CPL @1103 (88.7%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "I GAINED _" "UPS , depending on _" "I began gaining _" "it collapses under _" "weight , weaning _" "flight at low _" "better , losing _" "They are light in _" "_ bearing element" "_ distributing hitches" "_ bearing wall" "diabetes lose _" "_ reducing pills" "_ lifting program" "_ lifting equipment" "I gaining _" "dieting , losing _" "birth weight , weaning _" "venison hanging _" "order to loose _" "object divided by _" "moms lose _" "it is very light _" "stop smoking , lose _" "base metabolic _" "arguments carry _" "_ lose supplements" "_ lifting with" "trouble gaining _" "I never gained _" "I did n't start losing _" "drop in metabolic _" "fitness , losing _" "_ lifting shoes" "flexes under _" "food lose _" "greater sensation of _" "increase in lean _" "goal is losing _" "_ rated tyres" "high stiffness , low _" "it 's max _" "minimally normal _" "module detects _" "increase in molecular _" "index was calculated as _" "myself gain _" "low cost , light _" "charges are calculated based on _" "height requirements lose _" "Atmospheric pressure is _" "Shipping is calculated based on _" "proper range of _" "quest to loose _" "_ gaining meal" "_ is exerted on" "postage based on _" "_ is the net force" "_ lifting training" "_ is exerted onto" "Air pressure is _" "strength at low _" "she 's gained _" "_ lose supplement" "_ lifting workout" "_ lifting sessions" "constants , like _" "neutrinos have _" "lot of rotational _" "I am still gaining _" "Students measure _" "Priority Mail depending on _" "_ bearing poses" "cell measures _" "date I have lost _" "trend is gaining _" "economy gained _" "something of equal _" "density , mean _" "clients lose _" "pressure , lose _" "patient losing _" "sag under _" "it suddenly feels _" "better , lose _" "equals change in _" "_ bearing activity" "girls gaining _" "liquid is equal to _" "noticeable decrease in _" "maximum safe _" "construction , light _" "carats total _" "bulk density is _" "_ bearing structure" "physical quantities , such as _" "loss , losing _" "small size , low _" "seconds depending on _" "baby is gaining _" "mass creates _" "me gaining _" "_ lose method" "_ lifting plan" "ativan does lose make _" "_ pull harnesses" "rats gained _" "people do lose _" "gym , lose _" "barometer measures _" "_ training exercises" "amount of downward _" "acceleration due to _" "It is light _" "diets , lose _" "Shipping charges are based on _" "she recently lost _" "_ has been lifted off of" "_ lifting exercises" "_ lifting straps" "_ is n't always a problem" "people to loose _" "power at low _" "_ training moves" "loss of initial _" "fit , losing _" "_ lose programs" "_ pushing the plates" "_ reducing programs" "_ lose plan" "low volume , low _" "difficult time losing _" "force is opposed by _" "maximum static _" "They are light _" "I initially lost _" "_ training sets" "average lost _" "groups lost _" "she was gaining _" "shipping charges are determined by _" "stiffness , low _" "strength with minimum _" "velocity divided by _" "wavelength is _" "velocity , constant _" "I have n't gained _" "It is very light in _" "I stopped losing _" "_ bearing exercise" "x-component of _" "weight , gaining _" "worth it 's _" "natural unit of _" "maximum operating _" "_ acting perpendicular" "shipping cost depends on _" "_ being exerted on" "fitness , lose _" "boat loses _" "fat , lose _" "_ reducing mechanism" "views carry _" "_ lifting regime" "_ had been lifted off of" "set point at _" "shape , losing _" "time at full _" "start gaining _" "smooth increase in _" "weight Lose _" "you CAN lose _" "wrestlers lose _" "people of normal _" "_ sensing means" "inches shipping _" "cat lose _" "dieters lose _" "study lost _" "stability , light _" "torque vs. _" "_ bearing through" "safe rate of _" "smoking , losing _" "force is directly related to _" "women of normal _" "you lose _" "resistance proportional to _" "shipping is based on _" "_ bearing activities such" "_ gaining meal plans" "units you use for _" "program lose _" "process has gained _" "_ bearing elements" "body is proportional to _" "_ produces acceleration" "_ lifting supplements" "_ reducing program" "energy proportional to _" "gain nexium _" "force proportional to _" "_ bearing exercises such" "Shipping charges are determined by _" "physical constants such as _" "lot of forward _" "output is proportional to _" "move with great _" "mass is directly proportional to _" "minimum flying _" "motion at low _" "difficulty gaining _" "_ forward floating line" "_ gainer drinks" "_ distributed evenly on" "_ lifting book" "muscles are working against _" "juicer recipe lose _" "I successfully lost _" "popular units of _" "place , losing _" "physical quantity , such as _" "low mass , low _" "_ gaining diets" "time losing _" "speed is proportional to _" "hardness , specific _" "good rate of _" "tension is equal to _" "_ lose medication" "_ lifting schedule" "_ lifting competition" "trouble losing _" "club swing _" "_ gaining steroid" "_ bearing properties" "object of equal _" "volume , light _" "delivery charges are based on _" "energy , lose _" "_ carrying hitch" "recipes to loose _" "sixth power of _" "perpendicular component of _" "_ is DD-DD lbs" "_ are vector quantities" "_ bearing bone" "upward force equal to _" "_ gaining meal plan" "power from low _" "diet , lost _" "decisions Add _" "_ lose goals" "_ lifting