Human feedback from bkisiel @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "charles_bronson generalizations personeurope", Action=(+personus) (from NELL.08m.459.SSFeedback.csv) ] using charles_bronson
CMC @793 (100.0%) on 01-dec-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=on 2.65116 LASTSUFFIX=son 2.12572 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaa 1.90431 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.89483 SUFFIX=son 1.43913 POS=NN 1.09978 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.02548 SUFFIX=on -0.30333 CHARS -3.11086 WORDS -4.05840 ] using charles_bronson
SEAL @152 (99.6%) on 27-sep-2010 [ 12345678 ] using charles_bronson
CPL @1107 (92.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "name starring _" "cast including _" "version starring _" "series starring _" "film stars _" "funny childhood memory you have of _" "_ played Danny" "starring none other than _" "stellar cast including _" "actor like _" "cast included _" "adaptation , starring _" "cast includes _" "Other stars include _" "version , starring _" "_ plays a photographer" "hero , played by _" "episode starred _" "western featuring _" "action-thriller starring _" "other persons named _" "guest stars , including _" "film , starring _" "film starred _" "_ plays George" "_ portray in" "excellent performances by _" "action stars _" "various celebrities including _" "pictures starring _" "role was originally offered to _" "such guest stars as _" "extraordinary cast includes _" "actors like _" "stars such as _" "_ 's Filmography" "same title starring _" "persons named _" "stars include _" "great cast includes _" "U.S. named _" "_ was offered the role" "film adaptation , starring _" "expert played by _" "role was offered to _" "_ gives a spectacular performance" "she starred with _" "professional name to _" "Hollywood movie starring _" "action movies starring _" "_ starred as" "movies starring _" "them , played by _" "major stars such as _" "movie , starring _" "He doubled for _" "_ handsigned collectables merchandise" "character played by _" "stranger played by _" "title starring _" "ones starring _" "_ played Father" "same name starring _" "role made famous by _" "favorite actor is _" "childhood memory you have of _" "actors including _" "western starring _" "episode stars _" "stars including _" "movie stars _" "feature , starring _" "_ stars as" "thriller starring _" "newcomer named _" "movie , staring _" "it stars _" "actors such as _" "_ plays the detective" "made-for-TV movie starring _" "film starring _" "guest stars including _" "celebrities including _" "_ was an American actor" "Hollywood actors such as _" "novel starred _" "early performance by _" "_ stars in" "_ is the only actor" "_ plays a cop" "great stars like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "several celebrities including _" "episode also stars _" "movie stars including _" "drama stars _" "cast is headed by _" "original starred _" "_ reprises the role" "_ plays Lt" "movie heroes like _" "movie staring _" "movie posters with _" "movie starring _" "_ played Lt" "film debuts of _" "Death , starring _" "_ 's Quotation" "Sun , starring _" "West starring _" "_ plays an architect" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "movie starred _" "films starring _" ] using charles_bronson
OE @829 (95.5%) on 08-apr-2014 [ ] using charles_bronson