CPL @1099 (90.0%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "luminaries as former _" "VP debate between _" "McCain’s pick of _" "historic nomination of _" "John McCain picking _" "_ 's DD-year-old daughter Bristol" "_ 's Yahoo email account" "leaders including former _" "visit from former _" "John McCain chose _" "Republicans , including former _" "McCain picks _" "John McCain selected _" "_ signed a bill" "presidential candidacy of _" "McCain chooses _" "McCain’s choice of _" "John McCain named _" "coverage of former _" "John McCain chooses _" "_ criticized Barack Obama" "McCain introduced _" "VP pick of _" "contenders , former _" "endorsement of former _" "surprise choice of _" "aide to former _" "vice presidential debate between _" "John McCain tapped _" "_ 's Yahoo e-mail account" "John McCain’s choice of _" "John McCain’s selection of _" "_ accepts the Republican nomination" "_ 's personal e-mail account" "_ 's convention speech" "McCain chose _" "McCain had selected _" "_ took office" "running mate of _" "presidential debate between _" "McCain choice of _" "John McCain has selected _" "McCain choosing _" "_ 's daughter Bristol" "_ 's pregnant daughter" "McCain picked _" "McCain has chosen _" "figures , including former _" "_ speaks during" "McCain selected _" "Republicans like _" "endorsement by former _" "speech from former _" "figures like former _" "_ is not the first woman" "McCain tapped _" "_ signed into" "documentary on former _" "_ was named John McCain" "_ 's administration" "McCain’s selection of _" "McCain picking _" "softball interview with _" "McCain named _" "McCain has picked _" "John McCain has chosen _" "keynote speech by former _" "_ 's speech last night" "_ visited Iowa" "_ 's vice presidential candidacy" "_ 's private e-mail account" "John McCain picked _" "John McCain has picked _" "McCain has selected _" "presidential candidate , former _" "campaign , former _" "speech by former _" "sexist attacks against _" "John McCain introduced _" "John McCain picks _" "candidates , including former _" "backing of former _" "_ pardoned a turkey" "_ 's speech Wednesday night" "_ wins the White House" "McCain selection of _" "DD-year-old daughter of former _" "Presidential candidacy of _" "vice presidential debate with _" ] using alaska_gov__sarah_palin
CPL @1115 (89.3%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "luminaries as former _" "VP debate between _" "McCain’s pick of _" "John McCain picking _" "_ 's DD-year-old daughter Bristol" "_ 's Yahoo email account" "leaders including former _" "visit from former _" "John McCain chose _" "McCain picks _" "John McCain selected _" "presidential candidacy of _" "McCain chooses _" "McCain’s choice of _" "John McCain named _" "John McCain chooses _" "VP pick of _" "endorsement of former _" "surprise choice of _" "aide to former _" "vice presidential debate between _" "John McCain tapped _" "_ 's Yahoo e-mail account" "John McCain’s choice of _" "John McCain’s selection of _" "_ accepts the Republican nomination" "_ 's convention speech" "McCain chose _" "McCain had selected _" "_ took office" "presidential debate between _" "John McCain has selected _" "McCain choosing _" "_ 's daughter Bristol" "_ 's pregnant daughter" "McCain picked _" "McCain has chosen _" "figures , including former _" "_ speaks during" "McCain selected _" "endorsement by former _" "speech from former _" "figures like former _" "_ is not the first woman" "McCain tapped _" "_ signed into" "documentary on former _" "_ was named John McCain" "_ 's administration" "McCain’s selection of _" "McCain picking _" "softball interview with _" "McCain named _" "McCain has picked _" "John McCain has chosen _" "keynote speech by former _" "_ 's speech last night" "_ visited Iowa" "_ 's vice presidential candidacy" "_ 's private e-mail account" "John McCain picked _" "John McCain has picked _" "McCain has selected _" "presidential candidate , former _" "speech by former _" "sexist attacks against _" "John McCain introduced _" "John McCain picks _" "candidates , including former _" "backing of former _" "_ pardoned a turkey" "_ 's speech Wednesday night" "McCain selection of _" "Presidential candidacy of _" "vice presidential debate with _" ] using alaska_gov__sarah_palin
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 was chosen by John arg2" "arg1 was announced as John arg2" "arg1 was named John arg2" "arg1 and Republican presidential candidate John arg2" ] using (alaska_gov__sarah_palin, mccain)
OE @809 (90.1%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (mccain, alaska_gov__sarah_palin)
CPL @1097 (98.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 was chosen by John arg1" "arg2 was announced as John arg1" "arg2 to be John arg1" "arg2 as Senator John arg1" "arg2 was named John arg1" "arg2 and Republican presidential candidate John arg1" ] using (mccain, alaska_gov__sarah_palin)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and his running mate arg1" "arg2 announced his choice of arg1" "arg2 for president and arg1" ] using (alaska_gov__sarah_palin, sen__john_mccain)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and his running mate arg1" "arg2 announced his choice of arg1" "arg2 for president and arg1" ] using (alaska_gov__sarah_palin, sen__john_mccain)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has picked arg2" "arg1 and his running mate arg2" "arg1 announced his choice of arg2" ] using (sen__john_mccain, alaska_gov__sarah_palin)