SEAL @505 (93.8%) on 08-feb-2012 [ 1234 ] using mental_health_act
CPL @1109 (87.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "amendment under _" "hearings under _" "regulations made under _" "recent amendment to _" "rights under _" "statement under _" "mandate under _" "obligation under _" "_ governs the collection" "Service pursuant to _" "offence under _" "tribunal established under _" "magistrate under _" "Recent amendments to _" "powers granted under _" "Proposed Amendments to _" "independent body established under _" "Orders under _" "procedural requirements of _" "assessment under _" "powers enshrined in _" "statutory duties under _" "authority under _" "regulations under _" "law called _" "issues arising under _" "statutory body established under _" "certain rights under _" "criteria contained in _" "prosecution under _" "statutory responsibilities under _" "Act was replaced by _" "order pursuant to _" "Tribunals under _" "authorisation under _" "legislative requirements under _" "claim under _" "rights conferred by _" "local authority under _" "legal rights under _" "order made under _" "various provisions of _" "warrant issued under _" "procedures are governed by _" "confidentiality provisions of _" "procedures pursuant to _" "legal responsibilities under _" "liberty under _" "Amendments to _" "body established under _" "offences under _" "provisions of _" "proceedings under _" "notifications referred to in _" "s.D of _" "Congress passed _" "assessments under _" "action under _" "rights are protected under _" "criminal offences under _" "implications under _" "powers under _" "obligations under _" "pursuant to _" "protections under _" "legislations such as _" "central provisions of _" "protections guaranteed under _" "provisions under _" "contravention of _" "deportation under _" "courts under _" "review under _" ] using mental_health_act