by _" "poets , such as _" "such luminaries as _" "_ 's fictional work" "_ 's Ents" "Such authors as _" "magical world created by _" "brilliant writers like _" "great writers like _" "Anything written by _" "_ s Lord" "well-known authors such as _" "great men such as _" "_ stayed several times" "_ 's beloved novel" "_ 's fantasy masterpiece" "_ 's literary creations" "favorite authors including _" "famous series by _" "classic tales by _" "_ 's fantasy epic" "MUSH based on _" "fantasy authors , including _" "original novels by _" "novel by _" "Anything by _" "_ 's epic saga" "_ 's famous books" "_ 's classic children" "writers , like _" "famous novels by _" "famous novel by _" "_ 's LOTR" "_ 's The Silmarillion" "_ 's Middle Earth" "_ 's Silmarillion" "novel series by _" "fantasy novels by _" "unfinished book by _" "_ wrote some books" "_ 's great novel" "_ 's beloved characters" "beloved book by _" "authors including _" "_ quotes -ThinkExist QUOTATIONS" "popular authors including _" "_ 's legendary tale" "_ 's beloved classic" "_ 's epic fantasy" "writers like _" "authors , such as _" "_ 's literary masterpiece" "_ 's short story" "famous authors as _" "Earth edited by _" "_ 's fantasy novel" "_ 's fantasy trilogy" "_ wrote The Lord" "favorite author is _" "science fiction writers such as _" "_ 's world alive" "favourite writer is _" "important writers , including _" "Category :Works by _" "_ 's fantasy series" "_ 's seminal novel" "_ 's Hobbit" "fantasy book series written by _" "Hobbit , by _" "popular novel by _" "poets like _" "landmark novel by _" "novel written by _" "series by _" "_ 's Middle-earth" "Tales , by _" "_ 's masterpiece novel" "_ wrote in On" "best-selling novels by _" "_ 's immortal works" "King , written by _" "fantasy writers such as _" "_ 's classic books" "famous writers , including _" "fantasy authors such as _" "_ was a master storyteller" "_ 's legendarium" "_ 's epic trilogy" "fantastic novel by _" "_ 's The Lord" "classic book by _" "fantasy book written by _" "favourite authors are _" "favourite authors is _" "Hobbit by _" "_ 's brilliant novel" "writers , such as _" "_ 's Middle-earth legendarium" "Book Details Written by _" "_ 's epic masterpiece" "_ 's classic story" "_ 's classic tales" "_ 's fantasy classic" "_ 's original book" "beloved story by _" "_ 's literary classic" "_ 's epic work" "Blog posts mentioning _" "_ 's famous book" "fiction writers such as _" "_ is a masterful storyteller" "book series written by _" "_ 's wonderful novels" "popular novels by _" "recent authors such as _" "same name by _" "renowned authors like _" "original manuscripts by _" "_ 's original novel" "favourite authors include _" "_ was a wonderful writer" "other authors such as _" "other writers , such as _" "book series by _" "poem is by _" "feature-film version of _" "beloved novel by _" "writer named _" "popular fantasy series by _" "favorite authors include _" "_ was an amazing writer" "original book by _" "_ 's The Hobbit" "fantasy series by _" "classic novel by _" "favorite authors are _" "series written by _" "Details Written by _" "_ 's The Fellowship" "_ 's The Children" "_ 's famous trilogy" "trilogy written by _" "_ 's novel" "established authors like _" "_ 's classic book" "_ 's epic fantasy trilogy" "fantasy novel by _" "fantasy authors like _" "_ 's classic fantasy" "_ 's book series" "such famous authors as _" "Tales by _" "_ 's classic fantasy novel" "fantasy trilogy by _" "Other authors , including _" "_ 's epic novel" "literary greats such as _" "writers are probably _" "trilogy by _" "_ 's Middle-Earth" "_ 's popular children" "_ 's fictional universe" "_ 's famous novels" "_ 's beloved book" "modern authors such as _" "such authors as _" "_ 's source novel" "_ 's timeless story" ] using j_r_r__tolkien
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey