CPL @1099 (64.1%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "walls draped with _" "new buds on _" "forest of ancient _" "garden overgrown with _" "_ growing below" "_ covered trail" "_ make great fillers" "weeds , such as _" "soft leaves of _" "plant creeping _" "he also planted _" "thick canopy of _" "_ covered pergola" "thick stems of _" "_ is an evergreen plant" "evergreens such as _" "_ leaves fall" "evergreens , such as _" "extracts such as _" "large wreath of _" "pergola covered in _" "ornamentals such as _" "_ covered stones" "_ covered tree" "_ covered rock" "houseplants such as _" "_ covered arbors" "flowers such as _" "driveway lined with _" "sprig of fresh _" "Leaves of _" "It was overgrown with _" "healthy stand of _" "greenery including _" "silk topiary _" "leaf falls from _" "_ leaves shade" "evergreens , including _" "Plants such as _" "non-native plants such as _" "leaves of common _" "roses , wild _" "bouquets of _" "class planted _" "shiny leaves of _" "thick mat of _" "ornamental plants like _" "trees covered in _" "thick growths of _" "ground cover such as _" "few stems of _" "individual stems of _" "few pots of _" "thick trunk of _" "root system of _" "_ embroidered along" "_ are good plants" "roses , climbing _" "festoons of _" "Certain plants such as _" "foliage plants like _" "plants like _" "other plants like _" "weeds such as _" "wreath of white _" "hardy variety of _" "it was completely overgrown with _" "_ was a sacred plant" "planetary influences , is _" "perennials like _" "caterpillar feeds on _" "roses , green _" "plants , like _" "_ are planted along" "_ covered trees" "path overgrown with _" "beautiful trailing _" "_ is often grown in" "_ leaves upon" "_ was planted along" "_ are beautifully arranged in" "aerial portions of _" "ferns , wild _" "rootlets of _" "_ grew next" "_ covered archways" "_ leaves across" "plants , including _" "roses accented with _" "vegetation such as _" "_ covered stone" "tender leaves of _" "_ leaves against" "_ covered slope" "garden plants such as _" "large stand of _" "invasive plants such as _" "garden was filled with _" "flower buds of _" "ground covers such as _" "growth of invasive _" "ground cover , such as _" "_ is a hardy plant" "_ are vigorous growers" "_ draped trees" "I transplanted _" "selection of artificial _" "plants , such as _" "road overgrown with _" "houses adorned with _" "plants such as _" "leaves such as _" "Trees like _" "perennials include _" "seed raised _" "yellow leaves of _" "trees , vibrant _" "flora is dominated by _" "vines such as _" "few leaves of _" "dense growth of _" "Pythium root rot on _" "weeds like _" "_ Use the botanical name" "vines , such as _" "small sprigs of _" "good stand of _" "removal of invasive _" "middle notes are _" "noxious weeds such as _" "poisonous plants such as _" "thick growth of _" "thick clumps of _" "foliage plants such as _" "_ lined walkway" "smaller plants such as _" "ground covers like _" "plant related to _" "Plants , such as _" "he helped plant _" "invasive plants , such as _" "wreaths made of _" "tender shoots of _" "species of true _" "nectar from _" "masses of wild _" "_ covered gazebo" "_ covered boulders" "dense beds of _" "invasive species like _" "_ covered stump" "wind whispers in _" "leaves Of _" "Wholesale grower of _" "weeds including _" "_ leaves over" "botanical extracts of _" "_ are popular flowers" "bouquet of _" "flowers including _" "woody stems of _" "shrubs , potted _" "different cultivars of _" "Spider mites on _" "_ be planted at" "sprigs of _" "evergreen leaves of _" "soft wood , like _" "fresh sprig of _" "wreathes of _" "mixed planting of _" "invasive plants like _" "clusters of pale _" "evergreen plants like _" "botanicals including _" "spray of fresh _" "plants , climbing _" "_ covered courtyard" "_ 's root system" "_ dies back in" "leaves of _" "ruins covered with _" "invasives such as _" "stands of invasive _" "_ is an evergreen" "_ planted outdoors" "ornamental plants such as _" "small bouquet of _" "_ covered arbor" "foliage , such as _" "perennial plants , such as _" "invasive species such as _" "waxy leaves of _" "tolerant plants such as _" "volunteers planted _" "dense mat of _" "vegetation , such as _" "wreath of fresh _" "rocks overgrown with _" "caterpillars feeding on _" "_ are also poisonous" "shrubs such as _" "ruins overgrown with _" "plants , hanging _" "stem cuttings from _" "sprig of _" "_ lined streets" "plants called _" "plants other than _" "vines , climbing _" "evergreens like _" "we pruned _" "blooms including _" "young shoots of _" "flowerheads of _" "weeds , overgrown _" "sprigs of fresh _" "evergreen trees like _" "herbs such as _" "flower stalks of _" "house plants such as _" "we start planting _" "trellis covered with _" "weeds , like _" "wreaths made from _" "it is overgrown with _" "green plants such as _" "they are growing like _" "plant extracts of _" "_ filled garden" "_ grows best on" "_ grows all year" "flowers , such as _" "vase of _" "vines , including _" "woodland is dominated by _" "_ lined canals" "mound covered in _" "flowers , climbing _" "garden was overgrown with _" "perennial plants such as _" "_ potted in" "greenhouse production of _" "garlands of _" "window boxes overflowing with _" "_ covered trellis" ] using ivy
MBL @794 (96.9%) on 08-dec-2013 [ Promotion of fruit:ivy plantincludeplant grain:trees ]
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cedar arg1" "arg2 and oak arg1" "arg2 and cypress arg1" "arg2 and lichen on arg1" "arg2 and fir arg1" "arg2 and pine arg1" ] using (trees, ivy)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey