CMC @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ct 3.96931 LAST_WORD=act 3.86716 PREFIX=ac 3.85081 LASTSUFFIX=ct 3.13794 LASTPREFIX=ac 1.85326 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.99613 FIRST_WORD=federal 0.81259 PREFIX=cont -0.70580 WORDS -0.82989 CHARS -2.68192 ] using federal_controlled_substances_act
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "relief provisions of _" "_ contains an exception" "pertinent provisions of _" "pursuant to _" "regulations under _" "Act violate _" "criminal charges under _" "authority under _" "they violated _" "provisions of _" "laws are preempted by _" "prosecution under _" "controlled substance under _" "offenses under _" "contravention of _" "Congress enacted _" "U.S. Congress enacted _" "misdemeanor under _" "legislative history of _" "regulations implementing _" "place pursuant to _" "_ authorizes the Attorney General" "felony violation of _" "law violates _" "misdemeanors under _" ] using federal_controlled_substances_act