CPL @1114 (61.6%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "_ 's second election" "such Senators as _" "Republican candidate like _" "potential candidates like _" "_ 's surprising win" "_ is a solid conservative" "candidate like _" "_ 's national security experience" "Senators like _" "primary contest with _" "_ is the only Republican" "realist like _" "Obama picked _" "_ 's presidential ambitions" "_ leaves office" "_ is a true conservative" "_ 's Senate seat" "candidates like _" "conservatives like _" "_ 's potential candidacy" "_ is a real conservative" "_ signed the Senate Intelligence Committee unanimous report" "_ 's former company" "political leaders like _" "_ is a RINO" "_ is leaving the Senate" "_ 's Senate colleagues" "conservative like _" "_ 's private accounts" "_ win the Republican nomination" "_ is a social conservative" "Republican leaders , including _" "_ is still a Republican" "_ 's Republican colleagues" "_ is no Ron Paul" "_ 's first Senate campaign" "Republicans like _" "_ is not a libertarian" "senators such as _" "_ is a Republican Senator" "moderates like _" "_ first ran for" "_ were the GOP nominee" ] using hagel
CPL @664 (99.6%) on 30-nov-2012 [ "arg2 Biden and Senator arg1" "arg2 McCain or Senator arg1" "arg2 Levin and Senator arg1" "arg1 decided to run for arg2" "arg2 Dodd and Senator arg1" "arg2 Feinstein and Senator arg1" "arg2 Warner and Senator arg1" "arg2 McCain and arg1" ] using (hagel, senator)
CPL @215 (99.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ "arg2 Snowe and arg1" "arg2 Schumer and arg1" "arg2 Feinstein and arg1" "arg2 Voinovich and arg1" "arg2 Murkowski and arg1" "arg2 Dorgan and arg1" "arg2 Leahy and arg1" "arg2 Daschle and arg1" "arg2 Grassley and arg1" "arg2 Harkin and arg1" ] using (hagel, senators)
SEAL @189 (50.0%) on 15-jan-2011 [ 1 ] using (hagel, senators)
CPL @664 (99.6%) on 30-nov-2012 [ "arg2 Biden and Senator arg1" "arg2 McCain or Senator arg1" "arg2 Levin and Senator arg1" "arg1 decided to run for arg2" "arg2 Dodd and Senator arg1" "arg2 Feinstein and Senator arg1" "arg2 Warner and Senator arg1" "arg2 McCain and arg1" ] using (hagel, senator)