CMC @755 (99.9%) on 29-jul-2013 [ SUFFIX=ct 3.08269 PREFIX=ac 2.49003 LAST_WORD=act 2.44227 LASTSUFFIX=ct 1.53518 SUFFIX=tion 1.21067 LASTPREFIX=ac 1.13658 SUFFIX=ion 0.76846 WORDS -0.48311 CHARS -0.60797 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.68705 ] using anti_injunction_act
SEAL @754 (51.0%) on 24-jul-2013 [ 1 ] using anti_injunction_act
CPL @1098 (97.6%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "it is illegal under _" "complaint pursuant to _" "challenge under _" "federal law known as _" "statutes such as _" "law called _" "pursuant to _" "action is barred by _" "statute called _" "explicit terms of _" "injunctive relief pursuant to _" "plaintiff under _" "literal language of _" "Court had interpreted _" "law , known as _" "_ is a federal law" "provisions of _" "Congress passed _" "legislation , known as _" "jurisdiction pursuant to _" "suit was barred by _" "jurisdiction under _" "mandate under _" "statutes , such as _" "Court interpreted _" "action was barred by _" "IRS pursuant to _" "relief pursuant to _" "courts under _" "tax under _" "injunctive relief under _" "federal statute called _" "federal law , known as _" "claims are barred by _" "federal law called _" "_ prohibits a person" "review under _" "order violated _" "relief under _" ] using anti_injunction_act