machines" "warranty Shipping _" "metric unit of _" "_ lose recipes" "metric unit for _" "changes in lean _" "capacity versus _" "Bulk density is _" "_ training movements" "_ bearing after" "strap distributes _" "diet help you lose _" "concept of relative _" "shipping charges are based on _" "size , light _" "_ training circuit" "Mail , depending on _" "I want lose _" "You did n't gain _" "index added _" "_ reducing devices" "_ lifting techniques" "force is proportional to _" "gravity equals _" "head with such _" "you do n't lose too much _" "_ lifting formula" "I only gained _" "active , losing _" "_ reducing gear" "normal force is _" "Start losing _" "food , lose _" "gravitational acceleration is _" "ground with enough _" "exercise lose _" "it 's rotational _" "increase range of _" "high power at low _" "way to loose _" "speed , increased _" "_ bearing exercises" "fat , losing _" "force is directly proportional to _" "_ lifting information" "air divided by _" "deforms under _" "coefficient of _" "meridia result _" "modest loss of _" "friction is proportional to _" "habits , lose _" "ways to loose _" "structures increased _" "I lost about _" "obese people lose _" "movement at high _" "Loss medication online _" "difficulty losing _" "fluid is equal to _" "_ exerted on" "_ acting down" "amplitude proportional to _" "average gained _" "_ was exerted on" "stiffness with low _" "power , high _" "resistance is proportional to _" "control group lost _" "diet lost _" "reduction in molecular _" "overweight people lose _" "others , lose _" "I began losing _" "They are very light _" "height , current _" "overweight , lose _" "car at full _" "I even gained _" "I 'm still losing _" "handling charges are based on _" "function of atomic _" "_ lifting cycle" "_ lose pills" "_ watcher recipes" "checkout based on _" "I have n't lost much _" "speed , light _" "Convert units of _" "strength is proportional to _" "use of excessive _" "you successfully lose _" "speed , maximum _" "thrust at low _" "spring is proportional to _" "_ bearing tolerance" "high speed , low _" "help losing _" "kinetic energy associated with _" "loads at low _" "you gain too much _" "weight fast lose _" "weight is proportional to _" "output signal proportional to _" "facts gaining _" "voltage signal proportional to _" "_ lifting before" "I keep gaining _" "I kept gaining _" "parts are by _" "object is directly proportional to _" "height / _" "lower center of _" "index was _" "constant sliding _" "_ gaining cycle" "weight loss , lose _" "y-component of _" "pressure overcomes _" "opinions carry _" "rate is proportional to _" "_ is the newton" "_ lifting regimen" "_ is a scalar quantity" "object of unknown _" "it is very light in _" "_ bearing joint" "initial drop in _" "diet Losing _" "dieters lost _" "durability , light _" "diet I lost _" "differences in molecular _" "cost , light _" "back with such _" "body weight , lean _" "harder time losing _" "sensor calculates _" "many patients lose _" "machine lose _" "it collapsed under _" "kinetic energy depends on _" "_ lifting programs" "_ lifting machine" "help you lose _" "healthier , lose _" "maximum strength with minimum _" "it gains enough _" "increase in fluid _" "increases lean _" "object with enough _" "fat loss , lose _" "_ is a vector quantity" "_ watches dinners" "disease , lose _" "I did n't gain _" "I have actually lost _" "bodies gain _" "normal walking _" "orrico gained _" "obesity lose _" "mass determine _" "Freight charges are based on _" "_ bearing movements" "_ lifting routine" "_ is being exerted on" "weight average molecular _" "weight is equal to _" "time with equal _" "velocity , low _" "costs are calculated based on _" "cholesterol , losing _" "direction opposing _" "opinion carried _" "day lose _" "i 've gained _" "they are very light _" "_ lifting routines" "smoking , lose _" "atomic number , atomic _" "_ watcher points" "_ bearing function" "_ affects gravity" "I have finally lost _" "Good luck losing _" "_ lose diets" "_ losing pills" "xenical lose _" "you are n't gaining _" "specific gravity is _" "she is gaining _" "mass is related to _" "loss , lose _" "women d" ] using weight
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and fasting plasma arg1" "arg2 manage blood arg1" "arg2 and controlling your blood arg1" "arg2 and control your blood arg1" "arg2 management and blood arg1" "arg2 by inhibiting the movement of arg1" "arg2 and fasting blood arg1" "arg2 upon blood arg1" ] using (glucose, weight)
OE @806 (93.7%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (sugar, weight)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is keeping blood arg1" "arg2 balance blood arg1" "arg2 from eating too much arg1" "arg2 and managing blood arg1" "arg2 on blood arg1" "arg2 and controlling blood arg1" "arg2 and fasting blood arg1" "arg2 by stopping the movement of arg1" "arg2 and manage blood arg1" "arg2 and stabilize your blood arg1" "arg2 by controlling blood arg1" "arg2 to keep her blood arg1" "arg2 and control their blood arg1" "arg2 and control your blood arg1" "arg2 Keep your blood arg1" "arg2 Keeping your blood arg1" "arg2 and controlling your blood arg1" "arg2 and balance blood arg1" "arg2 and have your blood arg1" ] using (sugar, weight)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 intake to keep your arg2" "arg1 intake so that your arg2" "arg1 intake to control arg2" ] using (calorie, weight)