CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=claus 2.18518 PREFIX=clau 2.11836 SUFFIX=use 1.89857 SUFFIX=lause 1.52613 SUFFIX=ause 1.49152 LASTPREFIX=claus 1.47536 LASTPREFIX=clau 1.46788 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa -1.07073 POS=NN -1.57528 WORDS -4.21481 ] using due_process_clause
CPL @1094 (98.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "constitutional rights under _" "finding under _" "City violated _" "court violated _" "claim under _" "liberty protected by _" "personal jurisdiction pursuant to _" "tax violated _" "Act violated _" "pursuant to _" "liberty under _" "challenge under _" "interest protected by _" "statute violated _" "statutes under _" "action violated _" "full extent permitted by _" "policy violated _" "action under _" "ordinance violated _" "extent permitted by _" "rights under _" "jurisdiction pursuant to _" "constitutional right under _" "liberty interest under _" "it violated _" "claim arising under _" "award violates _" "right guaranteed by _" "notice requirements of _" "violative of _" "property interest protected by _" "proceedings under _" "vagueness under _" "laws violate _" "decision under _" "liberty interest protected by _" ] using due_process_clause