CMC @535 (100.0%) on 20-mar-2012 [ SUFFIX=ct 6.16538 PREFIX=ac 4.98005 LAST_WORD=act 4.88453 LASTSUFFIX=ct 3.07036 LASTPREFIX=ac 2.27316 PREFIX=cons 0.84860 PREFIX=con 0.68800 WORDS -0.96622 CHARS -1.15194 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.45500 ] using consumer_fraud_act
SEAL @505 (50.0%) on 08-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using consumer_fraud_act
CPL @1108 (90.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "protections afforded under _" "defendant violated _" "legislative intent behind _" "attorneys fees under _" "federal statutes including _" "defendants had violated _" "action brought under _" "dispute under _" "jury trial under _" "civil action under _" "separate violation of _" "damages under _" "fees under _" "claim under _" "cases interpreting _" "action under _" "case brought under _" "duty under _" "deceptive conduct under _" "future violations of _" "counterclaim under _" "alleged violations of _" "remedies under _" "affirmative defense under _" "County pursuant to _" "obligations under _" "broker under _" "provisions of _" "it violated _" "defendants violated _" "pursuant to _" "remedies available under _" "potential liability under _" "statutes including _" "relief under _" "attorney fees under _" "willful violations of _" "se violation of _" "penalty pursuant to _" "treble damages under _" "disclosure obligations under _" "alleged violation of _" "contractor violated _" "verdict under _" "se violations of _" "claims under _" "lawsuits under _" "practice violates _" "regulations under _" "subpoenas under _" "provisions under _" "statutes under _" "civil penalties under _" "punitive damages under _" "relief pursuant to _" "rights under _" "class actions under _" "multiple violations of _" "statutes such as _" ] using consumer_fraud_act