CPL @1103 (95.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "definition contained in _" "action brought under _" "liability provisions of _" "duty under _" "consumer rights under _" "potential liability under _" "regulations under _" "criminal offence under _" "provisions of _" "s.DD of _" "offence under _" "provisions under _" "rights you have under _" "action under _" "It is illegal under _" "Claims under _" "liability arising under _" "offences under _" "sentence under _" "statutory duty under _" "damages under _" "legal action under _" "services pursuant to _" "maximum sentence under _" "rights under _" "pursuant to _" "claim under _" ] using consumer_protection_act_1987
CMC @1058 (99.9%) on 16-may-2017 [ SUFFIX=ct 3.08269 PREFIX=ac 2.49003 SUFFIX=tion 1.21067 POS=CD 0.97563 SUFFIX=ion 0.76846 SUFFIX=ction 0.66720 LASTPREFIX=19 0.57329 WORDS -0.64414 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.68705 CHARS -0.89595 ] using consumer_protection_act_1987