CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ DDD( a )(" "tax-exempt organization under _" "private foundation under _" "charitable contributions under _" "tax exempt status under _" "tax deductible under _" "non-profit organization under _" "charity under _" "deduction under _" "exempt status under _" "organization organized under _" "tax-exempt non-profit organization under _" "tax exempt under _" "tax exemption under _" "public charity under _" "public charities under _" "tax-exemption under _" "federal taxation under _" "tax benefits under _" "organization exempt under _" "tax exempt organization under _" "profit organization under _" "legislation amends _" "tax under _" "exempt organization under _" "pursuant to _" "organization described in _" "organizations described in _" "exemption under _" "tax treatment under _" "fair dealing under _" "income tax under _" "provisions under _" "nonprofit organization under _" "limitations under _" "tax-exempt organizations under _" "deductible contributions under _" "ruling under _" "business expense under _" "provisions of _" "charitable organization under _" "federal income tax under _" "_ DDD( n" "tax-exempt status under _" ] using irs_section