CMC @773 (99.8%) on 29-sep-2013 [ SUFFIX=rass 2.15746 SUFFIX=ass 1.51205 LASTSUFFIX=rass 1.42265 SUFFIX=ss 1.33657 LASTSUFFIX=ass 1.31097 LASTSUFFIX=ss 1.21812 SUFFIX=grass 0.63198 POS=NN -0.90759 CHARS -1.22767 WORDS -2.22460 ] using sweetgrass
OE @823 (87.6%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using sweetgrass
CPL @1107 (68.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "large stand of _" "I transplanted _" "botanicals including _" "mass plantings of _" "wild stands of _" "purple blooms of _" "plants , like _" "grasses , such as _" "plants like _" "plants , such as _" "Herbs such as _" "other herbs such as _" "botanicals such as _" "blade of _" "plant commonly known as _" "plant species , including _" "sprig of _" "_ grows primarily in" "botanical names for _" "herbs , such as _" "_ does not grow well in" "garlands of _" "solid stands of _" "botanical name for _" "herbs such as _" "scent of wild _" "baskets woven from _" ] using sweetgrass
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey