SEAL @340 (100.0%) on 09-jul-2011 [ 1234 ] using mimosa
CPL @1111 (52.4%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "_ attract hummingbirds" "Such plants include _" "thick groves of _" "sprig of _" "_ is a native plant" "huge forest of _" "_ is a nitrogen fixer" "bouquet of _" "plants , including _" "exotic plants such as _" "leaves such as _" "_ is an astringent" "tropical plants including _" "_ lined streets" "Heart notes of _" "low branch of _" "areas grow _" "blooms such as _" "sprigs of _" "florals like _" "plants , such as _" "exotic plants , including _" "plants such as _" "floral notes of _" "Dense stands of _" "leaf disease of _" "blossoms including _" "They also feed on _" "purple leaved _" "tree species , like _" "beautiful bouquet of _" "bark such as _" "flowers such as _" "_ blooming along" "shrubs , including _" "small twig of _" "little grove of _" "grove of _" "trees such as _" "Plants , such as _" "small bouquet of _" "leaves of _" "native range of _" "floral note of _" "Fusarium wilt of _" "flowers , such as _" "house shaded by _" "florals including _" "heart is composed of _" "bunches of yellow _" "_ grew beside" "poppies , yellow _" "plants like _" "thick growth of _" "plant related to _" "Scientific name for _" "tree , also known as _" "trees include _" "yellow flowers such as _" "native trees , such as _" "various plants including _" "herbal substitutes for _" "posies of _" "exotic species such as _" "shrubs include _" "middle notes are _" "weeds such as _" "rose , white _" "flowers are yellow _" "exotic plants , such as _" "flowering plants are _" "_ filled garden" "dense growth of _" "heart notes of _" "yellow flowers of _" "floral heart of _" "weeds like _" ] using mimosa
MBL @671 (100.0%) on 19-dec-2012 [ Promotion of plant:mimosa plantincludeplant grain:trees ]
CPL @1108 (99.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 and horse chestnut arg1" "arg2 and poplar arg1" "arg2 and locust arg1" "arg2 and willow arg1" "arg2 and deciduous arg1" "arg2 and eucalyptus arg1" "arg2 and pine arg1" "arg2 and other leguminous arg1" "arg2 and honeylocust arg1" "arg2 and magnolia arg1" ] using (trees, mimosa)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and horse chestnut arg2" "arg1 and carob arg2" "arg1 and poplar arg2" "arg1 and willow arg2" "arg1 and chestnut arg2" "arg1 and honeylocust arg2" "arg1 and magnolia arg2" ] using (mimosa, trees)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" ] using (mimosa, trees)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey