n1996_welfare_reform_act (politicsbill)
literal strings: 1996 Welfare Reform Act , 1996-welfare-reform-act , 1996 welfare reform act
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politicsbill (100.0%)CPL @1108 (90.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "federal law , including _" "provisions of _" "reauthorization of _" "Congress passed _" "Act , better known as _" "provision included in _" ] using n1996_welfare_reform_act CMC @533 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2012 [ PREFIX=ac 2.79319 SUFFIX=ct 2.69636 LAST_WORD=act 2.67535 LASTSUFFIX=ct 2.39029 LASTPREFIX=ac 1.98565 POS=CD 1.73998 PREFIX=re 0.92945 POS=NN -1.09931 CHARS -1.31243 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -3.84922 ] using n1996_welfare_reform_act SEAL @505 (96.9%) on 08-feb-2012 [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] using n1996_welfare_reform_act