CPL @1109 (81.4%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ is no Dan Quayle" "senators such as _" "_ Also tagged in" "_ is the junior senator" "Republicans such as _" "presidential hopes of _" "Republicans like _" "Republican senators such as _" "seat now held by _" "_ 's Senate campaign" "Republican senators like _" "S.DDD Sponsored by _" "_ 's re-election campaign" "U.S. named _" "Senate candidates like _" "McCain choose _" "other Republicans , including _" "presidential candidates like _" "senators like _" ] using john_thune
CMC @713 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2013 [ PREFIX=jo 2.70024 FIRST_WORD=john 2.39563 SUFFIX=hn 1.88843 SUFFIX=ohn 1.87219 PREFIX=joh 1.65991 PREFIX=th 1.20359 LASTPREFIX=th 0.52924 SUFFIX=ne -0.27861 CHARS -1.15056 WORDS -2.22427 ] using john_thune
LE @1046 (60.6%) on 31-mar-2017
CPL @1098 (84.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ is no Dan Quayle" "senators such as _" "_ Also tagged in" "_ is the junior senator" "_ endorses Mitt Romney" "Republicans such as _" "_ 's campaign manager" "DDD-vote victory over _" "presidential hopes of _" "Republicans like _" "Republican senators such as _" "seat now held by _" "significant lead over _" "_ 's Senate campaign" "_ is the Republican Senator" "Republican senators like _" "S.DDD Sponsored by _" "U.S. named _" "candidates like _" "Senate candidates like _" "candidate like _" "McCain choose _" "other Republicans , including _" "presidential candidates like _" "senators like _" ] using john_thune
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of male:john_thune politicianrepresentslocation geopoliticallocation:south_dakota ]
CPL @1107 (80.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ is no Dan Quayle" "senators such as _" "_ is an empty suit" "_ Also tagged in" "_ is the junior senator" "Republicans such as _" "_ is now ahead in" "_ 's campaign manager" "re-election bid to _" "DDD-vote victory over _" "candidacy of _" "_ is a well-spoken" "presidential hopes of _" "_ 's campaign office" "Republican senators such as _" "seat now held by _" "_ 's Senate campaign" "senators , including _" "Republican senators like _" "S.DDD Sponsored by _" "_ 's re-election campaign" "U.S. named _" "candidates like _" "Senate candidates like _" "candidate like _" "McCain choose _" "_ 's new ad" "presidential candidates like _" "senators like _" "_ is pulling ahead in" ] using john_thune
SEAL @9 (96.9%) on 13-jan-2010 [ 12345 ] using john_thune