CPL @1115 (68.8%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "Director appointed by _" "Executive Committee led by _" "Cindy serves as _" "CEO reports to _" "various leadership positions , including _" "woman was elected _" "first woman elected _" "officials headed by _" "Weber has been _" "she had previously served as _" "unanimous election as _" "Sports , was _" "Board members appointed by _" "Stone has served as _" "first term as _" "officers , consisting of _" "Williams was elected _" "consecutive term as _" "current serves as _" "ceremony was also addressed by _" "statement was delivered by _" "_ is elected by" "Roger served as _" "Officers other than _" "Schwartz serves as _" "Nancy has served as _" "York , was appointed _" "minutes signed by _" "He has recently been appointed as _" "Special Representative of _" "She has served as _" "Executive Board is comprised of _" "good standing appointed by _" "field , having served as _" "Kelly was appointed _" "Club , serving as _" "places set by _" "decision submitted by _" "Nooyi is _" "Gore served as _" "Archbishop Desmond Tutu was _" "Kathy also serves as _" "written notification addressed to _" "Commission is headed by _" "Chairperson is appointed by _" "community having served as _" "Carter was elected _" "Susan serves as _" "Young currently serves as _" "own officers , including _" "delegation was welcomed by _" "public members as _" "resignation is received by _" "They were welcomed there by _" "Tina served as _" "_ resumed the Chair" "time she also served as _" "He has served as _" "Clerk also serves as _" "He is also past _" "Officer acts as _" "Perez served as _" "Directors are appointed by _" "appointment as _" "_ 's Welcome Welcome" "manner decided by _" "Perform such other duties as _" "local community serving as _" "judge , former _" "position of elected _" "Committee nominated by _" "Alumni Association , serving as _" "Kennedy was elected _" "Other positions held include _" "more terms as _" "Chairman appoints _" "She served as first _" "immediate election of _" "executive board consists of _" "poll is demanded by _" "he was inaugurated _" "Association is headed by _" "Director is appointed by _" "Mc Gowan is _" "_ 's Appreciation Award" "Jeff served as _" "decision is signed by _" "Deputy Commissioner is _" "Nancy currently serves as _" "Finance Committee consisting of _" "additional signature of _" "he got elected _" "numerous capacities including _" "leader , was named _" "notice addressed to _" "Board delegates to _" "Grant serves as _" "nominating committee appointed by _" "bearers including _" "him elected _" "Wilson was elected _" "Assembly is chaired by _" "individuals have served as _" "She was also elected _" "Tribunal consisting of _" "Meeting elects _" "other designee of _" "he was unanimously elected as _" "high-level officials , including _" "officer positions include _" "first official act as _" "General Assembly requested _" "Amy has served as _" "He is also National _" "_ 's Merit Award" "She served as _" "statement was also made by _" "_ thanked the Secretary" "she served as _" "Assembly elects _" "third term as _" "law is signed by _" "Vincent serves as _" "Director , became _" "Commission is appointed by _" "meeting was headed by _" "own number as _" "written resignation with _" "third consecutive term as _" "member named by _" "official action as _" "Mike currently serves as _" "Directors comprising _" "Assembly requested _" "Hunt has served as _" "Tribal Council consists of _" "_ directed the secretary" "temporary incapacity of _" "designee , serves as _" "agencies , serving as _" "Superintendent serves as _" "I served as _" "Directors , comprising _" "Council chaired by _" "Diane has served as _" "Roosevelt was elected _" "Committee is convened by _" "_ 's Office" "Assistant serves as _" "respondent , to _" "Office reports to _" "Council also requested _" "Members are appointed by _" "such additional duties as _" "Governors consists of _" "editor is appointed by _" "ex-officio members are _" "Senate appointed by _" "members are appointed by _" "sympathizer as _" "member , was elected _" "last address as _" "Robbins has served as _" "counter-signed by _" "party nomination for _" "person is appointed as _" "He simultaneously served as _" "Directors designates _" "audit was forwarded to _" "_ being the Minister" "further term as _" "accession with _" "Smith is appointed _" "Administrator is responsible to _" "I recently served as _" "I have served as _" "Wilson elected _" "_ exercises the powers" "President automatically becomes _" "Smith has also served as _" "He is replaced as _" "nominee for _" "official , appointed by _" "party were welcomed by _" "_ is the principal executive officer" "delegate appointed by _" "President becomes _" "Board serving as _" "Wood was elected _" "Howe was elected _" "Executive Director is appointed by _" "organizations , serving as _" "organizations , having served as _" "_ called a short recess" "_ 's Special Envoy" "officers , other than _" "meeting , appoint _" "Edwards was elected _" "Karen serves as _" "I am also involved as _" "He has served as past _" "Board comprises of _" "George was elected _" "(election of _" "Council is headed by _" "Bureau is composed of _" "election as new _" "standing appointed by _" "such other form as _" "Podesta is _" "_ elected at-large" "time be assigned to _" "Lieutenant Governor serves as _" "May serves as _" "Nancy serves as _" "_ informed the General Assembly" "Executive Board comprises _" "Chairperson , appointed by _" "Mills was elected _" "Manager also serves as _" "He currently also serves as _" "joint signatures of _" "Bhutto was elected _" "Directors headed by _" "District Collector is _" "He also served as _" "General Meeting elects _" "welcome speech by _" "member appointed _" "Harris has served as _" "Bell was elected _" "successful terms as _" "_ 's Council meeting" "Jones was elected _" "Society , serving as _" "Short has been _" "Hall was appointed _" "other form as _" "several senior positions , including _" "woman elected _" "_ 's Message President" "Jury is composed of _" "voucher signed by _" "_ is appointed by" "board is headed by _" "McLean served as _" "Association serving as _" "_ chairs the meetings" "reign as _" "hand addressed to _" "manual signature of _" "committee members appointed by _" "Board are appointed by _" "notification addressed to _" "_ also presides at" "fourth term as _" "two-year term as _" "he was re-appointed _" "Representative of _" "She was also previously _" "other such duties as _" "term served as _" "simple majority vote with _" "gavel used by _" ] using chairperson
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should identify a faculty arg2" "arg1 will meet with the faculty arg2" "arg1 will be a faculty arg2" "arg1 and supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 and the supervising faculty arg2" "arg1 or staff arg2" ] using (chairperson, member)